Student Support
Student Access and Inclusion
ESF seeks to provide reasonable accommodations to students who may have need for additional assistance on campus.
Several offices work together to support your educational opportunities on campus. Depending upon your request for accommodation, you may be directed to find information in more than one location.
Academic Adjustments (Accommodations): Students who believe they have a need for disability related academic accommodations and resources are encouraged to contact the Center for Disability Resources at Syracuse University. Students will be asked to register online, including the submission of available supporting documentation. Students will be assigned a Counselor, who will be available throughout the educational experience to discuss the academic adjustments needed for each semester. Accommodations are considered fluid and students can meet with their counselor to reevaluate their needs, and seek advice/advocacy as needed. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore students are encouraged to begin this process as quickly as possible, including prior to the start of the semester.
Housing Accommodations: Requests regarding meal plan exceptions, housing assignment adjustments, service or emotional support animals, or any building augmentation that creates a significant or permanent physical adjustment will be directed to the Housing Accommodation review process. Students will be asked to speak with a member of the Accommodation Review Committee and complete the required paperwork, including the submission of available supporting documentation. To begin the process please contact Renee McNamara at or call 315-470-6660.
Parking Accommodations on Campus: In general ESF student parking is coordinated by Syracuse University. Student parking is prohibited on ESF campus weekdays between 8:00am-5:00pm. Students can apply for ESF parking permits that would be valid from 5:00pm-2:00am weekdays and on weekends. Students with questions about parking on ESF's campus can direct those questions to University Police and/or complete a Parking Exception Request Form
Accessible parking spaces are designated by signs bearing the international symbol of accessibility. These spaces are for use by students, faculty, and staff members with valid, government-issued disabled parking permits or placards who possess a Syracuse University/ESF-issued parking permit for the lot in which those spaces are located. If you have a government issued placard allowing you to park in spaces designated for parking for people with disabilities then:
- If you also already have an SU parking permit for a specific lot, please provide a copy of that government issued placard to Parking Services and you can use the designated disabled parking spaces in your assigned lot.
- If you do not already have an SU parking permitand upon providing a copy of the government issued placard to Parking Services, you will be granted priority to apply for and purchase a parking permit (at regular rates).
- If you are not assigned to a lot that best meets your needs, you will be assigned to the Fine lot which has a fully accessible shuttle which runs on a regular basis throughout the day. When the shuttle is not running (e.g., evenings, weekends, and University breaks), the Fine permit allows for parking at alternate locations on campus.
- If you do not have a government issued placard but you have a disability as defined by federal and state law, you will be assigned to the Fine lot for 30 days to allow you to obtain the government-issued placard.
- Students with temporary parking accommodation needs and who do not have a government issued placards, can still request parking accommodations and will be assigned to the Fine lot for 30 days. Additional time can be requested.
Elevators: There are elevators in all facilities on campus. In the event that an elevator is out of service, ESF will send an email to your email address to verify that Physical Plant has determined an elevator is out of service, as well as when it is back in service. Students who are unable to access a classroom as a result of a building elevator being out of service, should contact the instructor of the class and the Office of Dean for Student Affairs for additional assistance.
Entrances: The campus map includes the locations of wheel-chair accessible building entrances.
Restrooms: There are many students (trans students, gender-nonconforming students, etc.) who feel safer and are better represented by gender inclusive restrooms. ESF's non-discrimination policy includes gender identity and expression as a protected class, and gender inclusive restrooms are one way we support this policy.