Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
HEERF III (ARP): Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds
The Federal Government established the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stability Act (CARES) on March 27, 2020 a portion of which, Student Aid Funds, is to be used to provide emergency assistance to students. Supplemental funds were later authorized through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA)/(HEERF II) and the American Rescue Plan (ARP)/(HEERF III) to continue support for institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The College of Environmental Science and Forestry received Student Aid funding under section 2003(7) of the ARP. This program, with some changes, provides supplemental funds to the CARES Act section 18004(a)(1) program. The College of Environmental Science and Forestry signed and returned to the Education Department a Certification and Agreement as required under the CARES Act section 18004(a)(1) program. We acknowledge that by drawing down the ARP funds, our institution agrees to be bound by the conditions set forth in the ARP Supplemental Agreement including using 100 percent of these funds to provide emergency aid grants to students.
- ESF received $2,251,267 from the Department of Education under the ARP section 2003 (7) program pursuant to the Certification and Agreement for Emergency Grants to Students.
- A portion of the overall funding will be used to provide emergency grants to students enrolled during the Fall 2021 semester and a portion of the funding will be used to provide emergency grants to students enrolled during the Spring 2022 semester.
Fall 2021 Semester
- ESF has estimated 1,987 students at the institution may be potentially eligible for funding from emergency grants under Section 314(a)(1), prior to the application of SUNY and internal awarding procedures.
- After application of SUNY and internal awarding procedures, 758 (unduplicated) have received funding from emergency grants under Section 2003 (7) for a total of $1,082,990.
Spring 2022 Semester
- ESF has estimated 1,830 students at the institution may be potentially eligible for funding from emergency grants under Section 314(a)(1), prior to the application of SUNY and internal awarding procedures.
- After application of SUNY and internal awarding procedures, 694 (unduplicated) are estimated to receive funding from emergency grants under Section 2003 (7) for a total of $1,137,846.
SUNY requires campuses to prioritize Pell eligible recipients starting with students
at the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFCs). Students enrolled in the Fall
2021 semester with a valid EFC up to 14,615 will be eligible for a base grant amount
and a supplemental amount based on an established EFC tier.
- Matriculated undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students enrolled full-time or part-time in credit-bearing courses during the Fall 2021 semester.
- Student should have a FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships with a valid Expected Family Contribution (EFC) value from 0 - 14,615.
Determination of Award Amounts
Award amounts are determined through use of a SUNY provided template. Each recipient will be awarded a base grant amount and a supplemental amount determined by established EFC tiers and enrollment (full-time or part-time).
- Tier 1: EFC Range of 0 to 2,923
- Tier 2: EFC Range of 2,924 to 5,846
- Tier 3: EFC Range of 5,847 to 8,769
- Tier 4: EFC Range of 8,770 to 11,692
- Tier 5: EFC Range of 11,693 to 14,615
Award Amounts - Fall 2021 Semester
Award amounts for each tier and enrollment status are as follows:
- Tier 1 - Full Time: $1,665
- Tier 2 - Full Time: $1,480
- Tier 3 - Full Time: $1,295
- Tier 4 - Full Time: $1,110
- Tier 5 - Full Time: $925
- Tier 1 - Part Time: $1,295
- Tier 2 - Part Time: $1,110
- Tier 3 - Part Time: $925
- Tier 4 - Part Time: $740
- Tier 5 - Part Time: $555
Award Amounts - Spring 2022 Semester
Award amounts for each tier and enrollment status are as follows:
- Tier 1 - Full Time: $1,917
- Tier 2 - Full Time: $1,704
- Tier 3 - Full Time: $1,491
- Tier 4 - Full Time: $1,278
- Tier 5 - Full Time: $1,065
- Tier 1 - Part Time: $1,491
- Tier 2 - Part Time: $1,278
- Tier 3 - Part Time: $1,065
- Tier 4 - Part Time: $852
- Tier 5 - Part Time: $639
Disbursement of Funds to Students
Awards will be processed through Banner billing functionality. Funds cannot be applied to any ESF billing charges without an active opt-in by the student. Award amounts will be disbursed and provided to the recipients using the same procedures used for aid refunds, with the full grant amount being given to the student using their existing Bank Mobile preferences. Those preference options are:
- Direct Deposit to Existing Bank Account
- Direct Deposit to Account Created with Bank Mobile (Vibe Account)
- Paper Check (this option can be selected or will be the default if no preference is established)
Communication to Students
Recipients will receive a notification by e-mail and by postal mail. This notice
will contain the amount of grant funding being awarded and specific wording required
by SUNY with regards to the appropriate use of the funds by the recipient.
Last Updated: March 10, 2022