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Papers Addressing Biomass Uncertainty

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Click here for list of papers searchable by sources of uncertainty addressed and methods to quantify them.

  • Baskerville. 1971. Use of Logarithmic Regression in the Estimation of Plant Biomass. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
  • Beauchamp and Olson. 1973. Corrections for bias in regression estimates after logarithmic transformations. Ecology.
  • Bernier, P.Y.,G. Daigle, L.P. Rivest, C.H. Ung, F. Labbé, C. Bergeron and A. Patry. 2010. From plots to landscape: A k-NN-based method for estimating stand-level merchantable volume in the Province of Québec, Canada. The Forestry Chronicle 86(4):461-468. PDF
  • Borders, B.E., W.M. Harrison, M.L. Clutter, B.D. Shiver, and R.A. Souter. 2008. The value of timber inventory information for management planning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:2287-2294. HTML | PDF
  • Breidenbach, J., C. Antón-Fernandez, H. Petersson, R.E. McRoberts, R. Astrup. 2014. Quantifying the Model-Related Variability of Biomass Stock and Change Estimates in the Norwegian National Forest inventory. Forest Science 60(1): 25-33 PDF
  • Brown, I.F., L.A Martinelli, W. Wayt Thomas, M.Z. Moreira, A.A. Cid Ferreira, R.A. Victoria. 1995. Uncertainty in the biomass of Amazonian forests: An example from Rondônia, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 75: 175-189.
  • Chave, J., R. Condit, S. Aguilar, A. Hernanzez, S. Lao, and R. Perez. 2004. Error propagation and scaling for tropical forest biomass estimates. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 359(1443): 409-420. PDF
  • Chen, Q., G.V. Laurin, and R. Valentini. 2015. Uncertainty of remotely sensed aboveground biomass over an African tropical forest: Propagating errors from trees to plots to pixels. Remote Sensing of Environment 160: 134-143 doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.01.0
  • Christina, M., Y. Nouvellon, J.P. Laclau, J.L. Stape, O.C. Campoe, G. le Maire. 2016. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the carbon and water fluxes at the tree scale in Eucalyptus plantations using a metamodeling approach. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46(3): 297-309. HTML
  • Clark. 2003. Uncertainty and variability in demography and population growth: a hierarchical approach. Ecology.
  • Coulombe S., P.Y. Bernier, and F. Raulier. 2010. Uncertainty in detecting climate change impact on the projected yield of black spruce (Picea mariana). Forest Ecology and Management. 259(4):730-738. PDF.
  • Djomo A.N., A. Knohl, and G. Gravenhorst. 2011. Estimations of total ecosystem carbon pools distribution and carbon biomass current annual increment of a moist tropical forest. Forest Ecology Management 261:1448–59. HTML
  • Eyvindson, K. and A. Kangas. 2016. Evaluating the required scenario set size for stochastic programming in forest management planning: incorporating inventory and growth model uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
  • Fahey T.J., P.B. Woodbury, J.J. Battles, C.L. Goodale, S. Hamburg, S. Ollinger, and C.W. Woodall. 2009. Forest carbon storage: ecology, management, and policy. In Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment DOI:10.1890/080169. PDF
  • Fortin M. and Langevin L. 2011. Stochastic or deterministic single-tree models: is there any difference in growth predictions? Annals of Forest Science 69(2):271-282. HTML
  • Fortin M., S. Bedard, J. DeBlois, and S. Meunier. 2009. Assessing and testing prediction uncertainty for single tree-based models: A case study applied to northern hardwood stands in southern Quebec, Canada. Ecological Applications 220(20):2770-2781. HTML
  • Freeman, E.A., Molsen, G.G., Coulston, J.W., and B.T. Wilson. 2016. Random forests and stochastic gradient boosting for predicting tree canopy cover: comparing tuning processes and model performance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(3): 323-339 Abstract | HTML |PDF
  • Gonzalez P., G.P. Asner, J.J. Battles, M.A, Lefsky, K.M. Waring, and M. Palace. 2010. Forest carbon densities and uncertainties from Lidar, QuickBird, and field measurements in California. Remote Sensing of Environment 114(7):1561-1575. HTML
  • Harmon M.E., K. Bible, M.G. Ryan, D.C. Shaw, H. Chen, J. Klopatek, and X. Li. 2004. Production, Respiration, and Overall Carbon Balance in an Old-Growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga Forest Ecosystem. Ecosystems. 7(5):498-512. PDF
  • Hermle et al. 2010. Component respiration, ecosystem respiration and net primary production of a mature black spruce forest in northern Quebec. Tree Physiology 30(4):527-540. PDF
  • Holdaway, Robert J., Stephen J. McNeill, Norman W. H. Mason, and Fiona E. Carswell. 2014. Propagating Uncertainty in Plot-based Estimates of Forest Carbon Stock and Carbon Stock Change. Ecosystems in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9749-5 HTML| PDF
  • Johnson, J., Aherne, J., & Cummins, T. 2015. Base cation budgets under residue removal in temperate maritime plantation forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 343: 144-156. HTML
  • Lambert et al. 2005. Canadian national tree aboveground biomass equations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1996–2018. PDF
  • Lappi. 2005. Plot size related measurement error bias in tree growth models. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1031–1041. PDF
  • Levine, C.R., R.D. Yanai, G.G. Lampman, D.A. Burns, C.T. Driscoll, G.B. Lawrence, J.A. Lynch, and N. Schoch. 2014.  Evaluating the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs. Ecological Indicators. 39: 94 – 101.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.12.010 HTML| PDF
  • Lo. 2005. Gaussian error propagation applied to ecological data: Post-ice-storm-downed woddy biomass. Ecological Monographs.
