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Office of Development
Scholarships and Awards

#| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1931 Class Fund: The College's first endowed class fund.  It was launched by a gift from Carl Haischer and supplemented by classmates in 1988 to financially assist future students.

1939 Class Fund: Provides general support each year to deserving students.  It was started by George Leggett, Jack Weinger, and Sam Perry and supplemented generously by their classmates on the occasion of their 50th reunion.

1943 Class Fund: Initiated by Herb Seidel and generously supplemented by his classmates to provide support to students with financial need.

1951 Class Fund: Initiated by Gabriel Buschle, Jay McConnell, and Carl Miller in 2002 in anticipation of their 55th reunion in 2006. This scholarship, endowed by members of the Class of 1951, is awarded to undergraduate students based on financial need, academic merit, and strength of character.

1956 Class Fund: Established in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1956, to provide aid to undergraduate students with acceptable academic performance who have exhibited potential for continued improvement.

1957 Class Fund: Provides scholarship support each year to deserving students.  It was started by Scott Gray, Ned Holmes and Dick Klingaman and supplemented generously by their classmates on the occasion of their 50th reunion.

1958 Class Fund: Established on the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1958 in honor of ESF alumni who died in service to our Country during World War II, Korea, and the Vietnam War.  It is awarded annually to a deserving student with a strong commitment to community and campus service.

1959 Class Fund: Established in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1959 to provide a scholarship to a top-ranked senior ESF student as part of the Alumni Memorial Scholarship program administered by the ESF Alumni Association.

1963 Class Fund: Established in 2021 to provide support to students in need. The fund was initiated by Keith Butters, John Fisher, Curt Reese and Terry Amburgey; all members of the class of 1963.

1964 Class Fund: Established in 2000 to provide aid to students in need. This fund was initiated by Susan Mead Hughson with support by classmates Harry Barber, Harold Brotzman, Harold Burghart, Alan Eachus, Alan Kubarek, and Thomas Okoniewski.

Class of 1968 Ranger School Scholarship: Established in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Ranger School Class of 1968 to provide scholarships to Ranger School students.

1973 Class Fund: Established by members of the class of 1973 in honor of their 50th anniversary, this fund will support ESF graduate students engaged in research.

Class of 1974 Fund: Established in 2023 in honor of their 50th anniversary.  The scholarship will provide support to students in good academic standing who demonstrate financial need.  The fund was initiated by John Warneck, Margie Gaylord Culkowski, Bob Loveless, and Don Schaufler and generously supported by members of the class of 1974.  


Richard J. Ahearn Fund: Established by alumnus Richard Ahearn to provide awards to undergraduate or graduate students participating in internships or external research projects for the purpose of advancing their career development.

Maurice M. & Annette B. Alexander Wetland Research Fund: Established in honor of Professor Alexander '40 and Mrs. Alexander by family and former students, to provide annual support for graduate research in wetland ecology and management.

Domenico '41 & Serafina Annese Fund: Established in honor of Mr. Domenico Annese, Class of 1941, and his wife, Serafina. This fund provides scholarship support to deserving landscape architecture students.

Bruce E. Appel Scholarship Fund: Established to honor Bruce E. Appel '66 by providing scholarship support to an undergraduate student in good academic standing and enrolled in the LA program. Preference will be given to a 3rd or 4th year student, with demonstrated strengths and/or career engagement in site engineering (or related engineering aspects of LA).

Stuart Appel Memorial Lecture Fund: Created by colleagues, friends and family to honor Stuart's life, career and contributions to the field of Landscape Architecture.

Arthur N. Ashley '53 Endowed Scholarship: Established by the estate of Arthur N. Ashley '53 to provide scholarship support to deserving students.

NY Upstate Chapter ASLA Scholarship: Established to support a 4th year landscape architecture student involved with the student chapter of ASLA.


Guy Baldassarre Memorial Scholarship: Established by the friends, family and colleagues in memory of Guy Baldassarre to provide a scholarship for an undergraduate student in the Department of Environmental Forest Biology. The scholarship is awarded to students in the wildlife science program with an interest in ornithology.

Bartlett Tree Foundation Grant in Aid: Established by the Bartlett Tree Company to assist forestry students who are interested in careers in arboriculture/urban forestry.

Bauer-Forecon Scholarship: Established by the Forecon Company on their 50th anniversary in honor of their founder, Curtis H. Bauer '50, to assist undergraduate or graduate students with concentrating studies in the area of forest management with the Department of Forest and Natural Resource Management.  Recipients must be in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need, and preference is given to candidates with a high probability of becoming a practicing forester or consulting forester.

Herbert R. Baxter Scholarship Fund: Established in 1998 by his wife, Catherine.  This endowment provides scholarship support to deserving Forestry students.

Jay & Olive Bentley Scholarship Fund: Established by Dr. William Bentley in honor of his parents to aid deserving undergraduate students in the Forest Resource Management program.

Olive M. Bentley Ranger School Scholarship and Chair's Award: Established by former chair of the Faculty of Forestry, Dr. William Bentley, in honor of his mother Olive Mason Bentley. The chair's award is given to a graduate of the Ranger School, and the remaining funds are used to recruit a female student who demonstrates strong academic achievement and accomplishments outside the classroom to study at the Ranger School.

John V. Berglund Memorial Forestry Scholarship Fund: Established in 1988 in the name of John V. Berglund '66, a 21-year Forestry faculty member and Dean of the School of Forestry from 1979-1986.  It is awarded to students of exceptional professional promise.

Board of Trustees Fund: Established by the 1991 ESF Board of Trustees to be used to support deserving students. The fund current supports the ESF Honors Program.

Clifford Curtis Booth, Sr. Scholarship Fund: Created in 2009 by Clifford Curtis Booth Jr. '43 ("Curt") in gratitude for his father's hard work to support him while attending ESF, to assist an ESF student with financial need.  Curt's son Norman Booth graduated from ESF in 1970.

Simeon H. Bornt III Memorial Fund: Created by a special gift from Sara Bornt in honor of her husband, Simeon H. Bornt III '73, to assist deserving students at ESF.

Gordon S. Bowen '38 Scholarship: Established in memory of Gordon S. Bowen to provide undergraduate scholarships with preference given to candidates from under-represented populations, particularly Native American students. However, the scholarship is open to all ESF students in good academic standing.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Sustainability Fellowship: Provides financial support to an outstanding graduate student whose thesis or dissertation work advances new sustainable practices or otherwise focuses on issues related to sustainability. This award is intended to fund the final year of study for students enrolled in MS or PhD programs.

John W. '52 & Elizabeth C. Brooks Fund: Established to provide equipment, materials and program support for the Faculty of Paper Science and Engineering at the discretion of the Faculty Chair.

