Message from the Dean of Students
Dear Mighty Oaks,
This Student Handbook is intended to serve as a guide to the ESF student experience, whether you are a new, transfer, or returning ESF student. The Division of Student Affairs updates this Handbook on at least a yearly basis to ensure that the information is current and accurate.
Our mission in the Division of Student Affairs is to support an inclusive community by advancing student learning, well-being, and personal and professional growth through leadership and engagement opportunities. Our staff are committed to assisting you in creating an outstanding student experience. We are available in a variety of offices throughout the ESF campus or are only a click, tap, or phone call away. Please reach out to a staff member in the Division of Student Affairs, via email at, by phone at (315) 470-6660, or visit our webpage to find the answers you seek. Other resources you may find useful include the ESF Academic Catalog, the ESF Schedule of Classes, the Syracuse University Student Handbook, the Syracuse University Course Catalog, and any reference materials distributed by your academic department.
As an ESF student it is your responsibility to understand and abide by the policies and procedures that are contained and referred to within this Student Handbook. ESF is committed to upholding a high degree of integrity in its students, both while you are here and within the communities you join after you leave the College. The Code of Student Conduct and other College policies are intended to encourage the development of that integrity as well as maintain a safe and secure environment in which all members of the ESF community can achieve success.
It is my sincere hope that you have a successful and enriching ESF experience! The staff in the Division of Student Affairs looks forward to assisting you along the way.
Renée McNamara
Dean of Students