Division of Environmental Science
Participating Faculty
Faculty and Staff | Contact |
Abrams, Neal, Associate Professor, Associate Chair Chemistry, Interim Director, ESF Open Academy PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2005; BS, Ithaca College, 2000; Inorganic chemistry, material science, renewable energy |
422 Jahn Lab nmabrams@esf.edu 315-470-4723 |
Anagnost, Susan, Visiting Professor PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1990; MS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1982; BA, Gettysburg College, 1977; Director, Tropical Timber Information Center; wood anatomy, wood decay, microscopy |
101 Baker Lab seanagno@esf.edu 315-470-6837 |
Beier, Colin, Associate Professor PhD, University Of Alaska Fairbanks, 2007; MS, Virginia Tech University, 2002; BS, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1999; forest ecosystem and landscape ecology, social-ecological systems, climate change, ecosystem services, landscape change modeling, resilience, adaptive management, resource governance, applied geoinformatics |
311 Bray Hall cbeier@esf.edu 315-470-6578 |
Bevilacqua, Eddie, Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator PhD, University of Toronto, 1998; MS, University of Toronto, 1987; BS, University of Toronto, 1984; sampling/inventory, biometrics, forest mensuration, growth and yield modeling, applied statistics, GIS/spatial analysis, forest ecology, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, tree-ring science, quantitative silviculture |
301 Bray Hall ebevilacqua@esf.edu 315-470-6697 |
Boyer, Gregory, Emeritus PhD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980; BA, University Of California-Berkeley, 1975; AS, Reedley College, 1973; biochemistry and environmental chemistry, plant and algal biochemistry, chemical ecology and toxins produced by algae. environmental monitoring, including Buoy and ship-based monitoring systems for water quality |
320 Jahn Lab glboyer@esf.edu 315-470-6720 |
Briggs, Russell, Director, Div of Env Science, Distinguished Teaching Prof PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1985; MS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1982; BS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1979; AAS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1975; forest ecology, watershed ecology, soils, ecosystem services, watershed management, forest soils, silviculture |
202 Baker Lab rdbriggs@esf.edu 315-470-6989 |
Bryant, Margaret, Associate Professor & Chair Landscape Architecture PhD, University Of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2001; MLA, University Of Georgia, 1993; BS, Mississippi State University, 1986; urban sustainability, use of scientific data in land use decision making/planning process, design pedagogy, landscape planning, climate adaptation at local/neighborhood scales |
101 Marshall Hall mbryant@esf.edu 315-470-4929 |
Carter, Emanuel, Associate Professor MRP, Cornell University, 1978; BA, Cornell University, 1969; city planning, urban design, rural planning & design, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves |
204 Marshall Hall ejcarter@esf.edu 315-470-6665 |
Cousins, Joshua, Assistant Professor PhD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016; environmental policy and governance, social and political dimensions of water, political ecology, political economy of water, green infrastructure, science and technology studies, political ecology, urban sustainability |
257 Marshall Hall jcousins@esf.edu 315-470-6576 |
Crovella, Paul, Associate Professor PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 2017; ME, Cornell University, 1990; BS, Cornell University, 1989; |
219 Baker Lab plcrovella@esf.edu 315-470-6839 |
Daley, Douglas, Associate Professor & Director of Analytical & Technical Services B.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1982; M.S., 1984.; water resources, solid and hazardous waste management, ecological engineering, environmental restoration, phytoremediation, bioremediation, soil and water pollution, solid and hazardous waste management, environmental engineering |
420 Baker Lab djdaley@esf.edu 315-470-4760 |
Dann, Shari, Associate Professor PhD, Michigan State University, 1993; MS, Cornell University, 1985; BS, Cornell University, 1983; Environmental education and interpretation; Place Based Education; conservation and natural resource education; science learning for K-12, non-formal, and adult programs; education for participatory natural resource stewardship and civic engagement; community engagement for conservation and land/watershed stewardship |
261 Marshall Hall sldann@esf.edu 315-470-4930 |
Dibble, Theodore, Professor PhD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992; BS, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1987; Redox chemistry of mercury in the environment and in power plants. Chemistry of air pollution, electron beams and combustion. |
