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Analytical and Technical Services
Mercury Analysis

The Milestone DMA-80 Tricell has a working range of 0.01 to 1500ng of mercury and can accommodate a maximum of 1.5g of solid sample or 1.5ml of liquid.

Solid and liquid samples can be analyzed for total mercury.  Samples are weighed into boats and placed in an autosampler.  The autosampler places the boat into a furnace to undergo thermal decomposition under oxygen.  A catalyst furnace then removes interferences and reduces all mercury species.  The mercury is subsequently trapped on a gold amalgamator, then desorbed and swept into an atomic absorbance spectrophotometer equipped with a 254nm mercury lamp.

Internal rates are $40 per hour unassisted. 
Outside academic rate is $54 per hour unassisted; if needed, add $65 per hour for technician.

External rates are $80 per hour, plus $65 per hour for technician.
Contact Deb Driscoll at or 315-470-4844 for rate information.