Rate Schedule Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)
New users of the LC/MS laboratory and Sample Preparation Lab are required to engage in hands-on orientation to facility operations (e.g., laboratory access, scheduling, general use of equipment, housekeeping, etc.) and safety protocols. Orientation is important to creating a safe and efficient work environment for all users.
Our staff are available to provide consultation or training at no cost for an initial one-hour period on each research project. After the first hour, the following per-hour charges will apply and be charged in 30-minute increments. Consultation is available to our academic customers to aid with proposal or method development. Training to develop sample preparation techniques is available. A&TS staff will provide training and are solely authorized to determine whether an individual has attained sufficient proficiency to operate in the lab independently of A&TS staff.
Item | Internal (ESF-RF) | External (Academic Research) | External (Private) | Internal (Instructional Support) |
Consultation or training fee ($/hr) | $25/hr | $40/hr | N.A. | $0/hr |
Rates are effective 1/1/2024 and are subject to change. Please confirm rates with A&TS staff prior to submitting proposal budgets. A&TS will honor previously published rates for existing projects for the remainder of the project duration, or for six months from the date of publication of new rates, whichever occurs first.
Discount Options
The analyst fee may be waived if the PI researcher agrees to collaborate with A&TS on publications. The analyst fee may be waived if sample preparation is performed by the PI or a qualified graduate student.
Collaborative projects will be charged at 75% of the normal instrument rate and are expected to include co-authorship on derivative publications.
Sample Preparation Laboratory Fees
(239 - 243 Baker Lab)
Stand-alone sample preparation equipment in A&TS facilities (239-243 Baker Lab) is available for ESF researchers that may not otherwise have access to this equipment in their PI-led laboratory. Users of the Sample Preparation Laboratory are expected to coordinate their usage with A&TS staff. Users will record their usage in the log books provided by A&TS. Users will be charged monthly for the following services:
- Speedvac Vacuum Concentrator (Thermo): $5 per hour
- Ultrapure water (Millipore Milli-Q® IQ 7000): $3 per liter
- Centrifuge (Sorvall): $3 per hour
- Freeze Dryer (Labconco): $5 per hour
- Long-term Freezer Storage:
- Ultra-Low (-80C) Freezer (Thermo): $200 per month after the first 4 months
- Freezer (-20C) (Thermo): $80 per month after the first 3 months
LC-MS and LC/MS-MS (Thermo ISQ EM, Thermo TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole or Thermo Q Exactive HF Orbitrap)
Analytical costs for individual analytes using LC/MS and LC/MS-MS are charged on a per-injection basis (except as noted below) for all unknowns, standards, blanks, checks, and replicates required to provide high-quality publishable data. This charge basis helps recover costs for analyzing small numbers of samples, methods involving large numbers of analytes, consumables (e.g., gases, tubing, cones, lenses, reference standards), data reduction time, and instrument service and maintenance. Analyst charges may also apply for A&TS support of sample preparation, data processing, user training or method development.
The “per-injection” rate applies to samples with a limited number of analytes, typically fewer than five, which are prepared and analyzed by the PI or the PI’s qualified analyst. The rate applies to all injections, including injections for samples, calibration checks or QA/QC. The analyst report includes spectrogram submission to PI.
- Internal Research (ESF RF): $15 per injection
- External Academic Research: $30 per injection
- External Non-academic: call for quote
Analyst support for LC-MS/MS analyses will be billed at the applicable per-hour rate for services such as method development, data processing, spectral analysis and interpretation, or reporting.
PFAS Analysis (Thermo TSQ Altis)
The “per-sample” rate applies only to samples submitted to A&TS for analysis of PFAS following USEPA Method 1633. The analytes include the 40 PFAS compounds identified in the method. Analyses will be performed by A&TS staff. Sample preparation (e.g., centrifugation, solid phase extraction) in A&TS facilities will be charged an additional per sample fee to cover the cost of supplies.
Item | Internal (ESF-RF) | External (Academic Research) | External (Private) | Internal (Instructional Support) |
LC-MS/MS Instrument fee* (includes analyst) | $155/sample | $230/sample | Call for quote | $50 per hour |
Sample preparation by Promochrom SPE** | $20/sample | $27/sample | Call for quote | $20/sample |
Analyst fee for sample preparation | $25/hr | $40/hr | Call for quote | NC |
*The per-sample instrument fee includes one sample; associated calibration curve development
and QA/QC injections; spectrogram interpretation by analyst; and report by analyst
in spreadsheet format.
**the sample preparation fee applies to all samples, including the unknown sample,
QA/QC samples, and blanks.