421 Jahn Lab tsdibble@esf.edu 315-470-6596 |
Diemont, Stewart, Associate Professor PhD, Ohio State University, 2006; MS, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 1997; BA, The University Of Texas At Austin, 1991; systems ecology, ecological engineering, traditional ecological knowledge, Latin America, ecosystem restoration, sustainability analysis, natural wastewater treatment systems and re-use, less-developed countries, agroecology |
460 Illick Hall sdiemont@esf.edu 315-470-4707 |
Doelle, Klaus, Associate Professor PhD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002; BME, University of Applied Sciences Aalen, 1990; pulp & paper and related environmental topics, design, constructed wetlands,subsurface bioreactors, fossil energy, bioenergy, hydropower, water and waste water treatment, paper recycling, paper development, filler materials, energy savings, renewable energy & processes, engineering, machine & process design. |
421 Walters Hall kdoelle@esf.edu 315-470-6501 |
Dovciak, Martin, Associate Professor PhD, University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2001; Plant Ecology, Forest Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Global Change, |
459 Illick Hall mdovciak@esf.edu 315-470-6759 |
Drake, John, Associate Professor PhD, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 2010; Tree physiology, forest ecology, global climate change, ecosystem nutrient and C cycling, soils gas fluxes, tree water use |
308 Bray Hall jedrake@esf.edu 315-470-6574 |
Driscoll, Mark, Research Associate (Cy) PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1992; BS, St. John's University-New York, 1982; AA, SUNY College Of Technology At Delhi, 1979; environmental chemistry and radiation for environmentally friendly industrial processes |
163 Baker Lab mdriscol@esf.edu 315-470-6997 |
Endreny, Theodore, Professor B.S., Cornell University, 1990; M.S., North Carolina State University, 1996; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1999.; water resources engineering, ecological engineering, stream restoration, urban watersheds, lesser-developed countries |
426 Baker Lab te@esf.edu 315-470-6565 |
Fierke, Melissa, Professor PhD, University Of Arkansas, 2006; MS, Oregon State University, 2002; BS, Arkansas Tech University, 1998; AA, North Arkansas College, 1988; forest entomology, forest ecology, invasive forest pests, insect-tree interactions, tree defenses |
205 Illick Hall mkfierke@esf.edu 315-470-6809 |
Francis, Raymond, Research Associate PhD, University of Toronto, 1987; BAS, University of Toronto, 1982; bioenergy, chemical engineering, pulping |
311 Walters Hall francis@esf.edu 315-470-6501 |
Germain, Rene, Professor PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1997; MBA, Boston University, 1988; BS, University Of Vermont Agricultural College, 1983; forest health, policy, silviculture, forest management and operations, forest management for renewable energy, watershed management, sustainable forestry systems |
316 Bray Hall rhgermai@esf.edu 315-470-6698 |
Gibbs, James, Distinguished Professor PhD, Yale University, 1995; MA, University Of Missouri-Columbia, 1988; BS, University Of Maine, 1986; herpetology, vertebrate conservation biology, genetics and ecology in birds, reptiles and amphibians, songbirds, giant tortoise, statistics, wildlife population monitoring, galapagos islands, conservation biology, ecological monitoring, population genetics, applied demography, undergraduate conservation education |
404 Illick Hall jpgibbs@esf.edu 315-470-6764 |
Green, Hyatt, Associate Professor PhD, Oregon State University, 2011; BS, University Of Georgia, 2005; molecular microbial ecology, eDNA, microbial water quality, microbial source-tracking, SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, forest soil nitrification, Hg-methylation |
241 Illick Hall hgreen@esf.edu 315-470-4814 |
Hirsch, Paul, Associate Professor PhD, Georgia Institute Of Technology, 2008; MS, University Of Georgia, 2003; BS, Cornell University, 1994; integrative thinking and problem-solving, water planning, biodiversity conservation, science-policy interface, environmental thought and ethics, policy analysis, public participation and decision-making, environmental valuation, complexity, participant-observation and survey methods, discourse analysis, environmental policy, climate governance, policy science divide |
229 Marshall Hall pahirsch@esf.edu 315-470-6636 |
Horton, Thomas, Emeritus PhD, University Of California-Berkeley, 1997; PhD, University Of California-Berkeley, 1997; MA, San Francisco State University, 1992; mycorrhizal plant ecology, molecular ecology, ecology, fungal communities, mycology, fire ecology |
