Modification of Procedures
The College of Environmental Science and Forestry reserves the right to modify its conduct and appeal processes with written notice to the complainant and the respondent when classes are not in session, during the summer session, when safety and security issues so demand, when special expertise is needed to ensure fairness, or in other circumstances where, in the College’s sole discretion, the procedures described herein are deemed insufficient to meet the objectives of educating and protecting members of the College community. Any modification to the processes shall provide students with required elements of fundamental fairness and due process.
Coordination of the Conduct Process of ESF and Syracuse University
Under a contract between Syracuse University and the State of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse University provides instruction, student support services, and computer services to ESF students. ESF students may also contract individually with Syracuse University for dining services. The following principles define the relationship between ESF students and Syracuse University regarding academic and personal conduct, and the jurisdiction of ESF and SU student conduct processes. In all cases involving ESF and Syracuse University student conduct processes, open and full communication between the two campuses shall be pursued to promote the equitable and timely disposition of any ESF Code of Student Conduct violations.
- Academic Misconduct: ESF students enrolled in Syracuse University courses are subject to the jurisdiction of the Syracuse University Code of Student Conduct. All cases of academic dishonesty involving ESF students in SU courses are handled by Syracuse University. Certain sanctions, e.g., an F on an exam or in a course or prohibition from further registration at Syracuse University, can be administered directly by Syracuse. For more serious violations, the sanctions of suspension or expulsion can be recommended by Syracuse but can be enacted only through the student conduct process at ESF.
- Behavioral Misconduct
- Guiding Principles
- The relationship between ESF and Syracuse University is contractual, as well as collegial, in nature. Pursuant to the agreement between the institutions, ESF students are subject to the jurisdiction of both the ESF student conduct process and the Syracuse University student conduct process. The jurisdiction of the ESF student conduct process arises from the enrollment agreement between ESF and its students. The jurisdiction of the Syracuse University student conduct process arises from the Agreement between ESF and Syracuse University. This Agreement states in relevant part that: “...Syracuse University may, for disciplinary, medical, or other similar reason, decrease, terminate, suspend, or prevent access to such services [provided by the Agreement] to any student of...[ESF]...on the same basis and pursuant to the same procedures as Syracuse may do with respect to any student of its own.”
- The academic progress of students is of paramount concern to ESF and Syracuse University, even when disciplinary charges are pending. Nonetheless, both institutions recognize that their responsibilities for educating and protecting students and their respective communities include the potential for students to be separated from their educational pursuits under appropriate circumstances.
- While ESF students are subject both to the ESF and the Syracuse University student conduct processes, in most cases disciplinary consequences will not be imposed by both institutions but rather through a coordinated process between institutions. Only where the institutions are unable to reach consensus on sanctions or other actions, despite appropriate consultation, will each institution determine its sanction(s) independent of the other.
- Procedures
- Incidents arising on ESF Property: ESF Code of Student Conduct violations occurring on ESF owned and/or associated, operated, or controlled property will be adjudicated by the ESF student conduct process. Incidents involving Syracuse students will be adjudicated by the Syracuse University student conduct process in consultation with the ESF Dean of Students (or designee).
- Incidents arising on SU Property: Syracuse University Code of Student Conduct violations occurring on SU owned, operated, or controlled property will be adjudicated by the Syracuse University student conduct process in consultation with the ESF Dean of Students (or designee).
- Incidents occurring on property other than that owned by ESF or SU: ESF Code of Student Conduct violations occurring on property other than that owned and/or associated, operated, or controlled by ESF or Syracuse will be adjudicated by the ESF student conduct process.
- Guiding Principles