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Food Pantry

Healthy food should be available to every student, without fear of judgment or second-class treatment. 

Beth's Bounty: The Food Pantry at ESF [logo]Food insecurity, the state of having limited or uncertain access to food, is an issue on college campuses across the country. To address this problem, ESF established an on-campus food pantry for students who may be experiencing hunger and/or struggling to attain food due to financial hardships.

The food pantry is named to honor Beth Ann Newkirk, an ESF student who died June 11, 2019, in a house fire. Beth came to ESF as a transfer student in the fall of 2018 in EFB. She used the Syracuse University Food Pantry and if she was still with us would be an avid supporter of ESF’s pantry. Beth was described as “a glowing bright light” and “a joy to be around.” It is a great privilege for ESF to name the pantry to honor her spirit.

The Food Pantry at ESF is run by Alpha Xi Sigma, ESF’s Honors Society student organization. It receives support from the Division of Student Affairs and the Food Pantry Advisory Team.


The Food Pantry is located in 18 Moon Library

Students will be asked to show their ID upon entering the Food Pantry to verify student status. Otherwise, use of the Pantry will be anonymous and confidential.


Supporting the Pantry

Beth's Bounty relies on generous donations from the Syracuse community to stock the food pantry.  Currently we can only support food and small items (No clothing please unless it's hats/socks/gloves/scarves/small items). 

Ways to support the food pantry include:

  • Donating food or personal care items. Physical donations may be dropped off at Beth's Bounty or in 15 Moon. Items may also be ordered through our Amazon Wish List, which ships items directly to the pantry.
  • Holding a food and toiletry drive. Student groups, residence hall floors, offices, and departments can hold food and toiletry drives to benefit the food pantry.
  • Volunteering at the food pantry. Volunteers are needed to stock and organize the pantry, assist with fresh produce deliveries and answer questions for visitors. Please email if you are interested in volunteering.
  • Sharing a recipe. In an effort to build community around food and provide information on how to use common pantry items to create fulfilling meals, consider adding a recipe to our Taste of ESF Food Pantry Cookbook by emailing Include your name, your story, or any other information you would like to share about the recipe. 

Donate items:

The Food Pantry is accepting donations of food and personal care items. The following items are especially helpful and/or currently requested by students utilizing the pantry:

Suggested items:

  • Eggs, Bread, Butter, flour, Kosher
  • Instant noodles, soup cups, or ramen, Microwaveable rice
  • Canned vegetables, chiles, soups, tomato/pasta sauce
  • Dry Beans, lentils, quinoa, and grains
  • Granola bars, protein bars, breakfast bars
  • Canned/shelf stable proteins — meats, tuna, chicken, beans
  • Shelf stable or easy prep meals (Keep in mind that things like hamburger helper and mac and cheese require extra ingredients that might not be available to students)
  • Snacks - Crackers, pretzels, popcorn, Trail mix, Chips, beef/Turkey jerky
  • Juice boxes, sodas, Tea bags, instant/regular coffee, Hot chocolate packets
  • Toiletries - Feminine Hygiene Products, Deodorant, toothpaste/Toothbrush, Hair products
  • Household essentials - Toilet paper, dish soap, sponges, towels, Storage bags/containers
  • Shelf-stable milk (cow, almond, oat, or soy milk)
  • Seasonings/Condiments
  • Utensils

We also accept fresh fruit and vegetable donations.

We appreciate your support!

Give to The Food Pantry Fund

Your gift will be used to support the Pantry’s daily operation, and to supplement the inventory of donated goods.


Additional Resources