Manuscripts in Preparation and Review
Nyelele, C., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D.J. (2021), A comparison of tree planting prioritization frameworks: i-Tree Landscape vs Spatial Decision Support Tool. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, resubmitted March 2022.
Mowafy, M.H., Kroll, C.N., and Vogel, R.M. (2021). A graphical FDC-based non-parametric hydrologic alteration test.Hydrological Science Journal, submitted May 2022.
Wan, T., Covert, B.H., Kroll, C.N., and Ferguson, C.R. (2021). An assessment of the National Water Models ability to reproduce drought series in the Northeastern United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology, resubmitted May 2022.
Salas, J.D., Kroll, C.N., Cancelliere, A., Bonifacio, F., Raynal, J.A. and Lee, R.R. (2019). Low Flows and Droughts, Chapter 8 of Statistical Analysis of Hydrologic Variables: Methods and Applications, eds. Teegavarapu, R.S.V., Salas, J.D., and Stedinger, J.R., American Society of Civil Engineering.
Laaha, G., Hisdal, H., Kroll, C.N., van Lanen, H.A.J., Sauquet, E., Tallaksen, L.M., Woods, R., and Young, A. (2013). Prediction of low flows at ungauged basins, Ch. 8 of Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis across Processes, Places and Scales, eds. Bloschl, G., M. Sivapalan, T. Wagener, and A. Viglione, Cambridge University Press, pp. 163-188.
Kroll, C.N., Modeling recession curves and low streamflows, in Part 11: Rainfall-Runoff Modelling, Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, M.G. Anderson editor, 2004.
Refereed Publications
Nyelele, C., and Kroll, C.N. (2021). A multi-objective decision support framework to prioritize tree planting locations in urban areas, Landscape and Urban Planning,
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (2021). On the need for streamflow drought frequency guidelines in the US, Water Policy,
Lin, J., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D.J. (2021). An uncertainty framework for i-Tree Eco: A comparative study of 15 cities across the United States, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, https://doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127062.
Nyelele, C. and Kroll, C.N. (2020). The equity of urban forest ecosystem services and benefits in the Bronx, NY, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,
Vogel, R.M. and Kroll, C.N. (2020). A comparison of estimators of the conditional mean under non-stationary conditions, Advances in Water Resources,
Lin, J., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D.J. (2020). Ecosystem service-based sensitivity analyses of i-Tree Eco, Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 46(4):287-306.
Hecht, J.S., Vogel, R.M., McManamay, R.A., Kroll, C.N., and Reed, J.M. (2020). Decision trees for hypothesis tests of hydrologic alteration for hydropower-ecosystems tradeoffs, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 14, 6(5),
Lin, J., Kroll, C.N., Nowak, D.J. and Greenfield, E.J. (2019). A review of urban forest modeling: implications for management and future research, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 43,
Bhatti, S.J., Kroll, C.N. and Vogel, R.M. (2019). Another look at the probability distribution of low streamflow series in the United States, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(10),
Nyelele, C., Kroll, C.N. and Nowak, D.J. (2019). Present and future ecosystem services of trees in the Bronx, NY, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 42, 10-20,
Roodsari, B.K., Chandler, D.G., Kelleher, C. and Kroll, C.N. (2018). A comparison of SAC-SMA and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System for real-time flood forecasting in small urban catchments, Journal of Flood Risk Management,
Stagnitta, T. J., Kroll, C. N., Zhang, Z. (2018). A comparison of methods for low streamflow estimation from spot measurements, Hydrologic Processes, 32(4), 480-492.
Bodnaruk, E. W., Kroll, C. N., Yang, Y., Hirabayashi, S., Nowak, D. J., and Endreny, T. A. (2017). Where to plant urban trees? A spatially explicit methodology to explore ecosystem service tradeoffs, Landscape and Urban Planning, 157, 457-467.
Allaire, M.C., Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (2015). The hydromorphology of an urbanizing watershed using multivariate elasticity, Advances in Water Resources, 86, 147-154.
Kroll, C.N., Croteau, K.E. and Vogel, R.M. (2015). Hypothesis tests for hydrologic alteration, Journal of Hydrology, 530, 117-126.
