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Faculty Directory

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Abrahamson, Lawrence, Emeritus
BS, Michigan Technological University, 1964; MS, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1967; PHD, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1969; entomology, pathology, pesticides, vegetation management, forest insects

Abrams, Neal, Associate Professor, Associate Chair Chemistry
BS, Ithaca College, 2000; PHD, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2005; Inorganic chemistry, material science, renewable energy

Ackerman, Aidan, Associate Professor
MLA, Harvard University, 2011; Digitally simulating and rendering landscape ecology, forest modeling, use of immersive virtual reality technology, Building Information Modeling, cultural and historic landscape visualization

Amidon, Thomas, Emeritus
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1968; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1972; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1975; biorefinery, fiber properties, paper properties, management, pulping, bleaching, de-inking

Anagnost, Susan, Emeritus
BA, Gettysburg College, 1977; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1982; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1990; Director, Tropical Timber Information Center; wood anatomy, wood decay, microscopy

Appleby, Raymond, Director, Pilot Operations
AS, Columbia-Greene Community College, 1980

Arsenault, Emily, Assistant Professor & Director Cranberry Lake Biological Sta
BA, Colby College, 2014; MA, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 2017; PHD, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 2021

Artelle, Kyle, Assistant Professor
BS, University of Victoria, 2010; PHD, Simon Fraser University, 2017

Ashmore, Faith, Administrative Assistant 1
BA, SUNY Potsdam, 1981
119 Jahn Laboratory

Auwaerter, John, Visiting Instructor
BA, Middlebury College, 1987; MA, Cornell University, 1991; MLA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2000; Heritage conservation/historic preservation planning; cultural landscape preservation; conservation design and sustainability; landscape history

Bailie, Kate, Instructional Support Specialist
MS, SUNY College At Oswego, 2018
419 Jahn Laboratory

Beier, Colin, Associate Professor
BS, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1999; MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, 2002; PHD, University Of Alaska Fairbanks, 2007; forest ecosystem and landscape ecology, social-ecological systems, climate change, ecosystem services, landscape change modeling, resilience, adaptive management, resource governance, applied geoinformatics

Bevilacqua, Eddie, Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
BS, University of Toronto, 1984; MS, University of Toronto, 1987; PHD, University of Toronto, 1998; sampling/inventory, biometrics, forest mensuration, growth and yield modeling, applied statistics, GIS/spatial analysis, forest ecology, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, tree-ring science, quantitative silviculture

Boyer, Gregory, Emeritus
AS, Reedley College, 1973; BA, University Of California-Berkeley, 1975; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980; biochemistry and environmental chemistry, plant and algal biochemistry, chemical ecology and toxins produced by algae. environmental monitoring, including Buoy and ship-based monitoring systems for water quality

Bridgen, Michael, Emeritus
BS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 1975; PHD, Michigan State University, 1979; dendrology, aerial photogrammetry, silviculture, and restoration forestry

Briggs, Christopher, Instructor
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, 2000; MS, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2007; PHD, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2011
135 Illick Hall

Briggs, Russell, Director, Div of Env Science, Distinguished Teaching Prof
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1975; BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1979; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1982; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1985; forest ecology, watershed ecology, soils, ecosystem services, watershed management, forest soils, silviculture

Brinkley, Jordan, Organic & Analytical Chemistry Lab Coordinator
MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry,; MS, SUNY ESF, 2008

Brown, Tristan, Associate Professor
PHD, Iowa State University, 2014; sustainable energy law & policy; energy systems analysis; techno-economic analysis; and climate policy
302 Bray Hall

Bryant, Margaret, Associate Professor & Chair Landscape Architecture
BS, Mississippi State University, 1986; MLA, University Of Georgia, 1993; PHD, University Of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2001; Urban sustainability, use of scientific data in land use decision making / planning process, design pedagogy, landscape planning, climate adaptation at local/neighborhood scales

Bujanovic, Biljana, Emeritus
BS, University of Belgrade, 1984; MS, University of Belgrade, 1994; PHD, University of Belgrade, 2000; PHD, Western Michigan University, 2003; chemistry of lignocellulosics and products, lignin structure and reactivity, pulping, bleaching

Burry, William, Emeritus Lecturer
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1974; MA, SUNY College At Cortland, 1999

Caluwe, Paul, Emeritus
MS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1964; PHD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1967; organic chemistry, synthetic polymer chemistry

Carter, Emanuel, Associate Professor
BA, Cornell University, 1969; MRP, Cornell University, 1978; City planning / urban design, rural planning & design, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Castello, John, Emeritus
BA, Montclair State University, 1973; MS, Washington State University, 1976; PHD, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1978; plant virology, viruses and mycoplasma in urban and forest tree decline, forest pathology, microbiology, insect vectors

Caviness, Terrance, Advisor/Curriculum Assist/CLBS Assist Director
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2017; MPA, University Of Colorado At Denver And Health Scienc, 2021

Cavo, Mariela, Assistant Professor
AAT, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Honduras, 1999; BA, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Honduras, 2001; MS, University of Madrid, 2005; PHD, Universidad de Cadiz, 2012; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2018; Environmental economics, forest economics, economic valuation of ecosystem services, input output modelling

Chai, Jiajue, Assistant Professor
BS, Nanjing University, 2006; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2014
418 Jahn Laboratory

Chatterjee, Avik, Associate Professor
MS, Cornell University, 1994; PHD, Cornell University, 1996; polymer chemistry, theoretical polymer and physical chemistry

Chatterjee, Siddharth, Associate Professor Emeritus
BT, Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur, 1982; MS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1985; PHD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1987; transport phenomena, design, simulation, pollution abatement

Chesebrough, Kathryn, Visiting Assistant Professor
AA, Broome Community College, 2013; BALA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2016; MLA, Cornell University, 2024
Landscape Architecture

Ciereck, Christina, Lecturer & Coordinator of Public Speaking Lab
MA, Syracuse University, 2001
105 Marshall Hall