427 Illick Hall trhorton@esf.edu 315-470-6743 |
Johnston, Douglas, Emeritus PhD, University of Washington, 1986; MLA, Harvard University, 1982; BALA, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1980; BS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1979; Environmental planning, land use, water resources planning and management, spatial analysis, political economy, ecological design and planning. |
dmjohnst@esf.edu |
Kieber, David, Emeritus PhD, University Of Miami, 1988; MS, University Of Delaware, 1983; BS, Rutgers University Office, 1980; environmental chemistry, aquatic organic chemistry, aquatic photochemistry, chemical oceanography, atmospheric chemistry, marine microbial ecology, polar research |
417 Jahn Lab djkieber@esf.edu 315-470-6855 |
Kimmerer, Robin, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Native Peoples and the
Environment PhD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978; BS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1975; plant restoration ecology, bryology, bryoecology, restoration ecology, ethnobotany, conservation biology and bryophyte ecology, traditional ecological knowledge |
351 Illick Hall rkimmer@esf.edu 315-470-6785 |
Kroll, Charles, Professor B.S., Tufts University, 1987; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1996.; stochastic and deterministic hydrology, environmental modeling, water resource systems engineering, ecological engineering, urban forestry, drought assessment, environmental systems engineering, stochastic and deterministic modeling, risk assessment, coupled human and natural systems |
424 Baker Lab cnkroll@esf.edu 315-470-6699 |
Leopold, Donald, Distinguished Teaching Professor PhD, Purdue University, 1984; MS, University Of Kentucky, 1981; BS, University Of Kentucky, 1978; forest and freshwater wetland ecology, conservation, and restoration, peatland ecology and conservation, local and regional controls of species richness and rarity, dynamics of plant communities as affected by man and environment, management for unique communities and rare species, dendrology, native plants, restoration ecology, rare species conservation |
333 Illick Hall djleopold@esf.edu 315-470-6784 |
Leydet, Brian, Associate Professor PhD, Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2014; PhD, Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2014; infectious and vector-borne diseases, arthropods of veterinary and medical importance, vector biology, vector-pathogen-host interactions, disease ecology, molecular biology, epidemiology of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases |
241 Illick Hall bfleydet@esf.edu 315-470-6942 |
Limburg, Karin, Distinguished Professor PhD, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Florida, 1981; BA, Vassar College, 1977; riverine fish and estuarine ecology, fisheries ecology, watershed ecology, systems ecology, ecological economics, fisheries and ecosystem science, coupled human-natural systems, biogeochemistry, fisheries ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemical tracers, modeling |
249 Illick Hall klimburg@esf.edu 315-470-6741 |
Limpert, Christina, Assistant Professor PhD, Syracuse University, 2013; Gender, schooling, and popular culture, urban community engagement and advocacy, youth climate activism, ethnographic and participatory action research, environmental cinema studies, environmental dimensions of violence and militarization, social media and public perceptions of environmental threats and ecosystem health |
230 Marshall Hall cmlimper@esf.edu 315-470-6722 |
Liu, Shijie, Professor PhD, University of Alberta, 1992; BS, Sichuan University, 1982; bioengineering, fermentation, kinetics, separation, pulping, bleaching, fiber properties, sustainability, biofuel, renewable chemicals, biomaterials |
302 Walters Hall sliu@esf.edu 315-470-6501 |
Luzadis, Valerie, Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1997; MS, Cornell University, 1990; BS, Cornell University, 1983; ecological economics, ecosystem services, policy, social and recreational dimensions, forest management for renewable energy, watershed management, natural resources policy and values, sustainable development, renewable energy, participatory decision-making |
227 Bray Hall vluzadis@esf.edu 315-470-6980 |
Malmsheimer, Robert, Distinguished Teaching Professor PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1999; JD, Union University, 1989; BLA, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 1986; How laws and the legal system affect natural resources management, including how carbon accounting policies affect forest and natural resources. |
305 Bray Hall rwmalmsh@esf.edu 315-470-6909 |
