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Emergency Guide


emergency guide poster with the phone number for E S F university police

This emergency guide is intended for use by staff and students at SUNY ESF. It is designed specifically to meet possible emergency conditions on this campus.

Recipients of this guide should become familiar with its contents. In the event of an emergency it will serve as a quick reference for effective action. It should be kept in an easily accessible location at all times, preferably beside the telephone. New employees should be made familiar with it as part of the orientation program.

The names of First Aid qualified personnel should be listed where indicated under "Serious Injury or Illness" section. Other information blanks should also be filled in properly.

If there are further questions or comments contact the ESF University Police Department at extension 6666.


  1. Survey area to see if safe for you to assist.
  2. Do not move a seriously injured person unless it is a life threatening situation.
  3. Call ESF University Police at extension 6666, giving your name, location, and phone number. Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury/ illness: whether or not the victim is conscious, advise if ambulance is needed.
  4. Return to victim, administer First Aid, and keep the victim as calm and comfortable as possible.
    1. Click HERE for a printable form on which list the names of persons in your building who are trained in First Aid. List the location of nearest First Aid kit.
  5. Remain with the victim until ESF University Police arrive.
  6. If injured person is an employee, initiate reporting procedures as directed by Department Head and Supervisor.


  1. Contain the fire. Exit the room and close the door to prevent the spread of smoke and flame.
  2. Activate the fire alarm system by pulling the nearest fire alarm box.
  3. Evacuate the building. Evacuation shall be immediate, and by the nearest exit. All occupants of a building must evacuate during an alarm. Check the floor evacuation chart. Do not return to your office for personal items.
  4. When you have arrived at a safe location, call University Police at extension 6666 or use a Help Phone. Give all information-building, floor, room number, and any other information valuable to an emergency responder. Remain on the phone until told to hang up.
  5. All evacuated personnel shall assemble outside of the buildingto determine if all have exited. In the event someone is not accounted for, notify University Police or firefighters at the scene.

Note: In all but the most minor of fires it is the policy of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry that employees and students shall evacuate rather than attempt to fight the fire.



In the event of a chemical spill or release of toxic or hazardous material into the atmosphere:

Notify others in the area of possible contamination or potential danger. Order/suggest evacuation if the circumstances so indicate.Pull the fire alarm if warranted by the seriousness of the situation.

Call ESF University Police at 6666.

Give following information to the ESF University Police communicator:

  • your name
  • your phone number
  • the nature of the incident
  • the location of the incident (building, room number, floor, ect.)
  • the type of substance (if known)
  • the quantity of substance (estimate)
  • the hazards (flammable, explosive, toxic-if known)
  • suggest the safest place to meet the Public Safety Officer who will be responding
  • advise if you feel the Emergency Response Liaison Team or Fire Department should be notified
  • advise if there are any injuries and if an ambulance is needed.

DO NOT expose yourself unnecessarily to any unknown substances. Use caution and remember some toxic substances have no detectable odor.


If a gas cylinder begins leaking and it presents any danger to the building occupants, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Call ESF University Police Department at extension 6666, giving your name, department, and location of emergency.
  2. Pull the building fire alarm if evacuation is needed.
  3. Evacuate to a distance of at least 500 feet from the building and out of the way of emergency personnel. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by authorized personnel.
  4. Do not stand or walk through any smoke clouds.
  5. Suspected gas leaks or suspicious odors should be reported to ESF University Police so appropriate action can be taken.

  1. Bomb threats usually occur by telephone.
  2. The person receiving a bomb threat call should remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller by using the checklist found here. In order to secure needed information, caller should be kept on the line as long as possible.
  3. Call ESF University Police Department at ext. 6666, giving your name, location, and telephone number. Inform them of the situation, including any information you may have as to the location of the bomb, time it is set to explode, and the time when you received the call.
  4. Inform your supervisor and/or department head.
  5. The ESF University Police Department and/or the college President will be responsible for building evacuation.
  6. If you should spot a suspicious object, package, etc., report it to authorities, but under no circumstances should you touch, tamper, or move it in any way.
  7.  If instructed to evacuate, move a safe distance away from building (a minimum of 500 feet), take any personal items ( i.e., purse, briefcase, lunch bag ) with you. If inclement weather conditions exist, you may move to another building a safe distance away. Do not re-enter the building until instructed that it is safe to do so by authorized personnel.