  • Magnussen and Burgess. 1997. Stochastic resampling techniques for quantifying error propagations in forest field experiments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
  • Matsuzaki E, P. Sanborn, A.L. Fredeen, C.H. Shaw, C. Hawkins. 2013. Carbon stocks in managed and unmanaged old-growth western redcedar and western hemlock stands of Canada's inland temperate rainforests. Forest Ecology and Management 297:108-119. HTML
  • McRoberts et al. 1994. Variation in forest inventory field measurements. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. PDF
  • Melson et al. 2011. Estimates of live-tree carbon stores in the Pacific Northwest are sensitive to model selection. Carbon Balance and Management 6(2). HTML
  • Monni et al. 2007. Uncertainty of forest carbon stock changes – implications to the total uncertainty of GHG inventory of Finland. Climatic Change 81(3-4):391-413. Abstract and links.
  • Ortiz, C.A., Liski, J., Gärdenäs, A.I., Lehtonen, A., Lundblad, M., Stendahl, J., Ågren, G. & Karltun, E. 2013. Soil organic carbon stock changes in Swedish forest soils - A comparison of uncertainties and their sources through a national inventory and two simulation models. Ecological Modelling 251: 221-231.  doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.12.017
  • Paré et al. 2013.Estimating stand-scale biomass, nutrient contents, and associated uncertainties for tree species of Canadian Forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43(7):599-608. Abstract and links
  • Parresol. 2001. Additivity of nonlinear biomass equations. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research.
  • Pollard et al. 2006. Forest Inventory and Analysis National Data Quality Assessment Report for 2000 to 2003. USDA FS RMRS-GTR-181. Abstract and links
  • Sicard et al. 2006. Effect of initial fertilisation on biomass and nutrient content of Norway spruce and Douglas-fir plantations at the same site. Trees 20(2):229-246. HTML
  • Sprugel. 1983. Correcting for Bias in Log-Transformed Allometric Equations. Ecology.
  • Ståhl, Göran; Heikkinen, Juha; Petersson, Hans; Repola, Jaakko; Holm, Sören. 2014.  Sample-Based Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Forests—A New Approach to Account for Both Sampling and Model Errors. Forest Science 60(1): 3-13  DOI: 10.5849/forsci.13-005  DOI:10.5849/forsci.13-005
  • Ter-Mikaelian and Korzukhin. 1997. Biomass equations for sixty-five North American tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 97(1):1-24. Abstract and links
  • Tomaszewski, T., R.L. Boyce, and H. Sievering. 2003. Canopy uptake of atmospheric nitrogen and new growth nitrogen requirements at a Colorado subalpine forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:2211-2227 PDF.
  • Van Breugel et al. 2011. Estimating carbon stock in secondary forests: Decisions and uncertainties associated with allometric biomass models. Forest Ecology and Management 262(8):1648-1657. HTML
  • Van Doorn et al. 2011. Links between biomass and tree demography in a northern hardwood forest: a decade of stability and change in Hubbard Brook Valley, New Hampshire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41(7):1369-1379. Abstract and links
  • Wallach and Genard. 1998. Effect of uncertainty in input and parameter values on model prediction error. Ecological Modelling 105(2-3):337-345. HTML
  • Westfall and Patterson. 2007. Measurement variability error for estimates of volume change. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37:(11) 2201-2210. Abstract and links
  • Westfall and Woodall. 2007. Measurement repeatability of a large-scale inventory of forest fuels. Forest Ecology and Management 253:171-176. Abstrtact and links
  • Woods, K.D., A. Feiveson, D.B. Botkin. 1991. Statistical error analysis for biomass density and leaf area estimation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21:974-989. Abstract and links
  • Yanai et al. 2010. Estimating Uncertainty in Ecosystem Budget Calculations. Ecosystems 13:239–248.
  • Yanai, R.D., J.J. Battles, A.D. Richardson, C.A. Blodgett, D.M. Wood, and E.B. Rastetter. 2010. Estimating Uncertainty in Ecosystem Budget Calculations. Ecosystems.
  • Yang, Y., R.D. Yanai, F.F. Fatemi, C.R. Levine, P.J. Lilly, R.D. Briggs. 2016. Sources of variability in tissue chemistry in northern hardwood species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 285–296. Abstract and links
  • Yang, Y., R.D. Yanai, C.R. See, and M.A. Arthur. 2017. Sampling effort and uncertainty in litterfall mass and nutrient  flux in northern hardwoods. Ecosphere, 8(11):e01999. 10.1002/ecs2.1999. HTML