H.P. Brown Endowed Scholarship: Established by a student of former faculty member H.P. Brown. The scholarship is used to provide support to graduate students whose studies focus in the area of tropical woods.

Nelson Courtlandt Brown Scholarship: Named after the late Emeritus Professor Nelson C. Brown.  Professor Brown was chairman of the Forest Utilization Department for four decades prior to his retirement in 1951.  At one time Professor Brown was forestry advisor to former President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  The scholarship is awarded to students in Wood Products Engineering who demonstrate good academic standing, professional potential, and financial need.

Thomas J. Brochu Memorial Fund: Established in memory of Tom Brochu (’75) by his wife Peggy Hummel Brochu (SU ’75) in recognition of Tom’s devotion to promoting scientific learning, his lifelong love of forest ecology, and his great pride in being an ESF alumnus.

Tom graduated ESF with a BS in Forest Resources Management and went on to earn an MBA from Duke University in 1979 as well as a professional certificate in Forest Carbon Science, Policy & Management from Michigan State University in 2021. Upon retiring from a successful career in the paper and building products industry in 2018, Tom supported environmental awareness and education by interacting with the public as a certified volunteer naturalist at the Cincinnati Nature Center. Tom was especially enthusiastic about the American chestnut tree, and through his contacts at ESF, he became involved in its restoration efforts.

This fund honors Tom’s passion for environmental education by providing funding for ongoing graduate student research and programmatic support to ESF’s American Chestnut Research and Restoration Project.

Henry H. Buckley Scholarship: Established by the Henry H. Buckley Foundation in honor of Henry H. Buckley to support the education of deserving ESF students.

Frank & Letitia Buholtz Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. C. Eugene Farnsworth: Established by Mr. Frank Buholtz, Ranger School Class of 1947, and his wife, Letitia, in honor of Dr. C. Eugene Farnsworth.  Dr. Farnsworth was a former ESF faculty member and Director of the Ranger School.  The scholarship is used to assist deserving students at the Ranger School in Wanakena.

Robert L. Burgess Graduate Scholarship in Ecology: Used to assist graduate students who are recognized for their contributions in the research and commitment to the study, teaching, and application of ecology, as part of the legacy of Dr. Robert L. Burgess, EFB Faculty Emeritus, to further the awareness of the essential need for ecology in the world.

Russell F. Burke Memorial Fund: Established in memory of Russell F. Burke '60, by his wife, to recognize deserving undergraduate landscape architecture students.

Gabriel F. and Kay A. Buschle Fund: Established in 2008 by the Buschle's in honor of the couples long-term relationship with and affection for ESF. Gabe, a retired dentist, was a graduate of the class of 1951 and a dedicated ESF volunteer with over 40 years of service. An active board member of the ESF Alumni Association, Gabe attended countless ESF events and served as the official photographer at the majority of them. Gabe was instrumental in working with his class to establish the largest class gift scholarship in the history of ESF. Kay, retired from the nursing faculty at Syracuse University, is an adopted member of the ESF family, and a strong supporter of the College. The scholarship established by the Buschle's is open to all undergraduate students and is awarded based on academic merit and financial need.

Marianne & George F. Butts Scholarship Fund: Awarded to students enrolled in the Surveying Technology program or Forest Technology program at the Ranger School, who show promise for a successful career in land surveying and who are residents of either the State of Vermont or the State of New York.


Camp Fire Dual Degree Program: Provides funding support to enable ESF graduate students to pursue dual degrees in wildlife conservation at ESF, and public administration at the Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.

Emanuel J. Carter Jr. Award: Established to support ESF faculty research, teaching, and public service activities and to also provide scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students interested in landscape architecture by ESF Faculty member, Emanuel J. Carter, Jr.

Frank Casanova Scholarship:  Established to support a student at The Ranger School, with some preference for a student from Northern New York.  Frank went on to receive his bachelor's and master's degrees at ESF in 1939 and 1940, before working for the U.S. Forest Service. He died in 2011 and created this scholarship through a bequest from his estate.

Daniel M. Castagnozzi Memorial Fund: Created and funded by the family of Daniel Castagnozzi.  Mr. Castagnozzi was a graduate of the Ranger School in 1950, a faculty member, and also a former director of the Ranger School.

Center for Native Peoples and the Environment: Established to focus on developing connections between traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and western scientific approaches. The center's goal is to create programs that draw on the wisdom of both indigenous and scientific knowledge to address environmental protection and restoration. The fund is supported by a major gift by ESF College Foundation board member Lew Allyn and his wife Dawn.

Denise M. Ceremeli Memorial Fund: Established by Edward and Janice Cerimeli in memory of their daughter, Denise Cerimeli '88.  This scholarship is awarded to deserving students in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, with a preference given to students with financial need.

Betty Moore Chamberlaine Memorial Fund: Established to aid a deserving graduate student in the avian management field.

John & Marie Chamberlaine Memorial Scholarship: Established to support deserving undergraduate students in the wildlife management field.

Chemistry Emeriti Faculty Fellowship: Established by Dr. Edwin C. Jahn to aid graduate students of the Department of Chemistry at ESF. It was Dr. Jahn's intention to honor the work of 5 distinguished emeriti faculty members by selecting student recipients whose research interests matched those of the emeriti. The emeriti to be honored through this fund are: Dr. Conrad Schuerch (natural polymers and carbohydrates); Dr. Robert Silverstein (chemical ecology); Dr. Ernest Soundheimer (biochemistry); Dr. Michael Szwarc (polymer chemistry); Dr. Tore Timell (wood, tree and forest chemistry).

Earl Church Memorial Fund: Ceated in memory of Mr. Earl Church. Mr. Church spent twenty years teaching, developing, and researching the basic foundations of Analytical Photogrammetry. The fund supports students who are carrying on his legacy by studying photogrammetry.

John P. Clark Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1987 by the parents of John P. Clark '77 and supported by an annual memorial golf tournament organized by John's friends, Rick '78 and Lonny Watro. This fund assists students of high academic achievement with demonstrated financial need.

Albert & Barbara Cline Silviculture Scholarship: Established through a bequest from Barbara Holden Cline in honor of her husband, Raymond Albert Cline. This endowment provides scholarships for students in the Forest Ecosystems area of study with a strong interest in silviculure research and practice.

Sandy Cochran Memorial Fund: Created to memorialize Sandy Cochran's achievements in forestry and the wood products industry.

Dann Colvin Scholarship: Established to honor the memory of Dann Colvin '55 by his wife, Louise Colvin Vier.  This scholarship fund provides scholarship support to deserving students majoring in either Landscape Architecture or Environmental Studies.

Daniel Cooke '55 Ranger School Scholarship: Established to aid Ranger School students who are deemed deserving based on financial need and academic merit. Dan Cooke has remained one of The Ranger School's strongest supporters through his scholarship, constant involvement with Ranger School affairs, and commitment to the Wanakena and Cranberry Lake community.

