Additional Forms
Protocol Amendment Form in Word Format
For amendments to an ongoing protocol, the PI should submit this form describing the changes to the protocol, and the most up to date version of their protocol with these same changes added using track changes. Minor amendments like personnel updates or typographical corrections can be approved administratively by the IACUC chair. Other changes will likely require committee review (either DMR or FCR).
Download Protocol Amendment Form
Inter-Institutional Agreement in Word Format
Collaborations among institutions can strengthen research, but can also result in uncertainty about which individuals and institutions are responsible for oversight and activities pertaining to animal care and use. Inter-institutional Agreements are intended to assure that collaborative activities using vertebrate animals receive appropriate IACUC review, that all parties involved are aware of their respective roles, and that a communication system is in place to meet federally required compliance and reporting requirements. If you think your work may require this agreement, contact the IACUC Chair.