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Writing Resources

Academic and Professional Writing

UW-Madison Writer’s Handbook – The Writing Center – UW–Madison 

Offers resources in 5 categories:

  1. Academic and Professional Writing
  2. Writing Process and Structure
  3. Improving Your Writing Style
  4. Grammar and Punctuation
  5. Cite References in Your Paper

Sample Lab Assignment – The Writing Center – UW–Madison 

Explains the parts of a lab assignment, including why each part is important, as well as an example of what the section may look like. 

Writing Scientific Papers - Colorado State University

Explains how to write a lab report, and provides examples of each section at various levels of writing with explanations on why one is more skilled than another.

Video Guide To Scientific Paper Writing - UCSD

Short episodes overviewing the different sections of a scientific paper.

Improving Scientific Writing - UCSD

Examples of ways to increase clarity and understanding of dense scientific information or statistics.

Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper – The Writing Center – UW–Madison

Provides a strong demonstration and explanation of how to write an abstract and a bit of background into how they are useful and what kinds of things they should include. 

Formatting Science Reports – The Writing Center – UW–Madison

Goes through the development of a strong title, the abstract, the introduction, the methods, results, and discussion, with explanations of their importance, a few tips for success, and things to avoid. 

Brown Guide To Science Communication

Overview of the goals of science communication and how to apply them to various forms, including writing, speaking, and social media.

Writing Process and Structure

Invest in Your Introduction – The Writing Center – UW–Madison

Provides information on how to implement a variety of introductions into a paper dependent on the goal of the piece, along with sample introductions that can be used as a basis for structure and transition, with a special focus on legal, engineering, and history writing styles. 

Make Your Last Words Count – The Writing Center – UW–Madison

Describes the importance of a strong conclusion while offering examples and techniques that can be used to plan and develop a strong conclusion segment. 

Twelve Common Errors – The Writing Center – UW–Madison

  • I am not sure when this would be best applicable, but provides examples of common mistakes that would be easy to fix with the guidance provided- this may even be a good outline when thinking about a “Before Your Appointment” tab (mentioned above).
    • Primarily focuses on grammatical and syntax errors.

Yale - What Good Writers Know

Yale’s 5 part guide on the softer aspects of the writing process.

Ethical Acknowledgements

Caltech Hixon Writing Center - Key Principles and Practices

This guide offers pointers on how to handle ethical acknowledgements in academic and professional writing.

APA Formatting and Citations

Purdue University- APA Citations, The Basics

This site provides an overview on in-text citations, formatting reference lists and APA stylistics. 

APA Legal References - Purdue OWL

This site provides example papers and more resources for APA citations.

University of Washington- School of Social Work

This site offers examples and resources for legal citations.

Resumes and Cover Letters

AI Guides and Resources

Moon Library

Compiles sources such as Britannica, Duke, Yale, UAlbany, The LibrAIry, Science Magazine and Nature in order to convey what AI is, what its capabilities are, how to evaluate the tools and collate ongoing discussions surrounding AI in academia.


This source discusses AI biases and how to ensure you avoid including this bias in academic work

Course Specific Resources:

EFB 102 & 104 Lab Report Guides