Dr. Wilfred A. Côté, Jr. Endowed Scholarship: Established to support an undergraduate student from any department with financial need who has demonstrated a commitment to education by having a meritorious GPA.

Douglas L. and Susan M. Cotton Fund for Entrepreneurial Development: Established in 2005, to support an academic program dedicated to the instruction of undergraduate or graduate students in the principals and mechanics of entrepreneurship.

William J Cox Memorial Scholarship: Funded by a trust established by the Lumbermen's Insurance Company, Ltd. in memory of it's founder William J. Cox. The William J. Cox Memorial Fund provides scholarships for employees in the forest products industry and their children at several New York State universities including SUNY ESF.

Cross Student Research Apprenticeship: Dr. Cross received both an MS and PhD from ESF.  His PhD work was in forest zoology and his primary research was conducted at Huntington Forest on the ESF Newcomb Campus.  During his academic career, Dr. Cross was granted a Huntington Wildlife Fellowship in which he worked as a part-time research assistant.  His affiliation with Huntington Forest led Dr. Cross to leave a bequest to support student research at the Newcomb Campus.  Recipients are selected and supervised by the Newcomb Campus Associate Director of Research.

Cross Fellowship: Dr. Charles Cross received both an MS and PhD from ESF.  His PhD work was in forest zoology and his primary research was conducted at Huntington Forest on the ESF Newcomb Campus.  During his academic career, Dr. Cross was granted a Huntington Wildlife Fellowship in which he worked as a part-time research assistant.  The Cross Fellowship provides graduate or undergraduate student support for a research-based field experience and skill acquisition to the recipient working with the Adirondack Ecological Center on or near the HWF.

William Cross Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1986 by the family of William Cross, Class of 1951, to aid students with financial need.

George W. Curry Endowed Fund: Shall be used to provide assistance to the students and academic programs of the Department of Landscape Architecture.

George W. Curry Honor Fund: Established by friends and colleagues of George Curry in honor of his outstanding career at SUNY ESF. The fund will support scholarships for Landscape Architecture students in good academic standing. Additionally, intended to support cultural & historical landscape preservation themes & lecture series.

Carol A. Cusack Public Service Scholarship: This scholarship fund honors the memory of Carol A. Cusack, a government employee who served the public for 50 years, completed her college education through personal determination at a time when women were not encouraged to seek a college education, and was committed to the public good throughout her life.  Ms. Cusack was the beloved aunt of ESF Professor, Dr. Diane M. Kuehn.

Helen Sternberg Cutler Memorial Scholarship: Established to support an undergraduate student with financial need and a demonstrated interest in urban forestry.

Lewis M. Cutler Urban Forestry Scholarship: Provides scholarship for undergraduate students in the department of Sustainable Resources Management with a financial need and a demonstrated interest in urban forestry. Interest is demonstrated through the completion of at least one undergraduate course in urban forestry or arboriculture. Preference is given to students who have expressed an interest in policy or planning and have gained work experience, or completed an internship in the field of urban forestry. This fund was established by Lew Cutler '76 (MS) and his wife, Sally, in recognition of the importance of educating future urban foresters.


Craig J. Davis Scholarship Fund: Professor Craig Davis taught at ESF from 1987 to 2007.  His memorial scholarship was created to assist undergraduate students concentrating studies in the area of forest management  with the Faculty of Forest and Natural Resource Management.  Recipients must be in good academic standing with an ESF grade point average of 3.0 or better, and are selected on the basis of academic achievement.

John Dean Endowed Scholarship: Established to provide undergraduate scholarships for students studying within the Department of Paper and Bioprocess Engineering on the basis of financial need and academic merit.

Dellmore Honors Program: Established by Doug '68 and Dana Dellmore to support the expansion of the ESF Honors Program.

Wilford A. Dence Fellowship Fund: Awarded to advanced degree candidates studying with the Faculty of Environmental and Forest Biology on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated potential for a successful professional career in fish and wildlife management, research or education.  In keeping with the broad interests and activities of Wilfred A. Dence, recipients should also share an enthusiasm for the biotic world, fish, wildlife, and natural history; and show an aptitude and ability in field research and demonstrate a continuing concern for the preservation of ecosystem diversity, stability and vitality.

Diversity Environmental Scholars Fund: Provides financial support to ESF students with the goal of helping to nurture the next generation of leaders in making a positive impact on the planet, with preference given to candidates from underrepresented populations, particularly African American and Latino students.

Nan Dorr Memorial and Syracuse Garden Club Scholarship: Shall be used to support deserving undergraduate students from the Department of Landscape Architecture. Recipients shall be given an opportunity to speak at a Syracuse Garden Club meeting and/or participate in a Club service project. Preference for recipients shall be given to the children or grandchildren of active members of the Syracuse Garden Club who are duly enrolled undergraduate students within the SUNY ESF Department of Landscape Architecture.

James F. Dubuar Memorial Scholarship: Created by alumni of The Ranger School at ESF's Wanakena campus to honor one of the early directors, James F. Dubuar, who was essential in defining the program, spirit and impact of The Ranger School.

Aladino Duke Scholarship: Established in 2004, by Gordon Bowen '38, in honor of his friend, Aladino Duke '39. Mr. Duke spent his entire 40+ year career as an employee of the United States Park Service. The award provides aid to deserving junior and senior Landscape Architecture undergraduate students.


George F. Earle Scholarship for Off-campus Study: Established in honor of George Earl's 90th birthday by family members Dick '60 and Pat Gustafson. The Gustafson's gift was generously supplemented  by students and colleagues of Professor Earle. The fund supports landscape architecture students participating in the off-campus program during their 5th year of study, and is awarded to students with the highest overall academic averages.

George F. Earle Scholarship Fund: Honors the College's Professor of Art from 1965 to 1986, who founded the off-campus program in Landscape Architecture and who was Syracuse University Ski Coach for many years.

Environmental Resource Engineering Scholarship: Funded by gifts from members of the Environmental Resource Engineering (ERE) faculty to assist deserving students in the ERE department.

Extraordinary Aid Fund: ESF's Extraordinary Aid Fund supports the growing demand for financial aid as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many college students and their families, COVID-19 caused an unanticipated financial burden that may affect their ability to complete their education.


C. Eugene Farnsworth Memorial Fellowship: Created in 1983 to pay lasting tribute to Professor C. Eugene Farnsworth's distinguished 42-year teaching and research career at the Ranger School and the College in the form of a financial stipend for outstanding graduate students in Forestry.

Jared M. Fearby Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarships for undergraduate students in EFB who are studying Conservation Biology, in good academic standing and have financial need. Established by the family of Jared Fearby to honor his memory. Jared was a dedicated ESF student at the time of his death.

