Process for Alleged Academic Misconduct
- If an instructor believes that an academic integrity violation has occurred based
on either personal observation or on the report of another party (student, teaching
assistant, other instructor, etc.):
- Instructor completes the Academic Integrity Report online.
- Coordinator of Community Standards checks for prior academic integrity violations by the student and sends a notification of charges letter to the student, copied to the instructor.
- In the event of a first potential offense:
- Instructor communicates with the accused student to determine responsibility.
- If the accused student is determined “not responsible”, the current case file is destroyed, and no further action is taken.
- If the accused student is determined “responsible”, the instructor offers a course-related
resolution (sanction), up to and including course failure. The instructor may require
additional or alternative work in substitution for rejected work but has no obligation
to do so.
- If the student accepts the resolution offered, the instructor will send a follow up email to the student describing the circumstances and disposition of the matter to the student within five (5) business days of its disposition. The instructor will also send a copy of the email to the Coordinator of Community Standards (or designee). The Coordinator of Community Standards will send a follow-up letter to confirm the outcome.
- If the student does not accept the resolution offered by the instructor, the instructor refers the case, via email, to the Coordinator of Community Standards (or designee) for further adjudication.
- Instructor communicates with the accused student to determine responsibility.
- In cases where a student does not accept resolution of an academic integrity violation or in cases of repeat violations, the instructor refers the matter to the Coordinator of Community Standards (or designee) for adjudication by the Committee on Academic Honesty.
Committee on Academic Honesty
The Committee on Academic Honesty (COAH) is comprised of one faculty member, one faculty and/or staff member, and one student from the same level of study as the respondent (i.e. undergraduate or graduate) selected from a pool of members who have received training in the College’s student conduct process. At least one member of any COAH must be a faculty member.
COAH Process
- The Coordinator of Community Standards (or designee) contacts the student and offers the option of providing a written statement or appearance in front of the COAH.
- Documented instructor charges are provided to the COAH, including the initial incident and any supplemental information available.
- COAH reviews the case to determine whether a violation occurred and levies sanction(s),
if appropriate.
- If determined “not responsible” then there is no violation and the current case file is destroyed.
- If determined “responsible” then COAH determines a resolution (sanction).
- The Coordinator of the Community Standards (or designee) communicates results to the
student with a copy to the instructor.
- If student accepts the resolution, the case is closed/resolved.
- If student does not accept the resolution, the appeal process is enacted.
An academic misconduct case is considered resolved when:
- The student accepts responsibility for the alleged violation (s) OR
- When the instructor or COAH determines no violation has occurred OR
- When the COAH determines a violation has occurred, and when an appropriate sanction is levied, and any appeal process is completed, if applicable.