Office of Business Affairs
State Procurement Card Guidelines
Program Overview
The purpose of the state-funded JPMC Visa Procurement Card is to establish a more efficient and cost-effective method of purchasing and payment for “official” SUNY ESF small-dollar purchases. The PCard enables cardholders to make authorized purchases directly from a supplier without processing the traditional paperwork. Cardholders can make purchases of $2,500 or less per transaction.
The cardholder is not billed directly for the charges, but is responsible for recording their purchases, viewing, and printing their monthly statement of account activity from JPMC’s website and reconciling their monthly transactions in an online reconciliation system. New York State is liable for all authorized charges made using the PCard.
Note: Travel related expenses such as meals, lodging, airfare, and car rentals are not allowed on the JPMC Visa Procurement Card.
Who Receives a Procurement Card?
Departments will identify employees who are to receive a PCard. PCards are issued to individuals. It is important to ensure that each person receiving a PCard is familiar with state and College procurement procedures and policies. This includes, but is not limited to, the ESF Green Purchasing and Break Free From Plastic Policy and NYS Executive Order 4 Green Purchasing Specifications.
Each cardholder is responsible for verifying all charges associated with the department’s specific state account number. Only authorized purchases are permitted. Any employee who makes unauthorized purchases is subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Application Process
To obtain a PCard, complete and submit a State Procurement Card Application Form. The applicant will be contacted to schedule a training session prior to release of the card. One default state account number will be assigned to the PCard. Additional state account numbers can be assigned to the PCard. Instructions are provided to the cardholder for processing alternate state account charges. PCards take approximately 7-10 business days to arrive.
Purchasing With the Procurement Card
All purchases are limited to official state use and must be reasonable, rational, and cost effective. To be allowable and allocable, the purchase must relate to the program purpose. As a state university, good responsible stewardship of public funds requires sensitivity in this area. All activity is subject to periodic audit to monitor compliance with policies and procedures governing this program. Improper use could lead to suspension of privileges.
Dollar Limits
An individual transaction cannot exceed $2,500. Orders should not be split to facilitate use of this card. *Exceptions must be approved through the Business Office Director.
Responsibility of State Procurement Cardholders
Best practices suggest the cardholder complete a purchase requisition or other demonstrated method of tracking each time they make a PCard purchase.
It is recommended that each cardholder use either the purchase requisition or other demonstrated method of tracking to ensure consistency with the documentation associated with the use of the PCard. This documentation has several uses:
- to verify all purchases;
- to audit a specific PCard;
- to reconcile a reported billing discrepancy;
- to document purchase authority;
- to track all card activity, including compliance with associated state and College green purchasing policies;
- to record receipt of items.
Required Purchasing Practices:
- Do not give your PCard or account number to anyone other than the supplier from whom you are making the purchase. Do not share your PCard number with anyone.
- Use of the PCard is strictly limited to the purchase of goods and services for official state use. Do not use this PCard for personal charges. Such improper use will subject the employee to disciplinary
- The item/service purchased must follow the Procurement Hierarchy (in accordance with
NY State Finance Law §163.3 and 4) and SUNY Policy 7553 as outlined below:
- Preferred Sources: Corcraft, NYSPSP, NYSID
- OGS Centralized Contracts
- SUNY Wide Contracts
This information is available by calling the Procurement Services at (315) 470-4795.
- Items purchased must abide by Executive Order 4 Green Purchasing specifications and ESF’s Green Purchasing & Break Free From Plastic Policy, where applicable. Purchasers are encouraged to use the Green Purchasing Guide as a resource.
- ESF is committed to doing business with NYS Certified Minority and Women-Owned Businesses. Cardholders should place orders for goods and services with NYS Certified M/WBE’s whenever possible. Periodic review will occur to ensure this commitment is being fulfilled. List of certified vendors
- If the item is not available from a preferred source, on state contract, on a SUNY wide contract, or an MWBE/SDVOB, the cardholder should be able to substantiate the reasonableness of Good business practice suggests obtaining a minimum of three written quotes.
- If your purchase will exceed the single transaction limit, then do not split your order just so that you can use the PCard. Please submit a purchase requisition to the Purchasing Office for processing. If the vendor does not accept PO’s, please submit a purchase requisition and request for Amber Calogero to order this item on her PCard. Quotes must be attached to the purchase requisition.