George Fecke Memorial Scholarship: Scholarship support to ESF Ranger School students in good academic standing.

Dorothy and Donald Ferlow Scholarship: Established by ESF Visiting Instructor, Don Ferlow' 56 and his wife, Dot, to provide awards to landscape architecture students in the second year of graduate study or fourth year or higher of undergraduate study. Recipients must be in good academic standing; must be conscientious, dedicated and diligent toward the practice of their profession; must display flexibility in their work; and must show diversity in their professional and personal interests.

Betsy & Jesse Fink Scholarship in Bioprocess Engineering: Created with a gift from Jesse Fink '79 and Elizabeth Mitchell-Fink '79 to support students in the Bioprocess Engineering major, the first program of its kind in the Northeastern United States.

Betsy & Jesse Fink Career Development Fund: Established with a gift from Betsy Mitchell-Fink '79 and Jesse Fink '79 to advance student career development by supporting internships with environmental organizations, community engagement projects, professional networking and professional employment opportunities.

Jean E. Fisher Memorial Fund: Established in memory of Professor Jean Fisher's 24-year career at ESF. This fund is used to assist deserving students graduating from the Ranger School program.

John A. Feola '39 Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2009 by the estate of Mary Barbara Feola in memory of her husband, John A. Feola '39, to assist deserving students.

Faculty of Forestry Endowment: Provides support to deserving graduate students studying with the Faculty of Forest and Natural Resources Management.

Forestry Undergraduate Scholarship: Provides support to deserving undergraduate students studying with the Faculty of Forest and Natural Resource Management.

Jeremy Frenzel Scholarship for Tropical Ecology Field Experience: Established in memory of Jeremy Frenzel '03 by his parents and siblings to provide financial assistance to financially needy and deserving students who wish to participate in the Tropical Ecology field experience currently held in Dominica, W.I.

Philip F. Friedman Memorial Fund: Established by Sylvia Ackerman Friedman in memory of her husband, Philip, Class of 1930, to assist deserving students.


James E. Glavin Scholarship Fund: Established to honor James Glavin '48, and to encourage and reward the academic and professional development of students in the field of Landscape Architecture.  Jim played a pioneering role in the development and elevation of the field of Landscape Architecture to its current professional status, and is a loyal and dedicated alumnus of the College.

Clara and Wilton B. Griffiths '51 Endowed Fund: Provides awards to undergraduate or graduate ESF students participating in internships or research projects for the purposes of advancing their career development, under the ESF Career Development Program.

Dr. Samuel Grober '38 Graduate Fellowship: Supports the work of a graduate student in the area of forest health and ecosystems research, and teaching at Cranberry Lake Biological Station.   Dr. Grober attended forestry camp in 1936 at what is now CLBS, and credited that experience for much of his business success throughout his life. 

Richard & Patricia Gustafson Charitable Remainder Unitrust: Established by Richard '60 and Patricia Gustafson to assist deserving Landscape Architecture students.

Gutchess Family Fund: Established to support deserving students by Neil B. Gutchess '55 and the Gutchess family owners of Gutchess Lumber in Cortland, NY.

The Gutchess Lumber Scholarship Fund: Established to support students in good academic standing enrolled full-time in the ESF Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering Department, with a demonstrated interest in hardwood utilization. Preference is given to candidates from, or planning to work in, Central New York.


Gary Hamilton '76 Memorial Scholarship: Assists students who demonstrate financial need, who are in an undergraduate planning or planning related program, and who are studying with either the Faculty of Landscape Architecture or the Faculty of Environmental Studies. This fund was established by Gary's classmate Paul Waldner and Gary's siblings, Cheryl and Randy Hamilton.

Eldon L. Harmon Fund: Established by Eldon Harmon '02, this scholarship will support ESF students from underrepresented populations, particularly African American, Latino, and Native American students.

Joseph and Ruth Hasenstab Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2004 by Michael '71 & Barbara Hasenstab in honor of his parents, Joseph and Ruth Hasenstab.  This scholarship is used to assist deserving sophomore, junior, or senior students selected on the basis of personal academic achievement.  First preference for awards is given to students majoring in Plant Science, although all academic majors are eligible.

Robert D. & Virginia E. Hennigan Scholarship: Established by the Hennigan family to support Environmental Studies undergraduate students in good academic standing with preference for students engaged in water resource and/or environmental policy studies or research.

Lee Herrington Scholarship Fund: Established to honor the memory, career and accomplishments of beloved ESF Professor Lee Herrington by his family and friends. The fund provides scholarship support to ESF students engaged in the study or application of geospatial technologies.

R. Milton Hick '20 & Robert M. Hick '54, '58 Scholarship Fund: Established to assist undergraduate students studying in the areas of forest management, forest policy, or wood products engineering.

Bernard & Rebecca Hirsch Scholarship: Created by Morris Hirsch '38 in honor of his parents, with the stipulation that the income be awarded to deserving students with financial need.

Honeywell Onondaga Lake Ecological Restoration Internship: Supported by a gift from Honeywell Corp., this scholarship will support for three years ESF student assistance to Honeywell's and ESF's efforts to restore the ecological integrity of Onondaga Lake through phytoremediation and other techniques.

Matthias C. Huppach '29 Scholarship: Established by his wife Beatrice and son, Charles '58. to provide support for undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic achievement and are pursuing the recreation option in the Forest Resource Management Program.

Jack Hutton Scholarship: Established by Gordon Bowen '38 in honor of his friend, Jack Hutton, to provide support to undergraduate students studying with the Faculty of Forestry &  Natural Resource Management.

Ichor Therapeutics Scholarship: Provides academic year scholarship support to enrolled ESF graduate students conducting thesis research projects at Ichor under the direction of an ESF faculty member.


International Paper Co. Endowed Centennial Scholarship: Established to assist with the recruitment and retention of minority undergraduate students studying with the Faculties of Forest and Natural Resource Management, Wood Products Engineering, or Wild Life Biology.


Edwin C. Jahn Fellowship: Endowed by the Empire State Paper Research Association in the name of its beloved director and dean emeritus of the College, Edwin C. Jahn. It provides assistance to an outstanding graduate student by faculty vote.

Edwin C. Jahn Fund: Established to award funds, at the discretion of the President, to the needs of the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Paper & Bioprocess Engineering, and the F. Franklin Moon Library.

Lancy Jen '51 Scholarship: Established by her family to provide support to undergraduate students who have completed at least two years of study in the Paper Science and Engineering Program with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater.  First preference is given to students from China.

Robert B. Johnson & Class of 1952 Scholarship: Established by the Class of 1952 in honor of their 50th reunion and in memory of their friend and class leader, Robert B. Johnson, to support deserving undergraduate students.