Mao, Huiting, Professor and Associate Chair PhD, SUNY At Albany, 1999; MS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992; BS, Nanjing University, 1989; environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, regional to global budgets of trace gases, long range transport, continental export, climate change |
420 Jahn Lab hmao@esf.edu 315-470-6823 |
Mirowsky, Jaime, Associate Professor PhD, New York University, 2013; MS, New York University, 2010; environmental health, exposure assessment, air pollution, cardiopulmonary health, in vitro models, environmental noise, epidemiology, public health |
316 Jahn Laboratory jmirowsk@esf.edu 315-470-6850 |
Moran, Sharon, Associate Professor PhD, Clark University, 2000; MS, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, 1989; BA, Boston University, 1981; environmental policy, human dimensions of water/wastewater issues, political ecology, environment-society relations, green and innovative technologies, environmental issues in post-communist countries, qualitative research methods, gender and nature, sustainability indicators, emergent technologies, environmental justice, ethical frameworks in public policy |
256 Marshall hall smoran@esf.edu 315-470-6690 |
Morin, Timothy, Assistant Professor PhD, Ohio State University, 2017; ecosystem nutrient cycling, wetlands, biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, ecosystem greenhouse gas transport, eddy covariance/micrometeorology |
417 Baker Lab thmorin@esf.edu 315-470-4709 |
Mountrakis, Giorgos, Professor Dipl. Eng. National Technical University of Athens, 1998; M.S., University of Maine, 2000; Ph.D., 2004.; geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatiotemporal analysis, land cover land use change, climate change, biogeography, coupled human and natural systems |
419 Baker Lab gmountrakis@esf.edu 315-470-4824 |
Murphy, Cornelius, Emeritus B.A., St. Michael's College, 1966; PhD, Syracuse University, 1970 ; |
423 Baker Lab cbmurphy@esf.edu 315-470-6963 |
Newman, David, Professor PhD, Duke University, 1986; MS, Duke University, 1985; BS, University Of California-Berkeley, 1977; Forest resource economics and policy, resource and environmental economics, tax policy |
309 Bray Hall dnewman@esf.edu 315-470-6534 |
Newman, Lee, Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry PhD, Rutgers University Office, 1993; MS, Rutgers University Office, 1989; BS, The Richard Stockton College Of New Jersey, 1987; AA, Atlantic Cape Community College, 1982; phytoremediation, molecular and cellular biology, horticultural therapy, food and health |
117 Jahn Laboratory lanewman@esf.edu 315-470-4937 |
Parker, Andrea, Associate Professor PhD, Texas A&M University, 2010; MS, Texas A&M University, 2006; BS, Michigan State University, 2003; environmental communication; science and technology communication; wildlife conservation and policy; climate change mitigation and adaptation discourse and decision-making; environmental advocacy; environmental and natural resources conflict management; qualitative and critical methods; program evaluation methods; conflict; public participation; energy;wildlife management |
234 Marshall Hall amparker@esf.edu 315-470-6573 |
Parry, Dylan, Associate Professor PhD, Michigan State University, 2000; MS, University of Alberta, 1994; BS, University of Alberta, 1991; Biological invasion, climate change, and conservation, primarily in the context of insects in forested ecosystems. |
109 Illick Hall dparry@esf.edu 315-470-6753 |
Potteiger, Matthew, Professor MLA, University Of California-Berkeley, 1982; BS, Pennsylvania State University, 1978; Sustainable and socially just food systems, cultural landscape practices, theory and practices of using narratives in landscape interpretation and design |
202 Marshall Hall mpotteig@esf.edu 315-470-6554 |
Quackenbush, Lindi, Professor and Chair B.S., The University of Melbourne, 1994; B.Surv., 1994; M.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1998.; Ph.D., 2004.; geospatial information systems, spatial measurements, remote sensing and image processing, particularly focused on spatial techniques for both urban and forest classification, spatial analysis |
404 Baker Lab ljquack@esf.edu 315-470-4727 |
Schulz, Kimberly, Associate Professor PhD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996; BA, Cornell University, 1990; nutrient and exotic species effects on aquatic ecosystems, ecological stoichiometry, aquatic community and ecosystem ecology, bioenergetics, nutrient cycling, lower food web studies, great lakes, finger lakes, plankton, limnology, aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, invasive species |
456 Illick Hall kschulz@esf.edu 315-470-6808 |
Selfa, Theresa, Professor and Chair PhD, Cornell University, 2001; MCP, University Of California-Berkeley, 1992; BA, Whitman College, 1984; Environmental Governance; Politics of Agri-Food and Energy Systems; Livelihood Impacts of Land Use Change; International Development and Social Change; Environmental Certification and Labelling; Latin America and US |
