Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Study Abroad Financial Aid
Varying types and amounts of financial aid may be available to students who wish to travel abroad as part of their degree program. All students seeking financial aid for this purpose must be taking courses that specifically meet a degree requirement. Enrollment level for aid eligibility will be based only on the courses which meet this condition. Before any aid eligibility can be considered, students must have submitted an approved SUNY ESF Study Abroad Request Form, a fully completed Study Abroad Data Form, and additional paperwork as indicated in the following sections. Financial aid is only available for abroad study which is during an existing term at SUNY ESF. Students seeking financial aid must also meet all existing eligibility requirements for each individual source of funding.
SUNY ESF Students Participating in a SUNY Study Abroad Program
Students studying abroad through a program at another SUNY school may be eligible for the following types of financial aid:
- Federal Aid
- State Aid
- Institutional Aid
To be considered for financial aid, students in this category must submit the following:
- Approved Study Abroad Request Form
- Completed Study Abroad Data Form
- Completed Study Abroad Consortium Agreement Form
SUNY ESF Students Participating in a Non-SUNY Study Abroad Program
Students studying abroad through a program at a non-SUNY school which participates in the Federal Student Aid Programs may be eligible for the following types of financial aid:
- Federal Aid
- State Aid (Only if the host school is located within New York State)
- Institutional Aid
To be considered for financial aid, students in this category must submit the following:
- Approved Study Abroad Request Form
- Completed Study Abroad Data Form
- Completed Study Abroad Consortium Agreement Form
- Copy of the tuition bill from the New York State school, if applicable
SUNY ESF Students Participating in a Foreign School or Outside Organization Study Abroad Program
Students studying abroad through a program at a foreign school which does not participate in the Federal Student Aid Programs or through an outside organization acting on behalf of such an institution may be eligible for the following types of financial aid:
- Federal Aid
- Institutional Aid
To be considered for financial aid, students in this category must submit the following:
- Approved Study Abroad Request Form
- Completed Study Abroad Data Form
- Completed Study Abroad Consortium Agreement Form
SUNY ESF Students Participating in a Domestic Off-Campus Program
Students studying off-campus within the United States through a school which participates in the Federal Student Aid Programs may be eligible for the following types of financial aid:
- Federal Aid
- State Aid (Only if the host school is located within New York State)
- Institutional Aid
To be considered for financial aid, students in this category must submit the following:
- Approved Study Abroad Request Form
- Completed Study Abroad Data Form
- Completed Study Abroad Consortium Agreement Form
- Copy of the tuition bill from the New York State school, if applicable
Disbursement of Financial Aid Funds
All financial aid funds for study abroad will be scheduled for disbursement to SUNY ESF ten days prior to the students departure. Once disbursed, funds are processed through the Bursars Office. With the exception of tuition charges to any SUNY institution, all aid funds will be disbursed directly to the student or to the parent (if from a Parents Loan) once they are available through the Bursars Office. SUNY tuition charges will be collected by SUNY ESF and transferred to the host school. No other funds will be disbursed or paid to the host school or organization. It is the students responsibility to make all necessary payment arrangements as necessary.
Academic Credit Earned
All students studying abroad must ensure that an official transcript of all courses is submitted to SUNY ESF upon completion of the program. Students who do not submit an official transcript or who do not fully complete the approved program will be subject to the College's Withdrawal, Refund, and Satisfactory Academic Progress policies. This could result in a loss of eligibility for funds already received or a loss of eligibility for future financial aid.