Thomas, B.F., Vogel, R.M., Kroll, C.N., and Famiglietti, J.S. (2013). Estimation of the base flow recession constant under human interference, Water Resources Research, 49(11), 7366-7379, doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20532.
Kroll, C.N., and Song, P. (2013). Impact of multicollinearity on small sample hydrologic regression models, Water Resources Research, 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20315.
Matonse, A.H., and Kroll, C.N. (2013). Applying hillslope-storage models to simulate low streamflow at a watershed scale, Journal of Hydrology, 494, 20-31.
Tao, W., Shi, S., and Kroll, C.N. (2013). Influences of Wood Preservation, Lumber Size, and Weather on Field Leaching of Red Pine Lumber, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 296-304, doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.05.006.
Cabaraban, M.T.I., Kroll, C.N., Hirabayashi, S., and Nowak, D.J. (2013). Modeling of air pollutant removal by dry deposition to urban trees using a WRF/CMAQ/i-Tree Eco coupled system, Environmental Pollution, 176, 123-133.
Hirabayashi, S., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D.J. (2012). Development of a distributed air pollutant dry deposition modeling framework, Environmental Pollution 171, 9–17.
Hirabayashi, S., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D.J. (2011). Component-based development and sensitivity analyses of an air pollutant dry deposition
model, Environmental Modeling and Software, 26(6), 804-816.
Lyons, R.P., Kroll, C.N., and Scholz, C.A. (2011). An energy-balance hydrologic model for the Lake Malawi Rift Basin, East Africa, Global and Planetary Change, 75(1-2), 83-97.
Gao, Y, Vogel, R.M., Kroll, C.N., Poff, N.L., and Olden, J.D. (2009). Development of representative indicators of hydrologic alteration, Journal of Hydrology, 374, 136-147.
Matonse, A.H., and Kroll, C.N. (2008). Simulating low streamflows with hillslope-storage models, Water Resources Research, 45, W01407, doi:10.1029/2007WR006529.
Zhang, Z., and Kroll, C.N. (2007). The baseflow correlation method with multiple gauged sites, Journal of Hydrology, 347(3-4), 371-380.
Zhang, Z., and Kroll, C.N. (2007). A Closer Look at Baseflow Correlation, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 12(2): 190-196.
Wechsler, S.P., and Kroll, C.N. (2006). Quantifying DEM Uncertainty And Its Effect On Topographic Parameters, ASPRS Journal, 72(9): 1081-1090.
Hirabayashi, S, and Kroll, C.N. (2006). Automating regional descriptive statistic computations for environmental modeling, Computers & Geosciences, 33(4): 457-464.
Kroll, C.N., Luz , J.G., Allen, T.B., and Vogel, R.M. (2004). Developing a watershed characteristics database to improve low streamflow prediction, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 9(2): 116-125.
Kroll, C.N., and Vogel, R.M. (2003). Closure to "Probability Distribution of Low Streamflow Series in the United States" by Charles N. Kroll and Richard M. Vogel, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 8(5): 297-298.
Reilly, C.F., and Kroll, C.N. (2003). Estimation of 7-day, 10-year low-streamflow statistics using baseflow correlation, Water Resource Research, 39(9): 1236.
Douglas, E.M., Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (2002). Impact of streamflow persistence on hydrologic design, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 7(3): 220-227.
Kroll, C.N. and Vogel, R.M. (2002). The probability distribution of low streamflow series in the United States, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 7(2): 137-146.
Welsch, D.L., Kroll, C.N., McDonnell, J.J., and Burns, D.A. (2001). Topographic controls on the chemistry of subsurface stormflow, Hydrologic Processes, 15(10): 1925-1937.
Douglas, E.M., Vogel R.M., and Kroll C.N. (2000). Trends in floods and low flows in the United States: impact of spatial correlation, Journal Of Hydrology, 240(1-2): 90-105.
Kroll, C.N., and Stedinger, J.R. (1999). Development of Regional Regression Relationships with Censored Data, Water Resources Research, 35(3): 775-784.
Kroll, C.N., and Stedinger, J.R. (1998). Generalized Least Squares Regression Procedures Revisited, Water Resources Research, 34(1): 121-128.