Clark, Nan, Library Assistant 2

Cohen, Jonathan, Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Connecticut, 1998; PHD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, 2005; wildlife ecology and management, population and habitat ecology, threatened and endangered species

Cousins, Joshua, Assistant Professor
PHD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016; environmental policy and governance, social and political dimensions of water, political ecology, political economy of water, green infrastructure, science and technology studies, political ecology, urban sustainability

Crovella, Paul, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1989; ME, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2017

Curry, George, Emeritus
BA, Michigan State University, 1962; BS, Michigan State University, 1965; MLA, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 1969

Daley, Douglas, Associate Professor & Director of Analytical & Technical Svc
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1982; ME, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1984; water resources, solid and hazardous waste management, ecological engineering, environmental restoration, phytoremediation, bioremediation, soil and water pollution, solid and hazardous waste management, environmental engineering

Dann, Shari, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1983; MS, Cornell University, 1985; PHD, Michigan State University, 1993; Environmental education and interpretation; Place Based Education; conservation and natural resource education; science learning for K-12, non-formal, and adult programs; education for participatory natural resource stewardship and civic engagement; community engagement for conservation and land/watershed stewardship

Dawson, Chad, Emeritus
MPS, Cornell University, 1979; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1983; BS, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1970

DeBaise, Janine, Instructor
BA, St Lawrence University, 1982; MA, Syracuse University, 1985

DeWitt, Deborah, Senior Clerical Specialist

Dibble, Theodore, Professor
BS, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1987; PHD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992; Redox chemistry of mercury in the environment and in power plants. Chemistry of air pollution, electron beams and combustion.

Diemont, Stewart, Associate Professor
BA, The University Of Texas At Austin, 1991; MS, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 1997; PHD, Ohio State University-Main Campus, 2006; systems ecology, ecological engineering, traditional ecological knowledge, Latin America, ecosystem restoration, sustainability analysis, natural wastewater treatment systems and re-use, less-developed countries, agroecology

Doelle, Klaus, Associate Professor
BME, University of Applied Sciences Aalen, 1990; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002; pulp & paper and related environmental topics, design, constructed wetlands,subsurface bioreactors, fossil energy, bioenergy, hydropower, water and waste water treatment, paper recycling, paper development, filler materials, energy savings, renewable energy & processes, engineering, machine & process design.

Dorholt, Tyler, Interim Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
MFA, Columbia College Chicago, 2009
240 Marshall Hall

Dovciak, Martin, Associate Professor
PHD, University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2001; Plant Ecology, Forest Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Global Change,

Downs, Cynthia, Associate Professor
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2004; PHD, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2011; Animal Physiology, ecoimmunology, physiological trade-offs, organismal ecology, scaling, allometry, Ecological and evolutionary consequences of variation in physiological phenotypes

Drake, John, Associate Professor
PHD, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 2010; Tree physiology, forest ecology, global climate change, ecosystem nutrient and C cycling, soils gas fluxes, tree water use

Drew, Joshua, Assistant Professor
BA, Drew University, 1998; MS, SUNY At Albany, 2000; PHD, Boston University, 2008

Driscoll, Mark, Research Associate (Cy)
AA, SUNY College Of Technology At Delhi, 1979; BS, St. John's University-New York, 1982; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1992; environmental chemistry and radiation for environmentally friendly industrial processes

Dubis, Jeffrey, Professor
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1989; BS, University Of Maine, 1991; MS, University Of Maine, 1994; silviculture, forest management, forest operations

Dunkle, John, Visiting Assistant Professor
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1978; BS, Syracuse University, 1989

Elniski, Autumn, Visiting Assistant Professor
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2015; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2017; MS, Syracuse University, 2023; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2023

Endreny, Theodore, Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1990; MS, North Carolina State University At Raleigh, 1996; MA, Princeton University, 1998; PHD, Princeton University, 1999; water resources engineering, ecological engineering, stream restoration, urban watersheds, lesser-developed countries

Engelman, Heather, Instructional Support Technician
MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1995; Instructional Equipment Loans, Computing Support (FNRM), Women in Scientific and Environmental (WiSE) Professions Speaker Series, ESF's Take our Kids to Work Day Program
190 Baker Laboratory

Ettinger, Terry, Emeritus
BS, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1981; MS, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1984

Farrell, John, Professor and Director, Thousand Island Bio Station
BS, Cornell University, 1987; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1991; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1998; aquatic ecology, fisheries science & management, freshwater coastal wetlands, St. Lawrence River studies & Great Lakes, invasive species, restoration

Fenn, Jess, Instructor
BA, Swarthmore College, 1999; MAT, Hollins University, 2005; MA, Columbia University, 2006; PHD, Columbia University, 2012; MFA, Syracuse University, 2022
242 Marshall Hall

Fernando, Danilo, Associate Professor
BS, Benguet State University, 1983; MS, University of The Philippines, 1986; PHD, University of Alberta, 1996; plant structure and development, reproductive biology of conifers, pollen transformation, genomics and proteomics of pine pollen tube development, willow flowering and tissue culture, genetic diversity of rare and endangered ferns, and plant evolution, diversity and conservation.

Fierke, Melissa, Professor
AA, North Arkansas College, 1988; BS, Arkansas Tech University, 1998; MS, Oregon State University, 2002; PHD, University Of Arkansas Main Campus, 2006; forest entomology, forest ecology, invasive forest pests, insect-tree interactions, tree defenses

Fleming, Robert, Instructional Support Assistant
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1996

Fogden, Julie, Instructional Support Associate
BFA, SUNY College At New Paltz, 2013; AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2018; Invasive species, native plant ecology, ethnobotany
257 Ranger School Rd Ranger School

Follett, Donna, Library Business Manager
AAS, Onondaga Community College, 1980; BS, Syracuse University, 2006; MLIS, Syracuse University, 2011

Frair, Jacqueline, Professor and Director, Roosevelt Wildlife Station
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1999; PHD, University of Alberta, 2005; wildlife ecology and management, ecology of large herbivores and predators, animal movements, resource selection, population demography, quantitative methods in conservation, landscape ecology

Francis, Raymond, Research Associate
BAS, University of Toronto, 1982; PHD, University of Toronto, 1987; bioenergy, chemical engineering, pulping

Frank, Jenny, Assistant Professor
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2015; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2022; renewable energy, financial analysis, techno-economic analysis.