William L. Johnson Fund For The Mapping Sciences: Established in memory of faculty member Bill Johnson by his friend Paul Hopkins and Bill's parents and brother to support the instruction and research activities of the mapping sciences laboratory.  This support includes, travel grants for undergraduate students, purchase of equipment or software, thesis research, staff training, and awards to graduate students.


Edmond C. Kagi '53 Scholarship for Off-Campus Study Fund: Provides support to landscape architecture students participating in the off-campus program during their 5th year of study.  Recipients are selected on the basis of academic merit during their spring semester of their 4th year.

Kappa Phi Delta Scholarship Fund: Established in 2003, to assist undergraduate students with financial need who mirror the spirit of Kappa Phi Delta, the Forestry fraternity. Students honored with this award are well-rounded individuals who have good academic records as well as a history of extra-curricular activities and work experience.

E. Scott Kasprowicz '78 Fund: Provides fellowship support for graduate students in Landscape Architecture, with particular preference to Masters candidates in Community Design and Planning.

William Munsey Kennedy Jr. Distinguished Professor and Scholarship Fund in Landscape Architecture: Established by the estate of Helen R. Kennedy in memory of her husband, Bill Kennedy '38. This endowment sponsors a faculty position in landscape architecture and provides scholarships to landscape architecture students.

Alfred Klayman Memorial Fund

Edwin H. Ketchledge Scholarship Fund: Established in memory of emeritus faculty member Dr. Edwin H. Ketchledge to assist graduate or undergraduate students of ecology in the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at SUNY ESF.  The Chair of the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology shall select recipients on the basis of academic achievement, ideally with interests in teaching, wilderness and the Adirondacks, paralleling Dr. Ketchledge's areas of interest.

Friedrich Klaehn Award: Created in 1962 by the Board of Trustees of the College for students majoring in silviculture.  A graduate of the University of GoHingen, in 1955 Professor Klaehn initiated instruction and research in tree improvement at the College.  Under his leadership the program gained international recognition.

Paul E. Klapthor '80 American Forest Management Scholarship Fund: Established by his widow, Susan Krotz '80 and his colleagues at American Forest Management, in 2009 to honor deceased ESF alum Paul E. Klapthor, who was instrumental in creating one of the nation's premiere forestry consulting firms, American Forest Management.   Supports financial need of deserving forestry students attending forestry summer camp, to increase their chances of pursuing careers in forestry.

Alfred E. Komar '50 Student Aid Fund: Provides assistance to deserving students selected by the Financial Aid Office and was established by Al Komar, class of 1950.


LA Group Scholarship: Established by the LA Group, a landscape architecture practice located in Saratoga Springs, NY. This award will assist landscape architecture students in the fourth year or higher of undergraduate study. The recipient shall possess the following characteristics: good academic standing; conscientious, dedicated diligence toward the practice of the profession; ability to work well in a team and possession of a positive attitude; and demonstrated diversity in professional interests.

Landberge Scholarship Fund: Recipients are selected by a committee of alumni to receive one of the SUNY ESF Alumni Association's Landberge Scholarships in memory of Maurice Landberge '33 based upon financial need and academic standing.

Landscape Architecture Advisory Council Scholarship: Provides support to deserving landscape architecture students. The fund was created through gifts from the members of the Landscape Architecture Advisory Council.

Gerald N. Lanier Memorial Fund: Established to recognize and reward graduate students of high academic achievement in entomology, the field of study that Professor Lanier championed so vigorously through his teaching and research until his death in 1989.

Patrick J. Lawler Writing Award: Established to honor instructor Patrick J. Lawler and will be awarded annually to a senior at ESF that has demonstrated an excellence and commitment to writing.

Albert L. Leaf Memorial Fund: Granted yearly since 1979 to graduate students in forest soil science to commemorate the outstanding internationally recognized contributions over 42 years by Professor Leaf to the College and the profession of forestry.

George W. Lee '47 Endowment Fund: Provides support for a deserving student in honor of George W. Lee '47.

Littlehales Scholarship Fund: Established by Ed '42 and Edna Littlehales to provide assistance to undergraduate students with financial need who are studying with the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management.

Josiah Lowe & Hugh Wilcox Scholarship Fund: Established in 1996 to assist students pursuing graduate level studies in plant physiology, mycology, and plant pathology in honor of two legendary professors, Josiah Lowe and Hugh Wilcox.

Thomas J. Lynch Scholarship: Established by alumnus Thomas J. Lynch '73 to provide support for undergraduate students, especially those with unexpected financial need. The scholarship was established partly in recognition of the extra efforts of Dr. Harrison Payne in his dedication to helping students who found themselves in unexpected circumstances that might have hindered their continuing education at ESF.


The MAC Scholarship Fund: Established by Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation to provide undergraduate scholarship support to ESF students studying in the sustainable energy management program within the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management.

Nels & Deborah Magnuson Endowed Scholarship Fund: Supports a student technician position at the Thousand Islands Biological Station (TIBS) annually during the summer field season. TIBS hosts an aquatic research program, focusing on ecology, conservation, and management of the St. Lawrence River, located on Governor's Island in Clayton, NY. Each summer, a new cohort of students live and work at the island field station to gain hands-on experience in the field of aquatic science and fisheries while directly contributing to novel research and long-term monitoring programs at ESF.

Marsellus Family OCC to ESF Fund: Established by John and Candace Marsellus for the purpose of supporting students who enroll in the Onondaga Community College to SUNY ESF transfer program. Recipients will be in the final semester of their senior year at ESF and on track for graduation. An emphasis for selection will include academic performance and financial need, preference will be given to graduates of the Ranger School.

Wendy Marsh Scholarship Endowment: A resident of Geneva, New York and graduate of Geneva High School, Wendy A. Marsh established an endowed scholarship to support graduates of her alma mater, or the Finger Lakes region, who attend ESF.  As a practicing environmental attorney, Wendy has a passion for the environmental sciences.  She became familiar with the work of ESF during her tenure as a director, and eventual president, of the ESF College Foundation Board of Directors.  Wendy is equally passionate about the revitalization of downtown Geneva.  Wendy and her partner, David Linger, have been actively involved in the promotion and preservation of the Geneva Community since 2005. The 2023 establishment of the Wendy A. Marsh Endowed Scholarship commemorates Wendy's selection as a 2023 recipient of the Feinstone Environmental Award.

Bob Marshall Endowed Fund: Created to support the Bob Marshall Fellowship in wilderness management and policy studies in honor of renowned wilderness advocate, founder of The Wilderness Society and ESF alumnus, Bob Marshall.

A. DeForest Marsters Scholarship Fund: Established to provide support to undergraduate students with financial need from Chenango County, NY with preference for students with an active interest in hunting, trapping and and/or fishing. Assisting students with "unexpected" financial need is also preferred.

