Office of the Bursar
Billing & Payments
ESF Student Portal
Sign into MyESF to:
- access your semester bill
- make online payments
- print a copy of the bill for your records
- access your account history
- authorize third party access to bill and financial aid information (FERPA Waiver)
Semester bills and due dates are as follows for the upcoming academic year:
Semester | Bill Available | Payment Due |
Fall | July 15 | August 15 |
Spring | December 15 | January 15 |
Summer | April 15 | May 15 |
Important Billing Notes
- Due dates are based on the registration status of student at the time of the billing. If a student registers for classes during orientation, the bill will be generated the next day and the payment is due within 30 days of that date. If there is not enough financial aid or payment is not made by the due date, the student will be responsible for late fees.
- Students are responsible for reviewing, understanding and abiding by the College’s regulations, procedures, requirements and deadlines as described by all official publications and on our website.
- Email notification of semester bill availability and due date will be sent to the student's email account, which is the official account billing communications.
- The E-Bill shows the balance the day it was issued. It is the student’s responsibility to check their invoice after making any changes to financial aid, credit hours and/or other adjustments, and make any associated payment to avoid late fees.
Payment Methods
- Online by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover -- no payments by phone)
- Monthly Payment Plan (see below)
- Cash, Check, Money Orders (made out to SUNY ESF) mailed to:
103 Bray Hall
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210 - 529 Savings plan
- Include Student's name, Student ID#, have check made payable to SUNY ESF, mail to SUNY ESF, 103 Bray Hall, Syracuse NY 13210. Attn: Bursar's Office
- Please allow two weeks for the check to arrive on campus and get posted to student's account.
Payments must be received by our office by the due date on the Bill.
Monthly Payment Plans
Monthly Payment Plans (MPP) provide a payment alternative that enables families to pay college-billed expenses in regular, equal monthly installments. No interest is charged, but there is an application fee to cover administrative expenses.
- Fall Only: 4 installments, $35 application fee
- Spring Only: 4 installments, $35 application fee
- Summer Only: 3 installments, $25 application fee
To sign up, please log into the ESF Student Portal.
- Go to "Student Account"
- Click on "Make a Payment"
Note: There are 2 payments plans: Main Campus and Ranger School. Please choose the correct plan so the payments get applied correctly.
FERPA/Proxy Guidelines
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA ({also called Proxy) strictly prohibits access to student records by any third party, including parents, without authorization by the student to do so.
To discuss a student’s financial account with a third party, a student must complete
the Proxy Management option found under “Actions Items and Personal Information” on
the ESF Student Portal. Please use the following instructions. Also note that the student will need to set up this person(s) as an authorized payer
in the CashNET/Transact system. These instructions are found on the Overview page
where the bills are found.
Setting up a Proxy
Login to the Student Profile Page and select the Additional link for "Action Items and Personal Information" which will get you to a PROXY MANAGEMENT option. Once selected, it should show a listing of prior identified proxies.
You can either edit a previously entered proxy, or click Add New to add a new proxy.
Click Add New to add a new proxy. Enter the proxy's name, email and relationship to student.
Once the relationship is defined, enter the date range you want the proxy to be activate. Additional information and passphrase can be ignored, however, if you want to require the proxy to use a passphrase in certain calling situations, you can enter a passphrase and description of when it should be used.
Check the pages you want to authorize and SUBMIT the proxy, In general, if a proxy authorization is present for anything pertaining to a specific office, that office will also answer questions from the proxy.
For example, Account Summary is authorized, the proxy will have access to the Account Summary page and the Bursar’s office will also answer questions from the proxy related to the student’s account. Since Student Holds can cover multiple departments, some students might want to also use the Additional Information discussed on the prior page.
Once submitted, the new proxy should get 3 emails which should give details about completing the proxy setup. The subjects of those emails are below.
PROXY IDENTITY - gives the proxy user a temporary link for completing the proxy setup.
PROXY CONFIRMATION - gives the proxy user a temporary password to be used with the
temporary link.
PROXY RELATIONSHIP - gives the proxy user a permanent link to use for proxy access once
setup is complete.
If the proxy was previously setup, you may only get a list of updated authorizations.
NOTE: The Account Summary will show the proxy billed amounts, however, to make payments the student must also set up the Proxy as a payer in CashNET/Transact. Once that is done, there is a link on the Account Summary page (called ESF Payment Portal) that can be used to send the Proxy to CashNET/Transact for them to login using those credentials and make a payment, if desired.