- Funds must be available at the time of purchase.
Placing Your Order
Orders may be placed by phone, fax, online, or in person.
- Identify yourself as a SUNY ESF
- Notify the supplier that you are using the JPMC Visa Procurement Card and verify that they accept
- Notify suppliers that the purchase is tax-exempt and provide the NYS tax-exempt number (14740026K) or tax-exempt certificate if necessary. Only do business with vendors who can accommodate our tax-exempt
- Identify the item and provide a complete description and business purpose, including applicable green purchasing specifications. If available, use the item number as shown in the catalog, manufacturer’s name, and model
- Provide the exact quantity and ask for the full dollar amount of each item. If using the Order Form, enter this in the “Unit Price”
- Ask if there will be any additional charges for shipping. If so, add additional charges to the Order Form or Summary
- Total the amount of the
- Give the supplier your name as it appears on the card, the account number, and the card expiration
- It is your responsibility to notify the company if there is damage or a shortage in the delivery.
- Attach original receipts to your reconciliation and retain in the department for 6 years plus the current year.
Note: If making your purchase in person, obtain an itemized receipt, in addition to the credit card receipt, and check the credit card receipt to ensure accuracy before signing.
Examples of Authorized Purchases (up to $2,500):
- Registrations for conferences and seminars
- Subscriptions and memberships in the name of the University
- Items on a centralized commodity state contract
- Repairs of equipment not covered by a maintenance contract
- Books
- Supplies and materials
- Film processing
- Postage
- Printing
- Advertising
- Shipping charges (UPS, Federal Express, )
- Approved trademark items
- Online purchase of any of the above
- Justified food and beverages purchased within the University’s Expenditure Guidelines with documentation
Restricted Items:
- Travel and entertainment (e.g., airline, car rental, taxis, shuttles, parking, lodging, restaurant dining, )
- Computers
- Laptops
- IPads
- Drones
- Cameras
- Projectors/Camcorders
- Other personal electronic devices
- Flowers, greeting cards
- Personal celebrations and gifts of sentiment (e.g., birthdays, retirements, )
- Staff morale and recognition
- Gift certificates, gift cards, stored-value card
- Recognition gifts
- Gasoline
- Personal use
- Alcoholic beverages, coffee service,
- Food purchases that do not fall within the ESF’s Expenditure Guidelines (e.g., employees engaged in routine business meetings or celebration)
- Orders exceeding the $2,500 limit – use traditional purchasing methods
- Items purchased separately that when purchased together would exceed the $2,500 limit (split ordering)
- Maintenance agreements
- Cash advances, cash back on purchases, cash refunds on returns
- Controlled substances (e.g., narcotics and prescription drugs)
- Live animals, radioactive materials, specialty gases and cylinder rentals
- Any material, agent, or toxin identified as a Select Agent or Toxin by US government relations
- When a written agreement needs to be signed by a representative of ESF
- Contracted services from an individual
- Leases, insurance
- Payments to ESF affiliated organizations (Research Foundation, College Foundation, etc.)
- Unapproved trademark items
**The below items are also restricted if they exceed $500
- Monitors
- Printers
- Copiers
- Refrigerators/Freezers (both kitchen and labs)
- Furniture
- Garage/Maintenance Equipment (snow blowers, power/steam washers, portable air conditioning units)
- Scientific equipment (drying ovens, centrifuges, surveying equipment, sensors, balances, microscopes, etc.)
Fiscal Year Restrictions
Before placing an order, ensure funds are available in your account. PCard privileges may be suspended at the end of the fiscal year as an ESF cost control tool and/or if a STATE budget is not in place. We advise the cardholder to use the PCard judiciously as the end of the fiscal year approaches.
Account Reconciliation
Cardholders are required to register with JPMC to access and print online statements of cardholder activity by going to The ESF Procurement Card Administrator will provide further instructions about registration at the appropriate time.
Cardholders should only accept charges for goods and services that the supplier has delivered.
- A JPMC email notification is sent on or about the 5th of each month to cardholders who had activity during the billing cycle. This is a routine alert that the billing cycle closed, and a statement is
- The cardholder must review and print the JPMC statement, reconcile each transaction, and provide all receipts.
