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Student Code of Conduct

Orange horizontal rule

ESF considers the following behavior, or attempts thereof, by any student or student organization, whether acting alone or with any other persons, to violate the Code of Student Conduct. Responsibility is not diminished for acts in violation of this Code that are committed in ignorance of the Code or while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or the improper use of controlled substances.

  1. Academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct. This includes misuse of academic resources or facilities, or misuse of computer software, data, equipment, or networks.
  2. Physical harm or threat of physical harm to any person or persons, including, but not limited to assault, sexual abuse, or other forms of physical abuse.
  3. Harassment, whether physical, verbal, or electronic, oral, written, or video, which is beyond the bounds of protected free speech, directed at a specific individual(s), easily construed as “fighting words,” and/or likely to cause an immediate breach of the peace.
  4. Conduct, whether physical, verbal, or electronic, oral, written, or video, which threatens the mental health, physical health, or safety of any person or persons including defamation, hazing, drug or alcohol abuse, bullying, and other forms of destructive behavior.
  5. Intentional disruption or obstruction of lawful activities of the College or its members including their exercise of the right to assemble and to peaceful protest.
  6. Theft of or damage to personal or College property or services and illegal possession or use of the same.
  7. Forgery, alteration, fabrication, or misuse of identification cards, records, grades, diplomas, and College documents, or misrepresentation of any other kind to a College office or official.
  8. Unauthorized entry, use, or occupation of College facilities and properties that are locked, closed, or otherwise restricted as to use.
  9. Disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, public intoxication, lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior, libel, slander, and illegal gambling.
  10. Illegal manufacture, purchase, sale, use, possession, being in the presence of, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances and/or violation of the ESF Alcohol and Other Drug Use Policy. ESF complies with the policies and sanctions of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (PL 101-226).
  11. Failure to comply with the directives of College officials who are performing the duties of their office, especially as they relate to the maintenance of safety or security.
  12. Unauthorized possession or use of any weapon including firearms, BB-guns, air rifles, explosive devices, fireworks, or any other dangerous, illegal, or hazardous object or material, and improper use as a weapon of any otherwise permitted object or material.
  13. Interference with or misuse of fire alarms, blue safety lights, elevators, or other safety and security equipment or programs.
  14. Violation of any federal, state, or local law which has a negative impact on the well-being of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry or its individual members. Students are expected to comply with all government regulations and College policies regarding environmental health and safety, including, but not limited to, those outlined in the ESF Laboratory Safety Guide and Chemical Hygiene Plan. In the interest of public health and safety, all members of the College community and visitors/guests must wear shoes and shirts in all campus buildings.
  15. Violation of College policies, rules, or regulations that are published in ESF’s Student Handbook, Centennial Hall Handbook, Ranger School Addendum, or other official College publications or agreements pertaining to the educational mission of the institution.