French, Sara, Visiting Instructor
MA, SUNY At Binghamton, 1993; PHD, SUNY At Binghamton, 2000

Gavitt, Jocelyn, Visiting Instructor
BS, Cornell University, 1993; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2007

Georgakakos, Christine, Assistant Professor
BS, Cornell University, 2014; ME, Cornell University, 2015; PHD, Cornell University, 2021; water quality, antimicrobials, sustainable agriculture, environmental engineering
425 Baker Laboratory

Germain, Rene, Professor
BS, University Of Vermont And State Agricultural Colle, 1983; MBA, Boston University, 1988; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997; forest management and operations, logging costs, watershed management, sustainable forestry systems

Ghaffari, Nazanin, Assistant Professor
BS, Islamic Azad University, 2006; MA, Islamic Azad University, 2010; PHD, The University Of Texas At Arlington, 2021
254 Marshall Hall

Gibbs, James, Distinguished Professor
BS, University Of Maine, 1986; MA, University Of Missouri-Columbia, 1988; PHD, Yale University, 1995; herpetology, vertebrate conservation biology, genetics and ecology in birds, reptiles and amphibians, songbirds, giant tortoise, statistics, wildlife population monitoring, galapagos islands, conservation biology, ecological monitoring, population genetics, applied demography, undergraduate conservation education
404 Illick Hall

Giner, Jose, Associate Professor
BA, Brandeis University, 1979; MA, Brandeis University, 1980; PHD, Stanford University, 1990; organic and natural products chemistry, sterol synthesis, natural products

Godfrey, Anne, Associate Professor
MLA, University Of Oregon, 2004; Assessing the influence photography has on how we understand, value and design for landscape places; work lies within the intersections of art, photography, cultural landscape, community, storytelling, environmental design, climate change and biodiversity

Goff, Jennifer, Assistant Professor
BS, Georgia Institute Of Technology-Main Campus, 2014; PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2020
219 Jahn Laboratory

Graham, Rachel, Instructional Support Associate
BA, College Of William And Mary, 1998; MS, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008; MS, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010
257 Ranger School Rd The Ranger School

Green, Hyatt, Associate Professor
BS, University Of Georgia, 2005; PHD, Oregon State University, 2011; molecular microbial ecology, eDNA, microbial water quality, microbial source-tracking, SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, forest soil nitrification, Hg-methylation

Gross, Cole, Assistant Professor
BA, The University Of West Florida, 2010; MS, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 2017; PHD, University of Alberta, 2022; Soil Carbon, Soil Health, Agroforestry, Sustainable Ecosystem Management, Carbon Cycling, Soil-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks, Soil-Root

Gurarie, Eliezer, Assistant Professor
BS, Case Western Reserve University, 1998; BA, Case Western Reserve University, 1998; MS, Aix-Marseille University, 2000; PHD, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 2008; Quantitative wildlife ecology, animal movements, spatial ecology, habitat use, behavior, cognition, population ecology, statistical methods, mathematical modeling, co-production of knowledge.

Hai, Paul, Assoc Director, NFI for Conservation and Leadership Training
BS, University Of Houston, 1989; MPS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2000

Hall, Charles, Emeritus
BA, Colgate University, 1965; MS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 1966; PHD, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 1970; systems ecology, meaning synthetic studies of populations and ecosystems, including studies of fish migrations, estuaries, tropical land use change and energetics of both natural and human-dominated ecosystems. Emphasis on measuring and modeling human-dominated ecosystems and geographic modeling as well as biophysical and ecological economics, GIS, energy, general systems thinking, coupled human and natural systems

Hart, Rebecca, Administrative Assistant 1

Hassett, John, Emeritus
BS, University Of Maryland-College Park, 1971; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978; environmental chemistry, aquatic chemistry

Hilbert, Deborah, Assistant Professor
BA, Eckerd College, 2013; BS, Eckerd College, 2013; PHD, University Of Florida, 2021

Hirsch, Paul, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Georgia, 2003; PHD, Georgia Institute Of Technology-Main Campus, 2008; integrative thinking and problem-solving, water planning, biodiversity conservation, science-policy interface, environmental thought and ethics, policy analysis, public participation and decision-making, environmental valuation, complexity, participant-observation and survey methods, discourse analysis, environmental policy, climate governance, policy science divide
229 Marshall Hall

Hoffman, Robin, Emeritus
BLA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1982; MLA, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 1985; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997

Hogge, C. Thomas, Assistant Professor
MARCH, University Of Virginia-Main Campus, 2009; MLA, University Of Virginia-Main Campus, 2009; BA, Hampden-Sydney College, 2203; Material and plant performance, construction technologies and fabrication, urban ecologies, feral aesthetics

Hohm, Sean, Instructional Support Specialist
MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2016

Hopes, Adrianne, Instructor
BA, Sarah Lawrence College, 2005; MFA, CUNY Brooklyn College, 2009; MA, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018
239 Marshall Hall

Horton, Thomas, Emeritus
BA, Humboldt State University, 1986; MA, San Francisco State University, 1992; PHD, University Of California-Berkeley, 1997; mycorrhizal plant ecology, molecular ecology, ecology, fungal communities, mycology, fire ecology

Hossain, Mohammad Uzzal, Assistant Professor
BS, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, 2010; MS, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, 2013; ME, Chongqing University, 2013; PHD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017; Sustainability in built environment; Low carbon materials, buildings, and infrastructures; Building energy simulation and modelling; Resource recovery and circular economy; Lifecycle assessment; Techno-economic assessment; Urban stock and flow analysis
222 Baker Laboratory

Hussein, Rafaat, Emeritus
BS, El-Azhar University, 1974; ME, Concordia University, 1978; PHD, Concordia University, 1980; Analytical modeling and development of industrial digital apps for: infrastructure applications of bio-based materials, best practices for livestock farms and chemical facilities, tech transfer. Have been acknowledged by NASA among the top 1.5% achievers for engineered laminates.