Nancy A. Mayer Scholarship Fund: Established by Nancy A. Mayer '71, '03 to provide scholarships to deserving students.

Carmen McCoy-Harrison Memorial Scholarship: Established in honor of Carmen McCoy-Harrison, a former Director of Multicultural Affairs, to assist deserving multicultural students.

Herbert B. McKean '33 Endowment Fund: Established to provide support for students interested in Wood Products Engineering to honor Herbert B. McKean '33.

John A. Meyer Endowed Professorship: Named in memory of  John A. Meyer class of 1958, an outstanding ESF teacher, and researcher, by his wife, Marion W. Meyer.  This endowment will fund a named faculty position and research budget.

John A. Meyer Environmental Chemistry Scholarship: Assisting undergraduate students in chemistry since 1980.  It was made possible by gifts from Marion Meyer and Professor John A. Meyer '58, a recognized authority in nuclear chemistry whose research interests at the College focused upon wood polymers and the chemical modification of wood, radiation chemistry and neutron activation analysis.

John A. Meyer Graduate Fellowship: Created in 1983 by Dr. Meyer '58 and his wife, Marion Waterman Meyer. It provides one year, renewable awards to advanced degree candidates in polymer and environmental chemistry, wood science, or environmental biology.

John A. Meyer Wood Plastic Scholarship: Established in 1981, goes annually to undergraduate students in wood science.  Dr. Meyer '58 completed more than 30 years of service to the College in various capacities before his retirement in 1985 as professor of nuclear and radiation chemistry.  His applied research investigations in the 1960's developed the thermal system for making wood polymers which became the catalyst for the development of wood-composite specialty products industry worldwide.

Moore Family Fund for Wildlife Conservation: Established in honor of the Moore Family with lead support from alumnus Donald E. Moore III, PhD to support ESF wildlife science and collaborative conservation biology programs and students associated with the ESF Roosevelt Wild Life Station.

Patricia '78 & Jeffrey '77 Morrell Scholarship: Established to provide scholarships for students who are juniors and seniors in environmental and forest biology who have shown exceptional leadership ability, either through community service or activity in student organizations.

John L. Morrison Scholarship Fund: Established by the family and former students of Dr. Morrison to support students with financial need interested in botany.  John Morrison was a professor of botany and inspired a generation of students with his knowledge.

J. Lawrence & Antoinette M. Murray Scholarship: Established by the estate of J. Lawrence and Antoinette M. Murray supports academically talented students who might not qualify for other need-based financial aid programs.  Larry Murray, former State University of New York administrator forged a connection with ESF through friendships and fly-fishing trips he made with ESF administrators and faculty members. 

Harold J. Myers Memorial Scholarship: Established to fund scholarships for sophomore, junior or senior undergraduate students studying with the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management.


The Nature Conservancy Partnership: Provides funding to support one PhD student. It will be used for research, education, and public education of indigenous ways of knowing and land justice. It will also support the important work of Center for Native Peoples and the Environment.

NYS Conservation Officers Association Scholarship: Provides support to undergraduate students studying at the Ranger School or the Forestry Program.

NYSAF Bauer/Sand Scholarship Fund: Established by the Society of American Foresters in honor of Curtis H. Bauer '50 and Robert M. Sand '50 to assist deserving Forestry students.

New York Forest Owners' Association Scholarship Fund: Established by the New York Forest Owners' Association to provide support to students interested in forestry.


O'Brien & Gere Graduate Fellowship: Established by the company to support and encourage graduate students to pursue careers in environmental engineering. Scholarships support students in academic study and research, as well as professional career development.


Charles Lathrop Pack Fund: Established to provide annual assistance to graduate students. This fund was made possible by a generous grant in 1986 from Virginia Townsend and augmented by royalties earned by the published biography of her grandfather, Charles L. Pack.

Randolph Greene Pack Environmental Institute: Established by Virgina Lathrup (Pack) Townsend in memory of her father to provide support to enhance educational and research programs dedicated to the conservation of the natural environment.

George and Mary Papageorge Scholarship Fund: Scholarship support for undergraduate students in the department of Landscape Architecture.

Samuel R. Parmelee Memorial Fund

Thomas A. Paulo Scholarship Fund: Established by family, alumni and friends to honor ESF Professor Thomas Paulo. The funds are used to provide scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students in the ESF Department of Landscape Architecture.

Harrison H. Payne Fund: Established in honor of Dr. Harrison H. Payne, a 1950 graduate of ESF and former ESF faculty member and vice president of student affairs. This scholarship supports students demonstrating academic excellence, broad experience and community involvement, and a nurturing of the traditions that make a student's experience at ESF so memorable.

Peace Corps Volunteer Scholarship Fund: Shall support returning Peace Corps volunteers entering/enrolled in graduate studies at ESF, and ESF students enrolled in MS or MPS graduate studies programs that specifically include Peace Corps volunteer service as an integral component of the graduate degree.

Robin Louise Pietropaolo Scholarship Fund: Shall be awarded to a female student within the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology concentrating in the field of microbiology. The recipient should demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and may be either an undergraduate or graduate student.

Pound Family Endowed Scholarship: Established by Charles Pound in honor of the Pound family's three generations of ESF alumni, to provide support for students with financial need.

Jerome & Bertha Prigoff Endowment: Provides scholarship support for students with financial need. The Prigoff's were friends of the College and well known members of the Fayetteville community.

Alec C. Proskine '36 Scholarship Fund: Established to provide support to deserving graduate students studying with the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and the Faculty of Forestry.

William F. Porter Fellowship: Dr. Bill Porter was the Director of the Adirondack Ecological Center and a faculty member of the former Department of Environmental and Forest Biology for over 30 years.  This fellowship supports an outstanding undergraduate student working in natural or social-ecological sciences to study at the Adirondack Ecological Center at or near the ESF Newcomb Campus and Huntington Wildlife Forest.  The Porter Fellowship will provide the selected student the opportunity to work in tandem with skilled research staff to create a tailored research project.

Pound Family Endowed Scholarship: Established by Charles Pound in honor of the Pound family's three generations of ESF alumni, to provide support for students with financial need.


Ranger School Alumni Legacy Scholarship: The Ranger School Alumni Association (RSAA) was founded on August 25, 1928, and incorporated on November 29, 1960. The primary purpose of the RSAA is to promote and assist the Ranger School, in the attainment of its educational objectives. The association also helps cultivate fellowship and foster cooperation among the alumni for the support of the Ranger School. This scholarship recognizes the legacy of Ranger School graduates by providing financial support to current students who are relatives of alumni.

Ranger School - Haddock Award: Recipient should be selected on all around excellence and service to class by making a difference in the lives of others and is funded by the Ranger School Alumni Association and the Ranger School Endowment.

