Research at ESF
Fundamental and applied research are core pillars of ESF’s mission to address the world’s challenging problems and to develop future generations of environmental scientist and stewards. Societally-relevant research projects engage ESF students of all levels, faculty, postdoctoral associates, and external collaborators. These projects extend from sub-molecular to global scales, and many include important innovations and new processes. More than 35 active patents have been issued to ESF faculty and their students in recent years in various aspects of biotechnology, environmental health, plant sciences, and chemical and environmental engineering advances.
ESF’s research program is supported by a talented and dedicated team of professional staff working in sponsored programs and grants administration, research compliance and finance, and institutional and faculty research development. Additional resources include more than 25 campus-wide multidisciplinary institutes and centers, world-class analytical instrument core facilities, and support for technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and innovation.