Iribarne, Jose, Adjunct Instructor
BS, Universidad de Chile, 1986; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1995; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1999

Ivanov, Ivan, Director of the Michael Szwarc Polymer Research Institute & Professor
MS, Sofia University, 1979; PHD, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1986; synthesis and characterization of dendrimers, hyperbranched, and other nanostructured polymers, polymer chemistry, "green" chemistry, polymer synthesis through biocatalysis, biomaterials

Jakhaia, Nino, Lecturer
PHD, University Of Mississippi Main Campus, 2018

Johnston, Mariann, Professor and Director of Ranger School
BS, Colorado State University, 1986; MS, University Of Idaho, 1993; PHD, University Of Idaho, 2003; forest ecology, soils, biogeochemistry, forest health, silviculture

Johnston, Douglas, Emeritus
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1979; BALA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1980; MLA, Harvard University, 1982; PHD, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 1986; Environmental planning, land use, water resources planning and management, spatial analysis, political economy, ecological design and planning.

Juneja, Ankita, Assistant Professor
BT, Punjab Agricultural University, 2006; MS, University Of Georgia, 2010; PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Karker, Karen, Instructional Support Specialist
MS, Syracuse University, 1993

Kavanagh, Danielle, Administrative Assistant 1

Kayira, Jean, Associate Professor
BED, University of Malawi, 1991; MA, Clark University, 2004; PHD, University of Saskatchewan, 2013; Indigenous knowledge systems, food sovereignty, decolonizing and Indigenous research methodologies, community-based research, youth participatory action research, climate change education, and culturally responsive & equitable evaluation

Kelleher, Michael, Emeritus
BS, Cornell University, 1984; MS, Cornell University, 1985

Kieber, David, Emeritus
BS, Rutgers The State University Central Office, 1980; MS, University Of Delaware, 1983; PHD, University Of Miami, 1988; environmental chemistry, aquatic organic chemistry, aquatic photochemistry, chemical oceanography, atmospheric chemistry, marine microbial ecology, polar research

Kiernan, Diane, Emeritus Assistant Professor
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1979; BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2000; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2003; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2007; growth and yield modeling, statistical analysis

Kimmerer, Robin, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1975; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982; plant restoration ecology, bryology, bryoecology, restoration ecology, ethnobotany, conservation biology and bryophyte ecology, traditional ecological knowledge

King, Maren, Emeritus Associate Professor
BALA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1978; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2002; Community and urban design; site design; participatory research, planning and design; participatory action research; behavioral factors in community design

Kloster, Danielle, Assistant Professor
MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2014; PHD, University Of Connecticut, 2020; BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry,; human dimensions of natural resources, sustainable energy, and the bioeconomy, environmental education

Kohl, Patrice, Assistant Professor
BA, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004; MA, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018; science and environmental communication; journalism; scientists and public engagement; public perceptions, attitudes and behavioural intentions. Primarily use quantitative, survey and experimental research methods. Study public perceptions and communication in relation to subjects such as climate change, invasive species, use of advanced genetic engineering tools in conservation, space junk

Kroll, Charles, Professor
BS, Tufts University, 1987; MS, Tufts University, 1989; PHD, Cornell University, 1996; stochastic and deterministic hydrology, environmental modeling, water resource systems engineering, ecological engineering, urban forestry, drought assessment, environmental systems engineering, stochastic and deterministic modeling, risk assessment, coupled human and natural systems

Ku, Deborah, Assistant Professor
BS, University Of Virginia-Main Campus, 2007; MARCH, University Of Virginia-Main Campus, 2011
206 Marshall Hall

Kuehn, Diane, Emeritus Associate Professor
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1987; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1989; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2002; social and recreational dimensions, ecotourism and nature tourism, recreation management and research

Kumar, Deepak, Assistant Professor
BT, Punjab Agricultural University, 2006; MTECH, Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur, 2009; PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Larsen, Cole, Senior Administrative Assistant
BA, The New School, 2008

Lee, JunHyung, Visiting Assistant Professor
BS, Seoul National University, 2009; MS, Seoul National University, 2011; PHD, Purdue University-Main Campus, 2017

Lee, Eun Kyung, Assistant Professor
BA, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, 2010; MPH, Tufts University, 2014; PHD, SUNY At Albany, 2019; Environmental health inequities and environmental justice; place-based disparities; racial and socio-economic disparities; chronic disease prevention; food systems; causal inference and mixed methods; community-level interventions and public policy.

Leem, Gyu, Associate Professor
PHD, University Of Houston, 2008; Environmental and polymer chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, materials science, surface chemistry, light harvesting polymers, photocatalytic and/or magnetic composite materials, solar energy conversion, water remediation
216 Jahn Laboratory

Leopold, Donald, Distinguished Teaching Professor
BS, University Of Kentucky, 1978; MS, University Of Kentucky, 1981; PHD, Purdue University-Main Campus, 1984; forest and freshwater wetland ecology, conservation, and restoration, peatland ecology and conservation, local and regional controls of species richness and rarity, dynamics of plant communities as affected by man and environment, management for unique communities and rare species, dendrology, native plants, restoration ecology, rare species conservation

Leydet, Brian, Associate Professor
MPH, University Of North Florida, 2009; PHD, Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechan, 2014; infectious and vector-borne diseases, arthropods of veterinary and medical importance, vector biology, vector-pathogen-host interactions, disease ecology, molecular biology, epidemiology of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases

Limburg, Karin, Distinguished Professor
BA, Vassar College, 1977; MS, University Of Florida, 1981; PHD, Cornell University, 1994; riverine fish and estuarine ecology, fisheries ecology, watershed ecology, systems ecology, ecological economics, fisheries and ecosystem science, coupled human-natural systems, biogeochemistry, fisheries ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemical tracers, modeling

Linehan, Cariann, Administrative Assistant 1
AA, Bryant And Stratton College-Main Syracuse,

Liu, Shijie, Professor
BS, Sichuan University, 1982; PHD, University of Alberta, 1992; bioengineering, fermentation, kinetics, separation, pulping, bleaching, fiber properties, sustainability, biofuel, renewable chemicals, biomaterials
302 Walters Hall

Lomolino, Mark, Professor Emeritus
BS, SUNY College At Cortland, 1975; MS, University Of Florida, 1977; PHD, SUNY At Binghamton, 1983; conservation biology, wildlife, ecology, evolution and biogeography

Luzadis, Valerie, Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1983; MS, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997; ecological economics, ecosystem services, policy, social and recreational dimensions, forest management for renewable energy, watershed management, natural resources policy and values, sustainable development, renewable energy, participatory decision-making

Malmsheimer, Robert, Distinguished Teaching Professor
BLA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1986; JD, Union University, 1989; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1999; Forest carbon accounting policies, biomass energy and biofuels policies, forest management for renewable energy, climate policies

Mao, Huiting, Professor and Associate Chair
BS, Nanjing University, 1989; MS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992; PHD, SUNY At Albany, 1999; environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, regional to global budgets of trace gases, long range transport, continental export, climate change.

Maresca, Julia, Associate Professor
BA, University Of Chicago, 1999; PHD, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2007; Environmental microbiology, photosynthesis/phototrophy, circadian rhythms, freshwater biochemistry, (meta)genomics, built environment, concrete microbiome, bioremediation
222 Jahn Laboratory

McGee, Gregory, Associate Professor
BS, Allegheny College, 1987; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1993; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1998; ecology, management and restoration of forest ecosystems; STEM education

McHale, Patrick, Instructional Support Specialist
AAS, Onondaga Community College, 1987; BS, SUNY College At Oswego, 1991; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1996

McNulty, Stacy, Associate Director of Research
BA, SUNY College At Geneseo, 1994; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2023; forest and wildlife ecology, plant and animal relationships, phenology, long-term system dynamics, biodiversity conservation, field stations, Biosphere Reserves, and relationships of human land use planning, recreation, policy and management to ecosystem function.

Melnyczuk, Stephanie, Administrative Assistant 1
ASS, Onondaga Community College, 1981

Meyer, Robert, Professor
BSF, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 1962; MF, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 1964; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1967

Mikulewicz, Michael, Assistant Professor
BA, University of Aberdeen, 2010; MS, California State University-Fullerton, 2012; PHD, University of Manchester, 2018; critical human geography, climate justice, international climate policy & governance, adaptation, resilience & vulnerability, environmental justice, urban sustainability, international development, political ecology, agriculture in the Majority World, critical theory incl. (eco-)feminism, queer theory, neo-Marxism, postcolonial theory), intersectionality, LGBTQ+ studies, participatory methods

Millar, Richard, Adjunct Professor
BE, Carleton University, 1968; MS, Carleton University, 1970; MS, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, 1984; DSC, George Washington University, 2008

Miller, Anthony, Emeritus
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1972; BLA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1973; MA, Syracuse University, 2007; AAS, CUNY Borough Of Manhattan Community College, 1970

Millspaugh, Joshua, Campfire Conservation Fund Professor of Wildlife Conservatio
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1991; MS, South Dakota State University, 1995; PHD, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 1999
252 Illick Hall

Mirowsky, Jaime, Associate Professor
BS, James Madison University, 2007; MS, New York University, 2010; PHD, New York University, 2013; environmental health, exposure assessment, air pollution, cardiopulmonary health, in vitro models, environmental noise, epidemiology, public health
316 Jahn Laboratory

Mirzabeigi, Shayan, Assistant Professor
BS, University of Tehran, 2016; MS, Polytechnic University of Milan, 2020; Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment, Sustainable Construction, Human-Building Interaction, Building Envelope Systems, Indoor Environmental Quality, Construction Automation

Mitchell, Myron, Emeritus
BA, Lake Forest College, 1969; PHD, University of Calgary, 1974; biogeochemistry, environmental energetics

Mohanty, Amar, Adjunct Professor

Moore, Douglas, Technical Service Manager, College Libraries
MSIS, SUNY At Albany, 2010
109-3 Moon Library

Moran, Sharon, Associate Professor
BA, Boston University, 1981; MS, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, 1989; PHD, Clark University, 2000; environmental policy, human dimensions of water/wastewater issues, political ecology, environment-society relations, green and innovative technologies, environmental issues in post-communist countries, qualitative research methods, gender and nature, sustainability indicators, emergent technologies, environmental justice, ethical frameworks in public policy

Morin, Timothy, Associate Professor
PHD, Ohio State University-Main Campus, 2017; ecosystem nutrient cycling, wetlands, biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, ecosystem greenhouse gas transport, eddy covariance/micrometeorology

Mostofa, Mohammad Golam, Assistant Professor
BS, University of Dhaka, 2002; MS, University of Dhaka, 2003; MS, Kagawa University, 2012; PHD, Ehime University, 2015; Molecular plant physiology, plant metabolism, stress adaptation, cellular biochemistry, phytohormones and signaling, oxidative stress tolerance, climate change and its effects on plants, omics, isoprene, and photosynthesis and gas exchange
317 Jahn Laboratory

Mountrakis, Giorgos, Professor
MSC, University Of Maine, 2000; PHD, University Of Maine, 2004; geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatiotemporal analysis, land cover land use change, climate change, biogeography, coupled human and natural systems

Murphy, Cornelius, Emeritus
BA, Saint Michaels College, 1966; PHD, Syracuse University, 1970

Nace, Jennifer, Scholarly Communications Librarian
BA, University Of Colorado At Boulder, 1993; MLIS, Syracuse University, 2005