- An additional reconciliation needs to be completed in the online reconciliation system. An email notification is sent to all cardholders from the ESF Procurement Card Administrator when activity is available for reconciliation. Reconciliation is due within 10 business days (due date is noted in the email).
Your monthly review:
- Attach all receipts to your certification page and JPMC If you received multiple receipts for one transaction, then staple them together and attach. The original transaction total should equal the cumulative total contained on the receipts.
- Identify compliance with Green NY and College green purchasing requirements.
- Identify any charges for sales tax as a credit
- Contact the supplier if a charge appears on your JPMC statement for an item ordered, but not received. Credits appear on the JPMC statement for any returns. Suppliers should not submit charges to JPMC until the goods have shipped. If you cannot resolve the matter with the supplier, follow the process for
- Report any unauthorized transactions to JPMC for
- Certification and reconciliation are due within 10 business days of when the Program Administer notifies the cardholders that it is time to certify.
Online Reconciliation and Certification System
PCard accounts are reconciled in an online system accessible through SUNY’s website. The ESF Procurement Card Administrator will provide instructions to new cardholders on how to log in to the system and how to use it to reconcile and certify PCard activity. Web Training
Departmental Approval of Procurement Card Transactions
Monthly review and approval of all cardholder transactions takes place by assigned departmental personnel, preferably a supervisor. Unless otherwise specified, this is assigned to the supervisor listed on the cardholder authorization form. The reviewer must sign and date the hard copy of the monthly statement printed by the cardholder. In accordance with the internal control responsibilities of state agencies, all transactions must be reviewed and approved for appropriateness.
If the reviewer does not agree with the monthly statement, the cardholder should be asked to verify the documents and explain the reason for any discrepancy. Supervisors must inform ESF’s Procurement Card Administrator of any transfer or termination of a cardholder or the transfer or termination of the designated reviewer. All original documentation needs to be retained by the department for a minimum period of 6 years plus the current year.
Questioned Items & Returns
- Cardholder Responsibilities
If an item is returned to the supplier, if the supplier charges sales tax, or if a credit is due, then the cardholder must request that the supplier issue a JPMC Visa credit. Cash cannot be accepted to resolve a credit situation.
- Sales Tax
The university is tax-exempt. If a charge for sales tax appears on the JPMC statement, the cardholder should contact the supplier directly to arrange to have this charge reversed. Ask the supplier to credit your account for the sales tax charged and note the pending credit on your receipt & attach the documentation showing the request for a charge reversal. JPMC will not assist with sales tax issues.
- Returns and Credits
You are responsible for initiating returns on items that you purchased on your PCard. The Purchasing office does not have to be involved in this process. Please document all credits and returns within your PCard packet.
To make a return, contact the supplier directly to determine the proper return procedures. Any credits issued will appear on a subsequent Visa statement.
3. Items not Received
If a charge appears on your JPMC Visa statement for an item ordered but not received, contact the supplier to resolve the matter. Suppliers should not submit charges to Visa until goods have been shipped.
Note: If you cannot resolve any of the above matters with the supplier except for sales tax, follow the process for disputes. If you intend to dispute a charge, you must report the unauthorized transaction to JPMC within 60 days.
4. Disputes
If the cardholder cannot resolve a dispute with a supplier or if there is a charge that is unauthorized or unrecognized on the Visa statement, then the cardholder can dispute the charge.
Steps to Initiate a Dispute:
- Log on to JPMC at
- Select Transactions>Manage to display the Transaction List screen.
- Click the transaction you want to dispute. The Transaction Detail-General Information screen displays.
- Click Dispute.
- Confirm your E-mail Address.
- Select a reason from the Dispute Reason list and provide any additional information as requested.
- Click Submit
Note: All transactions must be reconciled and certified in the online reconciliation system pending any credits.
JPMC Visa Responsibility
JPMC will issue a credit to the cardholder’s account and process the appropriate chargeback for all questioned items resolved in favor of the state agency.
Lost or Stolen Procurement Card
Cardholder Responsibility
Report any lost or stolen PCards immediately to JPMC Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760 and to the ESF Procurement Card Administrator at 315-470-4795. When contacting the bank, be prepared to give your name exactly as it appears on the face of the card, the account number, the card’s expiration date and a brief explanation surrounding the loss.
Note: Failure to comply with this notification process could result in the cardholder becoming personally liable for the fraudulent use of the card.