Ranger School - Eagle Award: Presented annually since 1992 by the class of 1990 in memory of one of their classmates, Matthew Moore and is funded by the Ranger School Endowment. The recipient of this award is selected based upon thirst for knowledge; pride and spirit; love of the woods and wilderness.

Ranger School - Wesson Scholarship Award: Established in 1966 by the Board of Directors of the Ranger School Alumni Association in recognition of a generous gift to the Association by Daniel B. Wesson, the father of Seth Wesson of the Ranger School Class of 1964.  The recipient of this award is selected on excellence of character, personality, scholastic ability and financial need.

Eugene C. Reichard Scholarship: Provides support to students with financial need in honor of Eugene C. Reichard '25.

Robert G. Reimann Scholarship Fund: Established in memory of Robert Reimann '54 to assist students of Landscape Architecture in their academic and professional development, and to encourage off-campus travel and study.  Robert served as faculty and Department Chair of Landscape Architecture at the College, and his many contributions will always be remembered.

Kermit E. Remele Memorial Scholarship: Provides financial support to students attending Ranger School, in memory of beloved Ranger School associate professor Kermit Remele '49.  Kermit died in 2006, memorialized by a service at the Ranger School, including a New York State Ranger honor guard and flyover reminiscent of his many flights over the Adirondacks.

Carl M. Rise Fellowship in Forest Products Business: Established to provide aid to graduate students who earned a Bachelor's degree in forestry, wood products, or paper science.  The student also must have a 3.0 grade point average, demonstrate leadership abilities, and show an interest in the industrial sector through summer and post-graduate work experience.

Raymond Rizzo Memorial Scholarship Fund: Established to provide aid to students in their fourth year in the forestry program.

Clyde D. Robbins Memorial Scholarship: Established by Clyde D. Robbins, Class of 1958, in accordance with his will. This fund provides support for deserving ESF students selected by the Director of Financial Aid.

Phyllis Roskin Memorial Award: Established in 1968 in memory of Phyllis Roskin, a graduate student in Forest Botany and Pathology, to be given annually to an outstanding upper-class female student, with priority given to a student in the biological sciences.

Laurence E. Russell Endowed Scholarship: Established by Laurence E. Russell to fund an annual award for student(s) enrolled in Paper Science and Engineering with a management minor.

The Paul W. Ryan Memorial Fund: Established by alumnus Paul W. Ryan '51 through an estate gift to provide undergraduate or graduate scholarships for wildlife biology students.


Richard W. Sage Jr. Apprenticeship Fund: Established to provide apprenticeships at the Huntington Wildlife Forest and Adirondack Ecological Center in memory of Richard W. Sage, a renowned forest ecologist and researcher. The Sage Apprenticeship provides meaningful professional field experience and skill acquisition to the early-career recipient based at ESF Newcomb Campus.  

Robert M. Sand '50 Scholarship: Established by Robert M. Sand '50 to provide unrestricted student scholarships.

Saratoga Associates Fund: Established by the landscape architecture firm, Saratoga Associates.  It provides support for awards to students whose previous work has demonstrated their earnestness and ability. Principals - Robert T. Bristol '63, John G. Litynski '54, and J Daniel Wojcik '60 were instrumental in obtaining the corporate grant creating this endowment for landscape architect education.

Arthur V. Savage Scholarship in Environmental Law: Shall be used to provide undergraduate scholarships to students studying in the pre-law program. Awards are most commonly made to juniors in the pre-law program entering their senior semester and with a clear commitment to attending law school. Honors Arthur's service on the ESF Board of Trustees, commitment to the protection of the Adirondacks, and founding of the environmental section of the New York Bar Association.

SavATree & SavaLawn Scholarship: Established to support undergraduate student in good academic standing, enrolled in a course of study in one of the following academic departments: Forestry and Natural Resources Management, Environmental & Forest Biology, Environmental Science or Environmental Studies.

Randall Jay Schmidt Memorial Fund: Established in 1998 in memory of Mr. Randall Schmidt to support students with financial needs and good academic standing.

Conrad Schuerch Chemistry Graduate Scholarship: Established to aid deserving forest chemistry students with financial need in honor of Dr. Schuerch, a well respected member of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Gary Scott Memorial Fund: Established to support deserving ESF students.  This scholarship was started by a gift from Phillip Woodall in honor of his friend and comrade-in-arms Lt. Gary Scott '67, who was killed in active duty in Vietnam in 1968.

Shastri Graduate Award: Awarded to a graduate student in the Paper and Bioprocess Engineering department who demonstrates the values of dedication and excellence in the pursuit of academic study.

Bruce C. Shelley & Barbara Otte Endowment Fund: Established by Bruce Shelley '70, this fund provides direct support to students, academic programs, and operations through the ESF Annual Fund.

Dr. Richard Lynn Shearman Memorial Scholarship Fund: The Dr. Richard Lynn Shearman Memorial Scholarship was created to support future environmental leaders.  The scholarship is endowed by his family in honor of Professor Shearman's '93 long career in environmental science research and education.

Sgt. William Shemin Memorial Scholarship: Established in memory of Sgt. William Shemin and shall be assigned to deserving students as selected by the Director of the SUNY ESF Ranger School. U.S. Army Sergeant William Shemin, an alumnus of the then-New York State College of Forestry (1924) and the Ranger School (1914), was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama posthumously for his actions while serving in WWI.

Walter A. Sherman Undergraduate Scholarship: Established by Walter Sherman in 1999 to aid students in the Paper Science and Engineering Program.  Walter Sherman was a graduate of ESF in 1937.  He spent his career with Flambeau Paper Company and after retirement consulted in China on the use of sulfite lignin to improve roads and reduce pollution from sulfite mill lignosulfonate.

Savel B. Silverborg Memorial Scholarship: Established in memory of Savel B. Silverborg, former ESF faculty member in EFB and expert in forest pathology, to assist deserving Environmental and Forest Biology students.

John & Henrietta Simeone Endowed Fellowship: Established to provide aid to a deserving graduate student in Forest Entomology by renowned ESF faculty emeritus and forest entomologist Dr. John Simeone and his wife Etta.

James B. Sisson Scholarship Fund: Established to recruit and/or retain undergraduate students demonstrating strong academic achievement.

Raymond M. '52 and Rita J. Smith Scholarship Fund: Established to provide support to students with financial need and high academic achievement with preference given to students from Western New York.

Ernest Sondheimer Fund: Established in 1974 to honor the memory and work of Professor Ernest Sondheimer, who was a distinguished faculty member in the College's Chemistry Department from 1957 to 1973.

Joseph S. Spaid, Sr. Fellowship: Established in 1986 by grants from KeyCorp and KeyBank of Central New York, to be awarded by faculty vote to a graduate student who has shown outstanding scholarship and unusual promise for future leadership in his or her chosen career.

