Other College Actions
Interim Suspension
The status of a respondent will not be changed while a conduct case is pending against them unless the Dean of Students (or designee), in consultation with the College President, determines that an interim suspension is required to promote the safety and well-being of the College community. The College may temporarily separate a student who presents a threat to the community and/or to an individual. A student on interim suspension is prohibited from any presence or activity on College-owned and/or associated property and from participation in any class or program offered by the College, without express permission from the Dean of Students (or designee).
Where an interim suspension is imposed in a case involving the arrest of the accused student, the College may proceed with its student conduct process prior to civil or criminal proceedings, or it may require the associated criminal matter to be resolved in full prior to the pending student conduct case being heard on its merits.
Should the complainant and/or respondent wish to appeal or modify the parameters of an interim suspension, they must do so in writing to the Dean of Students (or designee) within five (5) business days of the receipt of the interim suspension. The decision of the Dean of Students (or designee) is final. The respective parties will be notified of both the submission of the request to appeal or modify the interim suspension and the final decision regarding the appeal.
A student on interim suspension who voluntarily withdraws or attempts to withdraw from ESF prior to conduct resolution shall not be exempt from the proceedings described herein and a notation of “conduct charges pending” will be placed on that student’s official College transcript. The enforcement process shall be followed with the accused student receiving due notice of hearing. Any resulting sanction of suspension or expulsion will replace the “withdrawal” or “conduct charges pending” status on the official College transcript. Lesser sanctions shall be kept on file in the permanent academic record for reference if the student applies for readmission. The completion of any assigned conditions of sanction outlined in the disposition (outcome) letter will be considered in all applications for readmission to the College following a period of suspension or withdrawal.
A student who withdraws under the circumstances above Is not permitted to enter onto ESF owned and/or associated, operated, or controlled property nor to participate in any class or program offered by ESF until the pending matter is resolved. Additionally, Syracuse University will be notified of the withdrawal and may exercise their discretion as to access the Syracuse University campus and facilities.
No Contact Orders
A No Contact Order (NCO) is a written directive from the Dean of Students (or designee) to a student prohibiting the individual from contacting another student through any means including, but not limited to, face-to-face contact, calling or texting, leaving messages, sending e-mail, Direct Messages or any contact through Facebook or any other social media, or having others do any of the above on their behalf. Failure to comply with the directive may result in more serious conduct consequences including suspension or expulsion from ESF.
The Dean of Students (or designee) can issue an NCO as a preventative measure when in receipt of reports alleging certain violation(s) of the ESF Code of Student Conduct. An NCO can be issued even in cases where the respondent has not been formally charged with and/or found responsible for violating College policy. A student requesting an NCO does not have to file formal charges against the student named in the NCO to request that one be put in place. The NCO can be issued when there is reason to believe that an order would be in the best interest of all involved parties and the community for promoting peace and civility. Generally, the Dean of Students (or designee) will also direct the requesting student to have no further contact with the respondent.
No Contact Orders are not similar to court-imposed restraining orders/orders of protection and do not guarantee that the designated parties will avoid sightings and passing interactions on the campus or in the local community. In some circumstances, a No Contact Order may restrict a student from parts of the campus where they would not have to engage in required academic activities. Students who are concerned about personal safety should contact the ESF University Police Department at 315-470-6666 or Syracuse City Police at 911.
When the situation involves both ESF and SU students, the institutions will work collaboratively to put the NCO into place. The duration of an NCO is determined by the Dean of Students (or designee).
Students interested in requesting an NCO should contact the Division of Student Affairs (110 Bray Hall, 315-470-6660).
Should either party wish to appeal or modify the parameters of a No Contact Order, they must do so in writing to the Dean of Students (or designee) within five (5) business days of the receipt of the NCO. The decision of the Dean of Students (or designee) is final. All NCOs will be reviewed at the end of the term in which they are issued. Should the Dean of Students (or designee) determine the need for continuing the NCO, a new NCO will be issued.
Pursuant to section 2225 of VAWA, ESF will comply with and give full faith and credit to any court ordered restraining order or order of protection from any other state or territory.
No Trespass Directives
A No Trespass Directive is a written directive from either the Chief of ESF University Police (or designee) or the Dean of Students (or designee) to a student prohibiting them from accessing the ESF campus (including Centennial Hall) for an articulated period of time. A No Trespass Directive can be issued as a preventative measure when in receipt of reports alleging certain violation(s) of the ESF Code of Student Conduct. A No Trespass Directive can be issued even in cases where a student has not been formally charged with and/or found responsible for violating College policy.
When the situation involves both ESF and SU students, the institutions will work collaboratively to put the No Trespass Directive into place. The duration of a No Trespass Directive is determined by the Dean of Students (or designee).
Students interested in requesting a No Trespass Directive should contact the University Police (19 Bray Hall, 315-470-6667) or the Division of Student Affairs (110 Bray Hall, 315-470-6660).
Should either party wish to appeal or modify the parameters of a No Trespass Directive, they must do so in writing to the Dean of Students (or designee) within five (5) business days of the receipt of the directive. The decision of the Dean of Students (or designee) is final.