Kroll, C.N., and Stedinger, J.R. (1996). Estimation of Distributional Moments and Quantiles for Censored Data, Water Resources Research, 32(4): 1005-1012.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (1996). Estimation of Baseflow Recession Constants, Water Resources Management, 10: 303-320.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (1992). Regional Geohydrologic-Geomorphic Relationships for the Estimation of Low-Flow Statistics, Water Resources Research, 28(9): 2451-2458.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (1991). The Value of Streamflow Record Augmentation Procedures In Low-Flow and Flood-Flow Frequency Analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 125: 259-276.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (1990). Generalized Low-Flow Frequency Relationships For Ungaged Sites, Water Resources Bulletin, 26(2): 241-253.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N. (1989). Low Flow Frequency Analysis Using Probability Plot Correlation Coefficients, Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management, 115(3): 338-357.
Non-Refereed Publications
Song, P, and Kroll, C.N. (2011). The Impact of Multicollinearity on Hydrologic Regional
Regression Models, EWRI Proceedings, Palm Springs, CA, 2011.
Hirabayashi, S., Kroll, C.N., and Nowak, D. (2011). Urban Forest Effects-Dry Deposition
(UFORE-D),, 20Model%20Descriptions%20V1%201.pdf.
Ng, M, Vogel, R.M, and Kroll, C.N. (2010). Multivariate Non-stationary Stochastic
Streamflow Models for Two Urban Watersheds, EWRI, Environmental and Water Resources
Congress, May 2010, Providence, R.I.
Laaha, G., Saquet, E., Hisdal, H., Kroll, C.N., van Lanen, H.A.J., Tallaksen, L.M., and Woods, R. (2010). FRIEND’s contribution to the PUB Benchmark Assessment Report on low flow estimation. In: Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources (Proc. of the Sixth World FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, October 2010), IAHS Publ. 340, 54-60.
Kroll, C.N., and Vogel, R.M., A National Assessment of Low-Streamflow Estimation Using a Physically Based Statistical Methodology: A Review of Recent Findings and New Directions, in proceedings of the 2002 ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) conference, Roanoke, Virginia, May 2002.
Reilly, C.F., and Kroll, C.N., Estimation of Low Flow Frequency Using Cross Correlation of Baseflow Measurements, in proceedings of the 2002 ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) conference, Roanoke, Virginia, May 2002.
Luz, J.G., and Kroll, C.N., Principal Component Analysis Used for Interpreting Watershed Characteristics for Using in Low Flow Studies, in proceedings of the 2002 ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) conference, Roanoke, Virginia, May 2002.
Allen, T.B., and Kroll, C.N., Effect of Spatial Data Resolution on the Ability of Regional Regression Models to Estimate Low-Flow Statistics, in proceedings of the 2002 ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) conference, Roanoke, Virginia, May 2002.
Douglas, E.M., Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N., Impact of Streamflow Persistence on Hydrologic Design, in proceedings of the 2001 ASCE World Water Congress, Orlando, Florida, May 2001.
Kroll, C.N., and Luz, J.G., and Vogel, R.M., Development of a Watershed Characteristic Database: Investigating Improvements in Low Streamflow Prediction, in proceedings of the 2001 ASCE World Water Congress, Orlando, Florida, May 2001.
Kroll, C. N., and Stedinger, J.R., Low-Flow Frequency Analysis with Censored Data, Proceeding of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 1994.
Vogel, R.M., and Kroll, C.N., Estimation of Baseflow Recession Constants, Recent Advances in the Modeling of Hydrologic Systems, D.S. Bowles and P.E. O'Connell, eds., D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1989.
Vogel, R.M., Kroll, C.N., and Driscoll, K.M., Regional Geohydrologic-Geomorphic Relationships For The Estimation of Low-Flows, Proceeding of the International Conference on Channel Flow and Catchment Runoff, Charlottesville, VA, May 1989.
Gilbert, D.G., Hassett, J.M., and Kroll, C.N., An Operational Model of the Seneca River Section of the New York State Canal System, prepared for the New York State Canal Corporation, Syracuse, New York, June 2001.
Kroll, C.N., An Economic Analysis of Disinfection Alternatives at the Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Plant, prepared for the Ithaca Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ithaca, New York, January 1998.