Maegan E. Spindler Scholarship: A scholarship for ESF Graduate student studying aquatic and fisheries science. Maegan Spindler was a 2010 Wildlife Science graduate and aspired to become a fisheries biologist. She was killed in 2013 by a drunk driver in South Dakota while on duty with the US Fish & Wildlife Service along with her supervisor. Established in her memory by her parents.

SRC Graduate Student Fellowship: Established to support ESF graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in technical areas of major national and societal significance.

Leroy C. Stegeman Endowment in Invertebrate Ecology: Has recognized excellence through grants for student research since 1990. This fund honors Dr. Leroy C. Stegeman, who retired in 1965 after 36 years of service as a Professor of Zoology.

Wesley N. Stickel Memorial Scholarship: Established to provide student scholarships through the estate of Wesley N. Stickel '50.

Edna Bailey Sussman Fund: Awards paid summer internships to students throughout the United States.  It provides them with opportunities to pursue careers, the activities of which affect the environment, and to understand the interaction of their chosen profession with environmental concerns.

Vivian Ryan Sutton Scholarship: Established to honor Vivian R. Sutton a former English Professor who taught many ESF students, and assists deserving students during their sophomore, junior or senior year in Landscape Architecture or Environmental Studies.

Michael M. Szwarc Memorial Fellowship: Established in memory of world-reknown chemist Michael Szwarc by his children to assist graduate students studying in the field of physical chemistry.


Walter E. Tarbox Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1981 by the family of Walter Tarbox in his memory.  Walter passed away during his 5th year of study at ESF.  This scholarship is awarded to students in the BLA program.

Gail Terzi Scholarship Fund: Established in 2023 by alumnus Gail Terzi ’80 to provide scholarship support to underrepresented students at ESF who are pursuing a career dedicated to the environment.

Louis J. Thaisz Memorial Scholarship: Established to support deserving undergraduate students, sophomore or higher, studying with the Faculty of Paper Science Engineering, with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.  The fund was created by Robert Thaisz ' 73 in memory of his father, Louis.

Arne I. Thomsson '50 Scholarship: Established by the children of Arne Thomsson '50, to honor his legacy. Provides unrestricted scholarship support for undergraduate students.

Frank A. Alvaro & Yvonne Toscano Family Scholarship

Trails Endowment, Thomas L. Havill '54 Fund: Support activities of the Center for Native People and the Environment and the ESF remote sensing program.

Tropical Social Forestry Fund: Established by Dr. Norman '57 and Karin Richards grants money toward travel and living expenses to students who participate in field research or internship experiences in tropical regions, relating to use and management of forest and associated natural resources, so as to benefit local people and their communities.


Willard Ulmer '54 Scholarship Fund for ESF: The Willard Ulmer '54 and Ulmer Family Scholarship for ESF endowment was created to provide financial support to ESF students with priority given to helping students from Columbia Greene Community College.

Willard Ulmer '54 and Ulmer Family Scholarship for Ranger School: The Willard Ulmer '54 and Ulmer Family Scholarship for Ranger School endowment was created to provide financial support to ESF Ranger School students, with priority given to helping students from Columbia Greene Community College.

Tom '68 & Cindy Urbanik Scholarship Fund: Provides financial support to undergraduate ESF students from underrepresented populations with financial need, with a preference for female students. Priority is given to students in the Environmental Engineering Department.


Piet Van Witsen Memorial Scholarship: Funded in memory of Piet Van Witsen and is awarded to needy and deserving students in the Ranger School Program.

John J. and Rita M. View Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1988 by Rita M. View in memory of her husband.  It is awarded annually to a student who ranks high in scholarship and character, and who requires financial help to begin or continue an education at the college.

Aaron R. Vogel Scholarship: Established by family and friends of Aaron R. Vogel, Class of 1992, executive director of the Thousand Islands Land Trust until his death.  This endowment provides scholarships to Landscape Architecture students considering a career in land protection and preparing to enter international study.


Bill & Helen Webb Huntington Field Apprenticeship Fund: Established by a former director of the Huntington Wildlife Forest to support early-career professionals working with the Adirondack Ecological Center. The Webb Apprenticeship provides meaningful field experience and skill acquisition to the recipient including communication, leadership, organization and data management based at ESF Newcomb Campus on or near the Huntington Wildlife Forest. 

Robert G. Werner Scholarship: Established in honor of beloved professor Robert G. Werner. The scholarship is awarded to a student doing important research on St. Lawrence River fish ecology at the Thousand Islands Biological Station.

Westbrook Memorial Scholarship: Supports deserving Ranger School students, honoring Chris Westbrook's long tenure as Ranger School director and faculty member, and honoring the memory of his father Robert Westbrook.

Martha Wester Endowed Scholarship: Established by Brian Wester '85, the Martha Wester Scholarship supports ESF undergraduate students in good academic standing. Named for his mother, a German immigrant who was unable to finish high school but valued education highly.

Beverly Whaley Scholarship: Created by the Women of the University Community to honor Beverly Whaley, wife of former ESF President Ross Whaley. The fund assists female students in their sophomore or junior year of undergraduate study with preference given to students from the Adirondacks.

Ross S. Whaley Endowment: Established to honor Ross Whaley's tenure as president of ESF.  This fund provides support to students demonstrating high academic merit and exemplifying community spirit.

Dan and Carol Wojcik Scholarship: Scholarships for students in the department of Landscape Architecture.

 Bob Wolf Forest Policy Scholarship Fund: Provides support to a student pursuing studies related to the development of forest policy on the national level; or to support forest policy development activities of the Department of Forest and Natural Resource Management.  Bob Wolf received his master's degree in forestry at ESF in 1948, going on to a career that significantly shaped U. S. Forest Service and other national natural resource policy.


Robert A. Zabel Endowed Scholarship: Established by family, colleagues and former students honoring the lifetime academic achievements of Dr. Robert A. Zabel whose 50-year association with ESF began as a student and expanded to professor, dean and vice president. The scholarship supports students pursuing a graduate degree with emphasis in mycology, forest pathology, wood decay, and/or microbiology.

Richard J. Ziobro Memorial Scholarship: Established to provide financial support to undergraduate students in good academic standing pursuing academic studies in the areas of wood science and/or renewable materials. Provides support to ESF students studying in the areas of wood science and/or renewable materials. Originally from Utica, NY, Rich received a graduate degree from ESF under the direction of Dr. Chun Wang. After graduation, Rich worked 35 years for Osmose in Buffalo and then Griffin, GA. Over that time Rich remained connected to the college, hired graduates, and sponsored and collaborated on wood deterioration and preservation research with faculty including Drs. June Wang, Robert Zabel, Bob Hanna, Sue Anagnost and Bill Smith. Most recently Rich served as an active member of the Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering departmental advisory committee.