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Student Conduct at ESF

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ESF is an institution of higher learning where growth and development are fostered, excellence is pursued, and the highest standards of integrity are expected in all areas of life. The College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment where the individual rights of all persons are respected, and the highest quality education is provided to all students.

ESF’s Code of Student Conduct outlines the behavior that is expected of all students at the College. The College considers this Code of Student Conduct to be the minimum expectations and seeks to foster a commitment to the highest standards of ethical behavior by the coherent, consistent, and fair way it enforces its rules and regulations. As a condition of enrollment, all students are required to review the Code of Student Conduct and sign a statement acknowledging that they have read and understand the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct.

Each student is responsible for their conduct from the time of admission to the College of Environmental Science and Forestry through the awarding of a degree, even though misconduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during official breaks in the academic year (See also Withdrawal from ESF Prior to Conduct Resolution.)

Students who host non-ESF guests are responsible for informing their guests of the ESF Code of Student Conduct and may be held responsible for the actions of their guests who violate the Code of Student Conduct. Student hosts must be present during any and all guest visits. Students are responsible for violations committed by others that occur in their College-designated housing facilities unless another ESF student takes responsibility for the violation.

Violations of the Code of Student Conduct by any student or student groups/organizations recognized administratively or by student government and/or their officers may lead to College administrative actions and/or College disciplinary action and will be adjudicated through the College’s student conduct process. The student conduct process includes distinct processes for behavioral, academic, and sexual misconduct, as described in the following pages. These processes are designed to reflect and support the educational mission of the College and to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals charged with or reporting student misconduct. Additionally, these processes are intended to result in the growth and personal understanding of individual responsibilities for all parties.

Jurisdiction of the ESF Code of Student Conduct extends to alleged misconduct that takes place:

On College-owned and/or associated properties;

On property close to the College campus including student neighborhoods;

Off-campus having an adverse effect on the College community or the interests and mission of the College; and/or

At any College-sponsored event

All matters pertaining to the ESF Code of Student Conduct are under the purview of the College President and are administered by the Executive Officer for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management through the Dean of Students (or designee). The Dean of Students (or designee) develops policies and procedural rules for the administration of the student conduct system including, but not limited to, the conduct of hearings to adjudicate cases of alleged violations of the ESF Code of Student Conduct, determining the composition of College conduct bodies (College Hearing Board, Committee on Academic Honesty, College Appeals Committee) and which conduct body or student conduct officer shall be authorized to hear a case.

In addition to College actions, students and student groups may face criminal arrest when the incident is also a violation of local, state, and/or federal law. The College may notify local and federal authorities when a serious violation of a criminal nature has occurred, except for cases involving sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking as discussed below. Such notification will not modify the College’s responsibility to adjudicate the alleged misconduct through its own conduct process. Proceedings under the ESF Code of Student Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings at the discretion of the Dean of Students (or designee), except for sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking as discussed below.