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OPT Reporting Form

Complete this form to report any changes in your US address, employment status, employer, visa status, or name. You are required by Federal regulations to report any changes within 10 days of the change. This information will be reported to SEVIS. 

Part I: Personal Information

If you have just received your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) and have not yet completed this survey, please submit a copy of both sides of your EAD to the Office of International Student Services at If you are unsure if this is your first time, please submit a copy. If you have already taken this survey before, continue on to the rest of the form.
Part II: Prior Employment Information
Please add full name
Is this work

Part III: Current Employment Information
Is this work?*

Current Employer State

Part IV: Supervisor Information
Part V: Other Information
Have you changed to another visa status meaning that you are no longer in F-1 visa status?*

Have you legally changed your name?*

If you have any questions regarding the form or your employment, please contact the Office of International Student Services at 315-470-4754 or so that we may assist you