Newman, David, Professor
BS, University Of California-Berkeley, 1977; MS, Duke University, 1985; PHD, Duke University, 1986; Forest resource economics and policy, resource and environmental economics, tax policy

Newman, Lee, Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry
AA, Atlantic Cape Community College, 1982; BS, Stockton University former -The Richard Stockton College, 1987; MS, Rutgers The State University Central Office, 1989; PHD, Rutgers The State University Central Office, 1993; phytoremediation, molecular and cellular biology, horticultural therapy, food and health
117 Jahn Laboratory

Ninokawa, Aaron, Assistant Professor
BA, California State University-Fullerton, 2013; BS, California State University-Fullerton, 2013; PHD, University Of California-Davis, 2021; Environmental chemistry, ocean acidification, drivers of water chemistry variations, influence of aquatic organisms on water chemistry, formation and dissolution of calcium carbonate materials
217 Jahn Laboratory

Nowak, Christopher, Professor 12 Months and Chair of FNRM
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1979; BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1985; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1986; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1992; vegetation management, silviculture and forest ecology, production ecology and plant ecophysiology, invasive exotic plant control, biogeography and cultural landscapes, sustainable management and certification systems

Nyblade, Madeline, Assistant Professor
BS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2018; PHD, University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2023; Water justice; community-based participatory research; climate and landcover change impacts and adaptation; Indigenous Nation - University collaborations; research ethics; critical history of earth science

Owens, Ruth, Associate Librarian
BS, Colorado State University, 2008; MLIS, Syracuse University, 2010

Parker, Andrea, Professor
BS, Michigan State University, 2003; MS, Texas A&M University, 2006; PHD, Texas A&M University, 2010; environmental communication; science and technology communication; wildlife conservation and policy; climate change mitigation and adaptation discourse and decision-making; environmental advocacy; environmental and natural resources conflict management; qualitative and critical methods; program evaluation methods; conflict; public participation; energy;wildlife management

Parry, Dylan, Professor
BS, University of Alberta, 1991; MS, University of Alberta, 1994; PHD, Michigan State University, 2000; Biological invasion, climate change, and conservation, primarily in the context of insects in forested ecosystems.

Pflug, Nicholas, Assistant Professor
BA, Drake University, 2003; MS, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2013; PHD, University Of Iowa, 2017; environmental chemistry, aquatic chemistry, organic chemistry, photochemistry, organic synthesis, natural products, chemical ecology, reaction mechanisms, structure elucidation
315 Jahn Laboratory

Ploumi, Tania, Assistant Professor
BS, University of Athens, 2009; MSC, University of Edinburgh, 2012; PHD, University Of Massachusetts-Boston, 2023

Potteiger, Matthew, Professor
BS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 1978; MLA, University Of California-Berkeley, 1982; Sustainable and socially just food systems; cultural landscape practices; theory and practices of using narratives in landscape interpretation and design

Powers, Leanne, Assistant Professor
BA, Colby College, 2008; PHD, University Of Georgia, 2014; Environmental chemistry, aquatic photochemistry, chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry, dissolved organic matter, reactive oxygen species, ocean optics
318 Jahn Laboratory

Quackenbush, Lindi, Provost
BS, University of Melbourne, 1994; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1998; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2004; geospatial information systems, spatial measurements, remote sensing and image processing, particularly focused on spatial techniques for both urban and forest classification, spatial analysis

Ramarao, Bandaru, Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering
BS, University of Madras, 1980; MS, Clarkson University, 1982; PHD, Clarkson University, 1985; chemical engineering, separation processes, adsorption, chromatography, filtration, membrane, depth filtration, columns, cellulosic materials, lignocellulosics separations, hydrolysis, papermaking, paper physics.

Razavi, Roxanne, Assistant Professor
PHD, Queen's University, 2014; ecotoxicology, limnology, environmental toxicology, mercury

Redmond, Ericka, Assistant Professor
BS, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, 2003; MS, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, 2006; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2011; paper packaging, fiber and paper properties, pulping, bleaching, management, biorefinery

Reeder, Daniel, Guest Critic in LA studio courses
BA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1986; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2003

Reich, Hannah, Assistant Professor
BA, Clark University, 2015; MS, Clark University, 2016; PHD, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2020
426 Illick Hall

Ringler, Neil, Emeritus Associate Provost
BS, California State University-Long Beach, 1967; MS, Oregon State University, 1970; PHD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1975; fish ecology and behavior, foraging behavior of fishes, salmon reproduction, vertebrate anatomy, aquatic insect ecology, stream ecology and management, aquatic and fisheries restoration, aquatic entomology

Rojas, Vanessa, Associate Professor
BS, Michigan State University, 2004; MSC, University Of Michigan-Flint, 2010; PHD, Indiana State University, 2018; wildlife conservation and surveying techniques; geographic information systems; bat ecology; occupancy modeling

Roopnarine, Darshini, Director of ESF Open Academy
MSW, Syracuse University, 2006; PHD, Syracuse University, 2013

Rundell, Rebecca, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1996; MS, University Of Chicago, 2004; PHD, University Of Chicago, 2008; evolutionary biology, conservation biology, speciation, adaptive and nonadaptive radiations, biogeography, phylogenetics, systematics, Pacific island radiations and biodiversity conservation, land snails, marine/aquatic microscopic invertebrates

Salehi, Bahram, Associate Professor and Graduate Students Coordinator
PHD, University of New Brunswick,; Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR, Optical Remote Sensing including Nanosatellite data, UAV and Photogrammetry, Image Processing and Machine Learning of RS data. Environmental Remote Sensing (Wetland and Water bodies, Forest, Permafrost, Agriculture and other Land Cover types, Sea Ice, Oil Spill on sea and land

Savage, James, Professor
AAS, Paul Smiths College Of Arts And Science, 1984; BA, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1986; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1990; Dendrology, Forest Recreation, Environmental Interpretation, Forest Technology Education

