Office of Business Affairs
Copy Center
Due to a recent staff retirement, all printing jobs will now be managed through Upstate. Please send your printing requests to, accompanied by a Job Card and a Purchase Requisition form. You do not need to send the requisition to the Purchasing Office. Download the required documents.
- Duplicating & Printing Price Sheet (Upstate Medical University)
- Job Card (Upstate Medical University)
- State Purchase Request (SUNY ESF)
- Lab Manuals - Spring 25
Kindly note that Upstate requires a 5-day turnaround time.
Once the job is complete, our mailroom will pick up the printed materials from Upstate and deliver them. Lab manuals will be delivered to the Business Office at 101 Bray Hall. Currently, the pick-up schedule at Upstate is Monday- Wednesday & Friday around 8:30 am.
Procedure to obtain their lab manuals:
- Go to Cashier's Office Website
- Select "Lab Manuals Spring 25"
- Purchase the required Readers/Lab Manuals
- Print the receipt or bring their student ID along with the receipt number (found on the receipt) to the Business Office at 101 Bray Hall, where they will receive their purchased materials.
Lab Manual Pick-up Hours
- Monday & Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy Brown, Director of Business Affairs at 315-470-6725 or via email at Or Brad Spencer, Budget Control Officer at 315-470-6687 or via email at