Appendix A: Campus Safety and Security
Emergency Notification
In the event a critical incident occurs on either the ESF or SU campus students will be notified by both campus' mass notification systems: SUNY-NY Alert and Orange Alert. These systems send alerts via several messaging gateways: cell, or landline telephone, SMS text messaging, email, and fax. ESF students are in the unique position of being covered by two mass notification systems that will provide them with critical information regarding a life-threatening event and instructions on how to keep themselves safe. Students have the responsibility to ensure that all contact information is up to date.
ESF University Police
The staff members in the ESF University Police Department are highly trained professionals whose job is to protect and serve the campus community. Officers will be seen walking through campus buildings, checking on students working late in classrooms, labs, or studios, and stopping in at campus events. Feel free to call them for help and information.
Emergency Numbers
The ESF University Police non-emergency number is 315-470-6667. The emergency number is 315-470-6666. The office is located in 19 Bray Hall. The office is staffed 24 hours a day. SU’s Department of Public Safety can be reached at 315-443-2224. They are located in the basement of Sims Hall. It is recommended that these numbers be saved in a phone in a way that they can be quickly retrieved in times of duress.
ESF University Police operates an escort service within campus property every day. Call ESF University Police at 315-470-6667 to request an on-campus escort. Syracuse University Department of Public Safety operates an escort service during the late evening hours of the academic year. Students may call the SU Department of Public Safety at 315-443-SAFE (7233) or toll-free at 1-855-443-7233, to give them a location and destination, and wait for the escort to arrive.
Visit both the ESF University Police and Syracuse University Public Safety websites for additional personal safety information.
Reporting Criminal Incidents and Other Emergencies
Emergency calls to report a crime or serious incident can be made by calling ESF University Police, 315-470-6666. The ESF University Police Department’s Communication Center is staffed 24 hours a day and is located in 19 Bray Hall.
There are always officers on foot and/or vehicle patrol. Officers are in radio contact with the Communications Center at all times. The Center also answers the emergency phones (located in all College elevators) and the Blue Light communications system sites throughout the campus. The ESF Blue Light system allows for two-way communications between the caller and the ESF University Police communicator.
Navigating around ESF and SU campus grounds and classroom buildings, will reveal the locations of the many Help/Blue Light Talk A Phones. These are part of ESF’s and SU's communication network on campus. The blue light system found on the ESF campus is directly linked to the ESF University Police Department. Simply push the button and speak into the Help Phone after the dispatcher responds to let ESF University Police know what the situation is. When a Help Phone is activated, its location is identified to each department's communications staff. If the caller is unable to speak, an officer will be sent to that location.
Syracuse University also has a Blue Light system, with over 100 locations across North and South Campus. There is voice contact and an audible alarm sound at the site of the activation. A SU Public Safety Officer will be dispatched to the location. The ESF Help Phones are designed both for emergency use and for communication with ESF University Police after regular business hours (for example, to request re-entry to a building).
The University Hill area consists of several facilities that have their own law enforcement forces. The incidents that affect one facility tend to affect the broader community. To assure the rapid transfer of information and the best usage of available resources, Hillnet Radio System was formed.
The Hillnet system links the ESF University Police Department with the Public Safety Department at Syracuse University, Veterans Administration Hospital, Crouse Irving Hospital, SUNY Health Science Center, Sheraton University Hotel, and the Hutchings Psychiatric Center as well as the 911 Center. Information about criminal activity is immediately broadcast to all Hillnet participants so they can take preventive measures.
Criminal offenses, except for sexual assaults and domestic violence, are investigated by ESF University Police for future prosecution. Further, the campus community is notified of situations that pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the community through the following methods of communication:
- SUNY-NY Alert – ESF is one of many State University campuses that have adopted an emergency messaging service offered through the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) and the State University of New York (SUNY). The system will allow ESF to communicate on matters of critical emergencies with all members of the College community. The system allows e-mail, phone, and text messages to be sent automatically to all members of the campus community who have provided their contact information.
- Crime Alert Bulletins are distributed to all staff and posted on all bulletin boards.
- The SU daily newspaper, The Daily Orange, publishes news and tips regarding crime.
- Crime prevention tips are discussed at student and employee orientation sessions.
Enforcement Authority of SUNY University Police
The ESF University Police Department is the fully empowered law enforcement agency for the campus. The department consists of sworn police officers who are vested with full law enforcement and responsibilities identical to the local police in other communities.
Officers are trained at local regional municipal police academies. They receive specialized training and in-service training in first aid, defensive tactics, legal updates, and other law enforcement topics. With certain exceptions, the law enforcement authority for ESF University Police is limited to the campus and adjoining roadways. ESF University Police officers are armed.
ESF University Police forwards crime incident information to the New York State Police Intelligence System (NYSPIN) for state and national distribution. The department has a close working relationship with the Syracuse City Police and given the infrequency of serious criminal activity on the Syracuse campus, major criminal investigations are turned over to them. Crime reports and related statistical information are also entered into the SUNY Campus Crime Information System for statistical purposes.
It is the policy of the ESF University Police Department to respond to all calls for service alleging potential penal law crimes possibly occurring and all calls involving a potential concern for public safety at the Centennial Hall facility (owned by Abby Lane Housing Corporation, a subsidiary of the ESF College Foundation, Inc., located at 142 Oakland Street, Syracuse, New York, 13210). It is also the policy of the ESF University Police Department to respond to Centennial Hall when requested by Greystar management staff for the purposes of collecting information regarding an emergent student issue. Additionally, students residing in Centennial Hall may need to be referred to the Syracuse City Police for assistance.
Crime Statistics Availability Statement
A copy of the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry campus crime statistics as reported annually to the U.S. Department of Education will be provided upon request by the ESF University Police at 315-470-6667. Information can also be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education website.
Self-Conducted Security Procedures
The Physical Plant maintains buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. It inspects campus facilities and makes repairs on safety and security hazards such as broken windows and locks. Any safety or security hazard can be reported to ESF University Police at 315-470-6667.