Schirmer, Charles, Instructional Support Specialist
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1991; plant, soil and water analysis

Schulz, Kimberly, Associate Professor
BA, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996; nutrient and exotic species effects on aquatic ecosystems, ecological stoichiometry, aquatic community and ecosystem ecology, bioenergetics, nutrient cycling, lower food web studies, great lakes, finger lakes, plankton, limnology, aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, invasive species

Schummer, Michael, Associate Professor
PHD, University of Western Ontario, 2005; Waterfowl Ecology, Waterfowl Management, Waterfowl Conservation, Wetlands Management, Wetlands Conservation, Ornithology, Plant-Animal Associations, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Wetlands Ecology, Wildlife-habitat relationships, ecology, climate change, human dimensions of wildlife, avian toxicology

Scott, Gary, Professor and Director of Division of Engineering
BS, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1987; MS, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1991; PHD, University Of Wisconsin Colleges, 1993; biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, paper machine operations, recycling, modeling

Selfa, Theresa, Professor and Chair
BA, Whitman College, 1984; MCP, University Of California-Berkeley, 1992; PHD, Cornell University, 2001; Environmental Governance; Politics of Agri-Food and Energy Systems; Livelihood Impacts of Land Use Change; International Development and Social Change; Environmental Certification and Labelling; Latin America and US

Seraji, Hanna, Junior Assistant Librarian
BA, Syracuse University, 2020; MS, Syracuse University, 2022; MA, Syracuse University, 2022

Shaker, Richard, Assistant Professor
BS, University Of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2004; CAS, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2005; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2007; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011; Environmental & sustainability indicators; Sustainable development; Landscape ecology; Global change; Ecological restoration; Applied statistics; Spatial analysis & modeling

Shaw, Stephen, Chair of ERE and Professor
BS, Cornell University, 2000; MS, Cornell University, 2005; PHD, Cornell University, 2009; hydroclimatology, water resources engineering, ecohydrology in a changing climate, water resources, climate change, hydrology, systems modeling, stormwater management

Sheehan, Kit, Advisor/Curriculum Assistant/CLBS Academic Program Coordinat
AAS, Onondaga Community College, 1999; BS, SUNY Brockport, 2002; MS, University Of Maine, 2005

Shields, William, Emeritus
BA, Rutgers The State University Central Office, 1974; MS, Ohio State University-Main Campus, 1976; PHD, Ohio State University-Main Campus, 1979; animal behavior, evolution and genetics, evolution of animal communication and dispersal systems, effects of genetic constraints on the evolution of social behavior, sociobiology and behavioral ecology, the use of DNA in identity testing and conservation biology, the interface between science and the law, conservation theory, behavior in birds and mammals, forensic DNA analysis
241 Illick Hall

Shinn, Jamie, Assistant Professor
BA, Colorado College, 2004; MA, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 2010; PHD, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2015; Environmental governance and policy, climate change adaptation, water-society relationships, flooding, political ecology, disaster response and recovery

Smardon, Richard, Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
BS, University Of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1970; MLA, University Of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1973; wetland assessment and management, landscape management policy, public participation and decision-making, sustainable development, eco-tourism, biosphere reserve management

Smith, William, Professor and Director, Wood Utilization Service
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1976; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1978; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1983; wood drying and moisture relations, wood preservation and protection, manufacturing and processing, wood properties and utilization, marketing

Smith, Matthew, Director of College Libraries
MSIS, SUNY At Albany, 2005

Sonnenfeld, David, Emeritus
BA, University Of Oregon, 1973; MA, University Of California-Santa Cruz, 1991; PHD, University Of California-Santa Cruz, 1996; environmental sociology; comparative environmental politics; sustainable transitions; water governance; East and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Caribbean; field, historical and mixed research methods
214 Baker Laboratory

Spano, Roxana, Lecturer
BA, Utica College, 1985; MA, New York University, 1988

Stavenhagen, Werner, Instructor
MA, La Sierra University, 1997; PHD, Syracuse University, 2015; Environmental Rhetoric, Environmental Literacy, Contemplative Pedagogy

Stehman, Stephen, Distinguished Teaching Professor
BS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 1979; MS, Oregon State University, 1982; PHD, Cornell University, 1990; Environmental sampling, map accuracy assessment, sampling strategies for land cover monitoring

Stella, John, Professor
BA, Yale University, 1988; MS, University Of California-Berkeley, 1998; PHD, University Of California-Berkeley, 2005; riparian and stream ecology, restoration ecology, watershed management, ecological modeling, tree-ring science, river restoration, arid-land and Mediterranean ecosystems

Stipanovic, Arthur, Emeritus
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1975; polymer chemistry, biopolymers, biodegradable polymers, characterization, rheology

Storrings, Mark, Instructional Support Specialist
BA, SUNY College At Oswego, 1986; MPS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2002

Stowell, Michael, Library Assistant 1

Tao, Wendong, Professor
BS, Shaanxi Normal University, 1984; MSC, Beijing Normal University, 1990; PHD, University of British Columbia, 2006; Ecological engineering and sustainable wastewater treatment (Constructed wetland, gravel biofilter, anammox-based nitrogen removal processes); Resource recovery from bioresidues (anaerobic digestion, solid-liquid separation, struvite recovery, ammonia recovery)

Teale, Stephen, Professor and Chair of Environmental Biology
BAS, The College Of Saint Rose, 1980; MS, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 1983; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1990; forest entomology, insect behavior, pheromones of forest insects, insect ecology, pest management, chemical ecology, evolution of pheromone communications

Therasme, Obste, Assistant Professor
BS, Universite dEtat dHaiti (State University of Haiti), 2010; MS, Syracuse University, 2015; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2019; Life cycle assessment; sustainable energy system analysis; net zero/negative greenhouse gas emissions systems; biomass for biofuels, energy and bioproducts

Thompson, Jeremy, Instructor
AAS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997

Togami, Chie, Assistant Professor
BA, Williams College, 2013; MA, University Of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2018; PHD, University Of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2024; critical environmental justice, environmental social movements, climate change, gender and the environment, environmental sociology, political ecology, air pollution, philanthropy, qualitative and community-engaged research.