  1. Remain calm, do not engage the intruder.
  2. If it is possible to escape the area safely, do so quietly.
  3. If attempting to escape, do not carry phones or other objects in your hands. As you move through open areas keep your HANDS ELEVATED with OPEN PALMS visible, especially if encountering responding law enforcement officers. Follow all the instructions officers may give you.
  4. If you CANNOT SAFELY EXIT the building, seek shelter in a room where the doors can be locked or barricaded securely.
  5. Close and lock windows, lower blinds, remain out of sight, turn off lights.
  6. Once secured inside, take cover behind concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets, away from windows and doors.
  7. Remain quiet, turn off cell phone ringers.
  8. ONLY ONE PERSON from the room should call ESF University Police at 470-6666 and tell them where you are, where the intruder is and the condition of the others with you. Follow their instructions. If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can hear what is happening.
  9. If it can be accomplished safely, assist injured persons.
  10. Do not respond to any unfamiliar voice commands until you can be sure that they are coming from a police officer.

Do not open the door until you can be positive that it is a police officer or a recognized campus official coming to help you.


  1. Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the criminal except in case of self protection.
  2. If safe to do so, take time to get a good description of the criminal. Note height weight, sex, color, approximate age, clothing, method and direction of travel, and name, if known. All this takes only a few seconds and is of the utmost help to the investigating officers. If the criminal is entering a vehicle, note the license number, make and model, color, and outstanding characteristics.
  3. Call ESF University Police at extension 6666. Give your name, location, and department. Advise them of the situation and remain where you are until contacted by an officer.
  4. While University Police Officers are enroute, stay calm and fill out the form found herebefore discussing the details with anyone.
  5. In the event of civil disturbance, continue as much as possible with your normal routine. If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors and windows.
  6. Do not interfere with those persons creating the disturbance or with law enforcement authorities on the scene.


Prevent wild animals from entering buildings by not removing existing screens from open windows, and keeping exterior doors closed. Windows should be closed at night for additional deterrence.

Animals may pose physical hazards from bites and scratches, and alive or dead can spread disease. Avoid all contact with wild animals.

Contact includes:

  • Bite or scratch from an animal.
  • Exposure of eyes, nose, mouth and non-intact (cut, scratched, burned, etc.) skin to animal blood or saliva.

To report a nuisance animal in a building or posing a threat:

  1. Notify University Police at 470-6666.
  2. Do not attempt to remove or disturb the animal.
  3. Depending on the circumstances, University Police may arrange to have the animal removed. University Police may decide to temporarily close an area while an animal is being removed.

If there has been potential contact with nuisance animal:

  1. Notify your supervisor and University Police immediately.
  2. Be prepared to tell University Police the following information:
    1. Your name, phone number and location from which you are calling.
    2. The nature of the incident (type of animal, animal behavior, injuries sustained).
  3. Use only reasonable attempts to contain the animal so that it may be captured and submitted for testing. Remove yourself and others from the space in which the animal is confined while making an effort to keep the animal contained. This may include closing doors and windows so the animal cannot escape, but no such effort should be taken that places you at a perceived risk. Do not try to capture the animal. Only designated persons should attempt capture.
  4. Persons that have had contact with a wild animal must contact the Onondaga County Department of Health @ 435-3165 to be evaluated for disease preventative measures such as vaccinations.

Past instances involving dog bites and frightening of staff and students have resulted in the necessity of establishing a policy for the control of animals on the campus. In consideration of personal safety, as well as sanitation, privately owned animals are permitted on the grounds or in the buildings only in cases of:

  • Seeing eye or leader dogs for the visually handicapped.
  • Hearing Ear: Alerts persons with hearing impairments to specific sounds within the environment, such as a baby crying, a telephone ringing, a fire alarm, or door bell;
  • Fetch & Carry: Assists mobility impaired persons by obtaining and carrying/pulling articles/objects such as clothing, books, purses, book bags, wheelchairs.
  • Animals which are brought on campus with the express written permission of the college President.


Any animal on campus under the provisions of Items 1 through 4 above must be leashed or confined and attended at all times. Persons violating this policy will be requested to leave campus immediately. Animals found unattended may be impounded by the ESF University Police Department and turned over to the Onondaga County Animal Control Department.

To report the presence of an animal, call ESF University Police at extension 6666.


The College remains open and observes its schedules in all weather, unless the determination is made by authorized personnel that current weather conditions warrant closing. Faculty, students and staff are expected to use personal judgment concerning travel safety when the weather is inclement. In the event of extreme emergency conditions, every possible effort will be made to communicate procedures to be followed by the College community.

  • Monitor local radio stations for College closing information-
  • Report any hazardous ice conditions to ESF University Police at extension 6666.


To report items either lost or found on campus, the ESF University Police Department maintains a Lost and Found service in Room 8, Bray Hall.