JPMC Visa Responsibility
JPMC will take immediate action to cancel the card reported lost or stolen. JPMC will initiate steps to issue a replacement card as soon as possible. The replacement card is sent directly to ESF Procurement Card Administrator.
New York State will be initially liable for all charges to the PCard except for fraudulent use of the card by a supplier or an employee, those in excess of single per transaction limits, and any other limits imposed by participating state agencies.
While New York State will be responsible to JPMC for all employee charges associated with the PCard, the cardholders themselves will be responsible to reimburse New York State for any charges incurred because of misuse or fraudulent use of the card.
New York State will not be liable for any charges incurred by non-employees. Therefore, it is important to report, immediately, any lost or stolen PCards to JPMC and the ESF Procurement Card Administrator. Section VI – A contains the information necessary to report this loss. Failure to comply with this notification process may result in the cardholder becoming personally liable for the fraudulent use of the PCard.
Suspension or Cancellation of Procurement Card Privileges
Any misuse or abuse of the card may lead to a suspension or cancellation of all PCard privileges. Failure to reconcile PCard activity as noted in these guidelines may lead to a suspension or cancellation of all PCard privileges. PCard usage is monitored and audited for compliance. The ESF Procurement Card Administrator authorizes all requests for suspension or cancellation.
JPMC may also suspend card privileges whenever they suspect possible unauthorized use. This is a pre-emptive measure to reduce exposure to fraud. JPMC will attempt to notify the cardholder via phone or email.
Misuse or Abuse of the Card
The term “misuse or abuse” means use of the PCard outside the employee’s authorized parameters, such as:
- charges in excess of the permitted limit
- split-ordering
- purchases of unallowable items
- accidental personal charges
- failure to reconcile as noted within these guidelines
- failure to report card lost or stolen
- sharing the PCard or the PCard number with another person
Disciplinary action will depend on the severity of the violation and may include suspension and/or cancelation of the PCard, and/or personal reimbursement.
Fraudulent Use of the Card
The term “fraudulent use” means the use of the PCard with a deliberately planned purpose and intent to deceive and thereby gain a wrongful advantage for oneself or anyone else other than New York State.
The following actions will be taken:
- Immediate suspension of card privileges
- Removal of cardholder’s purchasing authority
- Mandate employee reimbursement to the state
- Formal disciplinary action that could result in termination of employment, pursuant to applicable contract provisions, or for Managerial/Confidential designated employees, in accordance with the provisions of Section 75 of the NYS Civil Service Law.
Employee Separation
If the cardholder leaves ESF, the department head or cardholder must contact the ESF Procurement Card Administrator to request a cancellation of the card. Once cancelled, the cut-up card should be sent to the ESF Procurement Card Administrator. The ESF Procurement Card Administrator will instruct JPMC to cancel all PCard privileges for any cardholder who leaves university service. The cardholder should make all attempts to complete any outstanding reconciliation(s). The cardholder must contact any vendors to terminate all automated or recurring billings tied to the credit card. New York State will continue to be liable for any charges incurred by the cardholder until JPMC is directed to cancel the PCard.
Updates/Changes to Account
The Procurement Card Program Maintenance Form should be completed and submitted to the ESF Procurement Card Administrator to process updates to the account information.
These updates may include cardholder name change, address change, state account number access or updates to the listed supervisor. Please contact the ESF Procurement Card Administrator for additional assistance.
Audits of Individual Accounts
It is important to note that the agency issuing the card and the Office of the State Comptroller may elect to audit PCard accounts at any time. Performance of these audits does not require advance notice. Therefore, it is extremely important that all departments retain accurate records of all PCard transactions. Paperwork must be kept on file in the department for 6 years plus the current year.
Key Contact Information
Procurement Card Business Office
101 Bray Hall
Tel: (315) 470-4795
Cardholder Signature:
I acknowledge I have received training on the guidelines for use regarding the ESF State Procurement Card and understand the terms and conditions.
You can find answers to most of your questions by using PaymentNet Online Help. To access help, click Help>Help Index on the PaymentNet menu bar.
If you need assistance, contact your program administrator, or call J.P. Morgan Customer Service at the phone number on the back of your card.
If you do not have your card, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760 (TTY 1-800-955-8060).
J.P. Morgan Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.