Vander Yacht, Andrew, Assistant Professor
BS, Hope College, 2009; MS, The University Of Tennessee, 2013; PHD, The University Of Tennessee, 2018; forest ecosystem management, climate adaptive silviculture, mesophication, disturbance-dependent biodiversity, fire & fuel ecology, plant-soil-fire feedbacks, fire effects on ticks & associated disease, & traditional ecological knowledge of forest disturbance

Vaverchak, Gregory, Assistant Professor
AS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2002; AS, Broome Community College, 2003; BS, Paul Smiths College Of Arts And Science, 2006; MS, SUNY Potsdam, 2016; arboriculture, forest management

Verostek, Jane, Librarian
AA, Onondaga Community College, 1990; BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1992; MLS, Syracuse University, 1996; CAS, Syracuse University, 2008; MA, Syracuse University, 2018

Volk, Timothy, Professor and Associate Chair
BS, University of Guelph, 1986; MS, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2002; biomass and bioenergy, agroforestry, phytoremediation, management and sustainability of short rotation woody crops, life cycle analysis

Wagner, John, Professor and Associate Chair
BS, Washington State University, 1981; MS, University Of Idaho, 1984; PHD, Colorado State University, 1990; forest resource and environmental economics, ecosystem services, policy, quantitative silviculture, forest management and operations, operations research, simulation

Walker-Kopp, Nancy, Instructional Support Specialist
MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2001

Wang, Endong, Associate Professor
BE, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2003; MS, Southeast University, 2006; MS, University Of Nebraska At Lincoln, 2011; PHD, University Of Nebraska At Lincoln, 2013; sustainable infrastructure systems, life cycle assessment, BIM, benchmarking, stochastic process, construction safety
223 Baker Laboratory

Watson-Collins, Elizabeth, Instructional Support Technician
BS, University Of Missouri-St Louis, 2009; MS, SUNY Brockport, 2024

Weir, Alexander, Professor
BS, University of Bradford, 1986; PHD, University of New Castle Upon Tyne, 1997; conservation mycology, fungal biodiversity and conservation, fungal-arthropod interactions, biology of parasites and symbionts, systematics and evolutionary biology of fungi, fungi and humans, biology of parasites and symbionts

Weiss, Jill, Assistant Professor
BS, New York University, 2003; PHD, Antioch New England Graduate School, 2016; Socio-ecological systems, co-adaptive management, collaboration and trust, knowledge transfer, communities of practice and social networks, communication theories, landscape ecology, recreation governance and ethics, environmental education, conservation behaviors and psychologies, organizational management, strategic planning, and assessment. Subjects: stewardship, large contiguous bioregions, alpine zone, trail systems, public open space, bikes, urban forestry. Methods: Surveys, interviews, mixed method approaches, case studies, grounded theory, participatory action research.

Werner, Garth, Visiting Instructor
MSC, Cranfield University,
415 Baker Lab

Westby, George, Instructional Support Technician
MSC, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2015

Whipps, Christopher, Director, SUNY Center for Applied Microbiology and Professor
BS, University of Victoria, 1997; PHD, Oregon State University, 2004; fish parasites and diseases, wildlife diseases, parasitology, microbiology, taxonomy, molecular systematics, diagnostics, parasites as biological tags and ecological indicators, epidemiology and control of pathogens of ecological and veterinary importance, evolution and biology of disease causing organisms in animal populations using molecular systematics

White, Ellen, Assistant Professor
BA, North Carolina State University At Raleigh, 2003; MUP, Harvard University, 2008; MLA, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2016; PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2023
203 Marshall Hall

Whitmore, Benette, Assistant Professor
BA, Queen's University, 1977; MA, Syracuse University, 1980; PHD, Syracuse University, 2011; digital storytelling, filmmaking, screenwriting, creative responses to the environment, public relations management, science education

Wie, Jeong Jae, Adjunct Research Professor
BS, Hanyang University, 2004; MS, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, 2008; PHD, University Of Delaware, 2013; Soft robotics, liquid crystalline polymers, magnetic composites, shape-reconfigurable devices, eco-friendly polymer composites

Yanai, Ruth, Distinguished Professor
BA, Yale University, 1981; MS, Yale University, 1985; PHD, Yale University, 1990; Multiple-element limitation in northern hardwood ecosystems, quantifying uncertainty in ecosystem studies, and REDD+ carbon accounting for climate mitigation

Yang, Jean, Assistant Professor
BA, Cornell University, 1997; MUP, University Of California-Los Angeles, 2011; MLA, University Of Southern California, 2014
212 Marshall Hall

Yoo, Chang Geun, Associate Professor
PHD, Iowa State University, 2012; BS & MS, Hanyang University, 2006/2008; biological/thermochemical conversion of biomass to fuels and chemicals, bio-based material application, elucidation of biomass and bio-product properties, development of lignocellulosic biorefinery

You, Yaqi, Assistant Professor
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 2012; environmental microbiology and biotechnology, sustainable food-energy-water nexus, emerging contaminants, biogeochemistry, environmental health and pathogen exposure
421 Baker Lab

Young, Nathan, Assistant Professor
MS, Wright State University-Main Campus, 2014; PHD, Iowa State University, 2019; BA, Earlham College, 2012; hydrogeology, hydrology, soil physics

Zhang, Lianjun, Emeritus Professor
BS, Shandong Agricultural University, 1982; MS, University Of Idaho, 1987; PHD, University Of Idaho, 1990; MS, University Of Idaho, 1991; forest biometrics, growth and yield modeling, spatial statistics and modeling, quantitative silviculture

Zhou, Xuechen, Assistant Professor
BS, Tsinghua University, 2015; BE, Tsinghua University, 2015; MPHIL, Yale University, 2019; MS, Yale University, 2019; PHD, Yale University, 2022