Past Internship Reports
Edna Bailey Sussman Fund
- Anna L. Conklyn - St. Lawrence Ecosystem Stressors: Round Gobies and VHSV
- Scott Dai - Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability on Herbaceous Plants in Northern Hardwood Forests
- Monica Edgerton - Impact of Reserve Tree Size on Bird Abundance in Managed Northern Hardwood Forests
- Susannah L. Halligan - Comparisons of Morphology and Feeding Efficiency Between Wild and Game-Garm Mallards
- Christopher Johnston - Novel Insight into the Range Expansion and Parasitoid Associates of the Asian Chestnut Gall Wasp in North America
- Poonam Joshi - Examining how the soil catena, along with other factors, influences northern hardwood regeneration
- Olivia Kurz - Biocultural Restoration at the Wampanoag Common Lands: An Internship with the Native Land Conservancy
- Rachael Renzi - Summary of Leedy's roseroot experimental reintroduction at Watkin's Glen State Park and implementation of a demonstration garden at Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion State Historic Park
- Jenna Zukswert - The Effects of Long-Term Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition on Foliar Nutriant and Traits
- Andrew Cortese - Influence of isolated ectomycorrhizal trees and soil inoculation on the establishment and mycorrhizae of tree seedlings in post-agricultural forests
- Cameron J. Fiss - Effect of Dynamic Forest Restoration on Songbird Communities in Southwestern Pennsylvania
- Amanda Lemoine - Impact of Habitat, Dissolved Oxygen, and Disease on Benthic Fish Species in the St. Lawrence River
- Danielle E. Minnick - NYSDOH Environmental Transport Modeling for Dose Reconstruction: MODFLOW Construction of PFAS Contamination in Hoosick Falls, NY
- Joe Nash - Beech Bark Disease Induced Changes to Forest Composition and Coarse Woody Debris in the White Mountains, New Hampshire
- Abishek Poudel - Forest Composition Assessment from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Laura Seib - Child-friendly design for equity and sustainability in downtown Syracuse, NY
- Jordon Tourville - Forests on the Move: Tracking Climate Change in Montane Forests of the Northeast
- Abby M. Webster - Filling the littoral gap: characterizing benthic cyanobacteria in the nearshore habitats of lakes using artificial substrate
- Eric Swiecki - Comparative Mortality from Parasitism in a Rapidly Expanding and Long-Stable Population of the Invasive Browntail Moth
- Hailey Boone - Monitoring Isle Royale’s Mammal Community Following the Introduction of Wolves
- Jacob Erle - Assessing Plant Species Regeneration in Response to Buckthorn Management Strategies in Urban Forest Restorations
- Molly Jacobson - Response of Wild Bee Assemblages to Management of Restored Wetlands in an Agricultural Landscape
- Julian Koob - Physiological response of Epipactis helleborine to lower irradiance
- Thomas Mann - Soil respiration, leaf litter production, and belowground carbon allocation in the context of a long-term NxP fertilization experiment
- Joanna Lumbsden-Pinto - Patterns of change and ecological drivers in the pine barrens forests of Long Island, NY
- Nathaniel Wehr - Seasonal Habitat Selection of Coastal North Woods Wolves in Relation to Ungulate Migration and Parturition
- Ilana Zeitzer - Impacts of below ground mutualists arbuscular mycorrhizal bacteria and rhizobia bacteria on above ground mutualistic ants and pollinators across the showy partridge pea
- Miranda Nelson - Variations in Borrelia burgdorferi Prevalence and Risk between Two Distinct Forest Patches in Close Proximity
- Jared Williams - Evaluating the Effects of Drought Stress on Riparian Vegetation Within the Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California
- Jacob Moore - Presence and Trophic Level of Freshwater Jellyfish (Craspedacusta sowerbii), a Cryptic Invader in the Hudson River Basin, NY
- McKenzie Wybron - Habitat Selection, Prey Preference, and Population Ecology of Northern Barrens Tiger Beetles in the Hudson Valley, New York
- Iman Pakzad - Diet Overlap and Mercury Bioaccumulation of Two Invasive Goby Species in the St. Lawrence River
- Sarah-Jayne Collins - Fall and overwintering bat activity in the Outer Cape (Cape Cod), MA.
- Anuli Onwumelu - Analyzing mitochondrial respiration in transgenic, non-transgenic, and hybrid American chestnut plants in Pennsylvania
- Madison Morley - Translating the Role of Forests for NYS Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Maxwell Wilder - Development of environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for the monitoring of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) in the St. Lawrence River, NY
- Alexandrea Rice - Characterizing Soil Profile Rocks by Bedrock Type in a Glacial Soil
- Yi Wang - Identifying Priority Buy-out Properties for Wetland Restoration in New York City Final Report to the Edna Bailey Sussman Foundation