Reporting Fraud
SUNY ESF is committed to ensuring its funds and resources are used in an effective and efficient matter. The Internal Control Fraud Hotline is intended for faculty, staff, students, and others to report intentional or unintentional misuse involving State funds, equipment, supplies or other irregular or unethical activities.
This Hotline service is not a substitute for, nor does it supersede, any existing reporting methods or protocols already in place. Personnel issues, academic misconduct or other matters should be communicated to the appropriate College office.
If you suspect fraud, waste, abuse or irregular activities within the campus community, you may report these concerns to the College's Internal Control Officer using any one of the following three communication channels:
- Email:
- Phone: (315) 565-3010
(NOTE: current technology will not block names and/or phone numbers from appearing if these means of reporting are used)
The best way to ensure anonymity is to write to:
Internal Control Office
102 Bray Hall
One Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210
You do not need to include your name. However, you may want to include your name and contact information in the event questions arise. Reports should contain as much information as possible, to support the allegation and facilitate the investigation. Due to confidentiality concerns, it may not be possible to inform users of the process or outcome of any investigation or action taken.
All submissions will be handled in a timely manner by the Internal Control Officer who will determine the appropriate action to be taken. A committee within Administration will be apprised of all allegations and resolutions. This committee is comprised of Vice President Administration, Vice Provost and Dean of Student Affairs, Campus Attorney, Director Business Affairs/Internal Control Officer, and others as needed. All information will be confidential to the extent permitted by law. Retaliation against anyone who has made a report in good faith under this process is strictly prohibited. Intentional use of this process to make false allegations may result in disciplinary action.
For your information, a Fraud Hotline can also be found on the SUNY website. Individuals who want to report suspected fraud or irregularities directly to SUNY System Administration may utilize the fraud hotline maintained by the Office of the University Auditor and make their report the following ways:
Fax: (518) 320-1564
Voice mail: (518) 320-1539
Policies Governing Fraud Reporting
The following SUNY policies provide further information related to reporting fraud & irregularities:
- SUNY #9001 – Fraud and Irregularities, Procedures on Reporting and Reviewing Fraud and Irregularities
- SUNY #9002 – Fraud and Irregularities, Policy on Fraud and Irregularities
Other Information
If you have information concerning an emergency situation or criminal matter, we encourage you to contact University Police at (315) 470-6667.
For the purpose of these procedures, fraud and irregularities includes activities that are:
- A misappropriation of assets;
- In violation of or non-compliant with any SUNY, New York State, or federal law, regulation, policy or procedure;
- Economically wasteful;
- An indication of gross misconduct or incompetency; or
- An unethical, improper, or dishonest act.
Examples of improprieties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Theft of any State or SUNY asset including, but not limited to money, tangible property, trade secrets or intellectual property;
- Misappropriation, misapplication, destruction, removal, or concealment of State or SUNY property;
- Inappropriate use of computer systems, including hacking and software piracy;
- Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or proprietary information;
- Unauthorized disclosure of student educational records, personal information, or medical information;
- Authorizing or receiving compensation for hours not worked or covered by appropriate and available leave;
- Fraudulent or otherwise deceptive financial reporting;
- Credit card and travel expense fraud;
- Use of staff to perform personal errands, services or tasks;
- Alteration or falsification of documents;
- False claims by students, employees, vendors, or others associated with SUNY; and
- Bribery, kickbacks, bid rigging, and conflicts of interest.