Faculty Profile
Stewart Diemont
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Biology
460 Illick Hall
Office: 460 Illick Hall
Lab: 221 Illick Hall
- Department of Environmental Biology
- Graduate Program in Environmental Science
- Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
- Restoration Science Center
- ESF Honors Program
Selected Publications
*Falkowski, T.B., Chankin, A., Lehmann, J., Drinkwater, L.E., Diemont, S.A. and Nigh, R., 2023. Socioecological effects of swidden management in traditional Maya agroforests in the Selva Lacandona of Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management, 341, p.118035.
*Pérez-Volkow, L., Diemont, S.A., Selfa, T., Morales, H. and Casas, A., 2023. From rainforest to table: Lacandon Maya women are critical to diversify landscapes and diets in Lacanjá Chansayab, Mexico. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(1), pp.259-275.
*Falkowski, T.B., Jorgensen, B., Rakow, D.A., *Das, A., Diemont, S.A., Selfa, T. and *Arrington, A.B., 2022. “Connecting With Good People and Good Plants”: Community Gardener Experiences in New York State During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, p.229.
*Peréz Volkow, L., Chank'in, A., Diemont, S. A. W., 2022. Chan nikté visita a sus abuelos. El Colegio de La Frontera Sur Press.
*Garcia Polo, J., Diemont, S. A. W., Armas, S. M., & Mora, M., 2022. Monitoreo de las condiciones ecológicas y la vegetación nativa en la región litoral del Lago Atitlán Guatemala usando sensore remotos. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, 42, 37-46.
Diemont, S. A. W., Soto-Pinto, L., & Jimenez-Ferrer, G., 2021. An overview of agroforestry and its relevance in the Mexican Context. North American Agroforestry, 521-541. Springer, Cham.
*Falkowski, T. B., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. Cultural Ecosystem Services in Agroforests. Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services, 361-387. Springer, Cham.
*Mokashi, S. A., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. Access denied: understanding the relationship between women and sacred forests in Western India. Oryx, 55(6), 827-834.
*Garcia-Polo, J., *Falkowski, T. B., *Mokashi, S.A., *Law, E.P., *Fix, A. J., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. Restoring ecosystems and eating them too: guidance from agroecology for sustainability. Restoration Ecology, 29(8), e13509.
*Falkowski, T.B., J.R. Vázquez Pérez, A. Chankin, A. Campos, J. L. Rangel Salazar, J. B. Cohen, S.AW. Diemont, 2020. Assessing avian diversity and community composition along a successional gradient in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests, Biotropica, 52(6), pp.1242-1252.
*Law, E.P., *E. Arnow, S.A.W. Diemont, 2020. Ecosystem services from old-fields: Effects of site preparation and harvesting on restoration and productivity of traditional food plants, Ecological Engineering, 158, p.105999.
*Falkowski, T.B., A. Chankin, S.A.W. Diemont, 2020. Successional changes in vegetation and litter structure in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests. Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems, 44(6): 747-767.
*Bunge, A., S.AW. Diemont, J.A. Bunge., S. Harris, S., 2019. Urban foraging for food security and sovereignty: quantifying edible forest yield in Syracuse, New York using four common fruit-and nut-producing street tree species. Journal of Urban Ecology, 5(1), p.juy028.
Diemont, S.A.W., T. Toland, 2019. Urban Design toward More Holistic Systems: Improving Discipline Integration and Sustainability Evaluation In: M. Hall, S. Balogh (eds.) Understanding Urban Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach. Springer.
*Falkowski, T.B., D. Douterlungne, A. Chankin, S.A.W. Diemont, 2018. Effects of five Lacandon Maya agroforestry trees on soil nematode trophic group composition and successional dynamics. Agroforestry Systems, doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-0330-7.
*Law, E.P., S.A.W. Diemont, T. Toland, 2017. A sustainability comparison of green infrastructure interventions using emergy evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production 145: 374–385.
*Hamberg, L.J., S. Findlay, K.E. Limburg, S.A.W. Diemont, 2017. Herbivory and post-storm sediment burial as mechanisms of loss for Vallisneria americana in the Hudson River. Restoration Ecology doi:10.1111/rec.12477.
*Arrington, A., S.A.W. Diemont, C. Phillips, E. Welty, 2017. Demographic and landscape-level urban foraging trends in the United States derived from web and mobile app usage, Urban Ecology, accepted with minor revision, in press.
*Falkowski, T.B., S.A.W. Diemont, A. Chankin, D.R. Douterlungne, 2016. Lacandon Maya traditional ecological knowledge and rainforest restoration: Soil fertility beneath six agroforestry system trees. Ecological Engineering 92: 210-217.
*Nava-Lopez, M., S.A.W. Diemont, M. Hall, V. Avila-Akerberg, 2016. Riparian buffer zone and whole watershed influences on river water quality: Implications for ecosystem services near megacities. Environmental Processes 3(2): 277-305.