106 Marshall Hall tselfa@esf.edu 315-470-6636 |
Shaw, Stephen, Associate Professor B.S., Cornell University, 2000; M.S., Cornell University, 2005; PhD., Cornell University, 2009.; hydroclimatology, water resources engineering, ecohydrology in a changing climate, water resources, climate change, hydrology, systems modeling, stormwater management |
418 Baker Lab sbshaw@esf.edu 315-470-6939 |
Sonnenfeld, David, Emeritus PhD, University Of California, Santa Cruz, 1996; MA, University Of California, Santa Cruz, 1991; BA, University Of Oregon, 1973; environmental sociology; comparative environmental politics; sustainable transitions; water governance; East and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Caribbean; field, historical and mixed research methods |
214 Baker Laboratory dsonn@esf.edu 315-470-4931 |
Stehman, Stephen, Distinguished Teaching Professor PhD, Cornell University, 1989; MS, Oregon State University, 1981; BS, Pennsylvania State University, 1979; environmental sampling, map accuracy assessment, land-cover monitoring; applied statistics |
322 Bray Hall svstehma@esf.edu 315-470-6692 |
Stella, John, Vice President for Research and Campus Operations Manager PhD, University Of California-Berkeley, 2005; MS, University Of California-Berkeley, 1998; BA, Yale University, 1988; riparian and stream ecology, restoration ecology, watershed management, ecological modeling, tree-ring science, river restoration, arid-land and Mediterranean ecosystems |
200 Bray Hall stella@esf.edu 315-470-6606 |
Tao, Wendong, Professor B.S., Shaanxi Normal University, 1984; M.S., Beijing Normal University, 1990; Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 2006.; Ecological engineering and sustainable wastewater treatment (Constructed wetland, gravel biofilter, anammox-based nitrogen removal processes); Resource recovery from bioresidues (anaerobic digestion, solid-liquid separation, struvite recovery, ammonia recovery) |
422 Baker Lab wtao@esf.edu 315-470-4928 |
Teece, Mark, Associate Professor PhD, University of Bristol, 1994; BS, University of Bristol, 1990; environmental chemistry, food web biochemistry, stable isotope biogeochemistry, coral, stable isotopes, metabolomics, biogeochemistry |
415 Jahn Lab mteece@esf.edu 315-470-4736 |
Volk, Timothy, Professor and Associate Chair PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry And Forestry, 2002; MS, Cornell University, 1990; BS, University of Guelph, 1986; silviculture, forest management for renewable energy, biomass and bioenergy, energy, agroforestry, phytoremediation, management and sustainability of short rotation woody crops, life cycle analysis, ecophysiology, international forestry |
306 Bray Hall tavolk@esf.edu 315-470-6774 |
Wagner, John, Professor and Associate Chair PhD, Colorado State University, 1990; MS, University Of Idaho, 1984; BS, Washington State University, 1981; forest resource and environmental economics, ecosystem services, policy, quantitative silviculture, forest management and operations, operations research, simulation |
304 Bray Hall jewagner@esf.edu 315-470-6971 |
Weiss, Jill, Assistant Professor PhD, Antioch New England Graduate School, 2016; BS, New York University, 2003; Socio-ecological systems, co-adaptive management, collaboration and trust, knowledge transfer, communities of practice and social networks, communication theories, landscape ecology, recreation governance and ethics, environmental education, conservation behaviors and psychologies, organizational management, strategic planning, and assessment. Subjects: stewardship, large contiguous bioregions, alpine zone, trail systems, public open space, bikes, urban forestry. Methods: Surveys, interviews, mixed method approaches, case studies, grounded theory, participatory action research. |
236 Marshall Hall jiweiss@esf.edu 315-470-6871 |
Whipps, Christopher, Director, SUNY Center for Applied Microbiology and Professor PhD, Oregon State University, 2004; BS, University of Victoria, 1997; fish parasites and diseases, wildlife diseases, parasitology, microbiology, taxonomy, molecular systematics, diagnostics, parasites as biological tags and ecological indicators, epidemiology and control of pathogens of ecological and veterinary importance, evolution and biology of disease causing organisms in animal populations using molecular systematics |
133 Illick Hall cwhipps@esf.edu 315-470-4762 |
Yanai, Ruth, Distinguished Professor PhD, Yale University, 1990; MS, Yale University, 1985; BA, Yale University, 1981; Multiple-element limitation in northern hardwood ecosystems, quantifying uncertainty in ecosystem studies, and REDD+ carbon accounting for climate mitigation |
176 Baker Lab rdyanai@esf.edu 315-470-4868 |