*Barlet, N.T., S.A.W. Diemont, M.A. Teece, K.L. Schulz, 2015. Emergent microbial food webs in ecological treatment systems for wastewater: Insight from stable carbon isotopes. Ecological Engineering, 62-71.
*Falkowski, T.B., *I. Martinez-Bautista, S.A.W. Diemont, 2015. How valuable could traditional ecological knowledge education be for a resource-limited future?: An emergy evaluation in two Mexican villages. Ecological Modelling 300: 40-49.
Beutel, M. W., S.A.W. Diemont, D. Reinhold, 2015. The 13th annual conference of the American ecological engineering society: Ecological engineering and the dawn of the 21st century. Ecological Engineering 78: 1-5.
Nigh, R., S.A.W. Diemont, 2014. The Mayan milpa: Fire and the legacy of living soil. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: e45–e54.
*Bohn, J., S.A.W. Diemont, J. Gibbs, S. Stehman, and J. Mendoza 2014. Implications of Mayan forest restoration and subsistence agriculture for biodiversity conservation in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Agroforestry Systems 88: 269-285.
Ferguson, B.G., S.A.W. Diemont, †R. Alfaro, J.F. Martin, J.N. Toral, J.D. Álvarez Solís, 2013. Sustainability of holistic and conventional cattle ranching in the seasonally dry tropics of Chiapas, Mexico. Agricultural Systems 120: 38-48.
*Lin, H., S.A.W. Diemont, T. Toland, D. Daley, W. Tao, D. Johnson, 2013. Vermifiltration ecological treatment for the re-use of food waste digestate. Water Environment Research 85(11): 2184-2193.
Endreny, T. A., S.A.W. Diemont, 2012. Methods for assessing stormwater management at archaeological sites: Copan Ruins case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 39(8): 2637-2642.
Cheng, K., S.A.W. Diemont, and A.P. Drew, 2011. Role of tao (Belotia mexicana) in traditional 2Lacandon Maya shifting cultivation. Agroforestry systems 82(3): 331-336.
Diemont, S.A.W., *J. Bohn, *D. Rayome, *S. Kelsen, and †K.Cheng, 2011. Comparisons of Mayan forest management, restoration, and conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 261(10): 1696-1705.
Martin, J.F., E. Roy, S.A.W. Diemont, and B.G. Ferguson, 2010. Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK): Ideas, inspiration, and designs for ecological engineering. Ecological Engineering 36: 839-849.
†Alfaro, R., S.A.W. Diemont, B.G. Ferguson, J.F. Martin, J. Nahed, D. Álvarez, and R. Pinto Ruíz, 2010. Steps toward sustainable ranching: An emergy evaluation of conventional and holistic management in Chiapas, Mexico. Agricultural Systems 103(9): 639-646.
Diemont, S.A.W., T.J. Lawrence, and T.A. Endreny, 2010. Envisioning ecological engineering education: An international survey of the educational and professional community. Ecological Engineering 36: 570-578.
Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, 2009. Lacandon Maya ecological management: A sustainable design for environmental restoration and human subsistence. Ecological Applications 19: 254-266.
Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, S.I. Levy-Tacher, R.B. Nigh, P. Ramirez-Lopez, and J. D. Golicher, 2006. Lacandon Maya forest management: restoration of soil fertility using native tree species. Ecological Engineering 28: 205-212.
Martin, J.F., S.A.W. Diemont, E. Powell, M. Stanton, and S.I. Levy-Tacher, 2006. Emergy evaluation of the performance and sustainability of three agricultural systems with different scales and management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 115: 128-140.
Diemont, S.A.W., 2006. Mosquito larvae density and pollutant removal in tropical wetland treatment systems in Honduras. Environment International 32: 332-341.
Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, and S.I. Levy-Tacher, 2006. Emergy evaluation of Lacandon Maya indigenous swidden agroforestry in Chiapas, Mexico. Agroforestry Systems 66: 23-42.
Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, 2005. Management impacts on the trophic diversity of nematode communities in an indigenous agroforestry system of Chiapas, Mexico. Pedobiologia 49: 325-334.
* Advisee
Current Graduate Advisees
Anna Beach
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
Elizabeth Kehas-Dewaghe
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont
- Area of Study: ESC Ecosystem Restoration
Olivia Kurz
- Degree Sought: PHD
- Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont and Lamit
- Area of Study: EFB Conservation Biology
Autumn Raasch
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Selfa and Diemont
- Area of Study: Environmental Science
Kshirajaa Ramesh
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont and Selfa
- Area of Study: Environmental Science
Erica Wood
- Degree Sought: PHD
- Graduate Advisor(s): Kimmerer and Diemont
- Area of Study: Environmental Biology