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Forest Ecosystem Science Laboratory
Data Catalog - Site, vegetation, and sample

R Code

Data Description  Data Date
Foliar chemistry



September 2022
Resin 2012 - 2015 Resin.csv September 2022
Root and basal area




September 2022
Fine roots rootbiomass_2.csv September 2022
Resorption litterchem.csv September 2022
I don't know where this spreadsheet was use. combined_panelgraph.csv September 2022
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on foliar nutrient concentrations of six northern hardwood species R Code 2022


Shared Files--data included from multiple studies

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Unknown, we only know the date the samples were run

Date run 06092021.csv

Date run 06152021.csv

Date run 06162021.csv

Date run 21621.csv


Beech Bark Disease

BeechBarkDieseaseICP 040821.csv

BeechBarkDisease ICP 52421.csv

Master List  
Ash Digestion Log 9_25_09.xls
    9/25/2009 Corrie Blodgett
Raw ICP output (shoestring) RUTH_060209.csv; 060209.xls     6/2/2009 Deb Driscoll
Raw ICP output (shoestring) Ruth_060309.csv060309.xls     6/3/2009 Deb Driscoll
Raw ICP output (shoestring) YANAI_061509.csv     6/18/2009 Marlene/Heather/Deb
Raw ICP output (shoestring, BB's roots, Farrah's samples) Yanai_062209.csv; All Shoestring and BB_072009.xls     6/22/2009 Deb Driscoll/Heather
Raw ICP output YANAI_122909.csv     12/29/2009 Kikang
CN data (Carrie Rose and Bali)  Yanai_Lavine_leaves_T1.xlsx     4/12/2010 Guin
ICP results for Farrah's tissues outliers, root chem outliers, and Elizabeth's fertilization trial samples     CarrieICPData.xls 3/12/2011 Franklin Diggs for CRL


New Hampshire Northern Hardwoods

Shoestring (Quinn Thomas, Bali Quintero, Bartlett, HB101, Jeffers Brook)

Data Description  Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Location of MELNHE Samples in 2011 (not just roots) NH-NxP 2011Fall Roots Inventory.xls Brannon Barr? Or Kikang Bae      
stand/plot data VegData2004-5BEFSumm_Walter-MallardSamp.xls (samples bolded in red) BEFTreeSamples_MattW-DaveM.xls 'file has the 40 trees we sampled Fwd plot list.htm 8/12/2008 Matt Walter/ Dave Mallard
Foliage Data JB-HB-B_foliage_10-16-08.xls     10/16/2008 Bill
Tree Data  Jeffers_Brook_10+_veg.xls     5/10/2009 ?
Fertilization fert calcs rdy 10-20-2008.xls     10/20/2008 Ruth
Vegetation Veg_Data_Bartlett_Vadeboncoeur_05_20_2008new.xls      10/30/2008 Tim Fahey
Ashing (inc missing trees) Shoestring_Summarywfo11-30-08_rqt.xls     11/30/2008 Bill and Quinn
Bartlett retranslocation Retranslocation.xls     1/7/2009 Corrie
HBChemDocumentation Yanai_Lavine_SOIL_T1.xls
    4/14 - 4/29/2010 Guin Fredriksen
C/N results from Cornell Samples to Cornell 2_24_2010.xls
    2/24/2010 Guin Fredriksen
INS Sampling in June 2009

INS data_BEF_2009 .xlsx


6/9/2010 10/5/2010
Bill O'Neill
Guin Fredriksen? Carrie Rose
C:N 2012 CS052412_CN.xlsx
    containing PL040312.xlsx; 
    9/14/11 Bali
Cody, Tony's thesis Cluster analysis Redo_Aug_9.xlsx     8/9/14 Yi Dong


Bartlett Root Chemistry

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Root Chem paper and SAS code Yanai, R.D., G.E. Walsh*, Y. Yang*, C.A. Blodgett*, K. Bae*, and B.B. Park*. 2017 Nutrient concentrations of roots vary with diameter, depth, and site in New Hampshire northern hardwoods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48: 32-41. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2017-0223. PDF  

Root chem paper_BB code for sas.txt

Root chem paper_PLM postfitting code in sas.txt

6/5/18 Yang Yang
Root nutrient Figures  
  CHEM_STUDY_1 and Fall 2009 10/6/2010 Dusty Bill

 Root paper Fig 1 Large C N P 06022012.JPG

Root paper Fig 1 Large Ca Mg K 06012012.JPG

6/2/12 Bill


Forest Floor

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
2003 NH and Newcomb Syracuse Sample Results.xls
    8/30/2007 Andy Friedland
1979 - 1995 chronosequence     chro.saschronosbartlett.txt 5/18/2008 Ruth (790-80 floors)
NH FF depths 2003 .xls
FF Depths 1995/Bartlett 1994
NH FF 2003 CN results.xls
Chronos FF CN summary.xls
      Bartlett documentation .pdf 4/7/2008 Ruth
  96 total mass by line6-00.XLS   other litter mass 1996.htm 11/29/2008 Ruth


Chronosequence Litterfall (BB) 

see also MELNHE, litter and debris

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
nutrients-New Hampshire     litterfall-poster-Part1final.ppt
1/8/2008 Ruth and BB
      Litter-variation-v23.doc 4/30/08 Dusty
N concs added,  N:P ratios for 1996 by species and stand- no P measurements in 2004? N:P scatterplot as a function of stand age       5/15/2008 Dusty

2/24/2009 6/22/2010

Dusty Bill
      Figure1 and
Figure1-total mass.jnb
Figure 5-allometric.jnb
Nutrientconcentration.JNB (Bill 7/26/2010)
    Boxplot concentrations v55.JPG   7/26/2010 Bill
BB 2011       10/3/2011 BB Park
Figures     litterfall\litterfall
Fig 6_12072011.TIF
Fig 6 litter_massBill-12072011.jnb
12/7/11 Bill
SAS files       12/20/11 BB
      HB Annual Fluxes 1997_2007_11022011.JPG   Bill
      consolidated flux (conc.) 4-june-2012.JPG
CV  across WS 4-june-2012.JPG
CV  across years 4-june-2012.JPG
6/4/2012 Pilar, Carrie Rose and Heather
Figures, revised     Fig 1 -chronoseq_map_on_generalized_geology v2.tif
litterfall figs 2-7




Allometric equations and nutrient content (Bartlett; Farrah)

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
  dry wts by component   Farrah graphs.doc   Andrew
      root_concentrations_8.02.xls   Farrah
      Allcomponentsnutrientcontent8-16-2007.xls   Farrah
    Samples SYR-MICH-2.xls improved sample list.doc 5/12/2008 Ruth
  Aboveground biomass- estimates.xls       Farrah
Added weights to roots page and fixed notes column for 'dups'.   Samples_SYR-MICH-2(Final).xls remaining to do syr-mich.pdf 5/28/2008 Bill
interpretation of the nutrient solutions on the 'Litter 2005' sheet.   Samples_SYR-MICH-2(Final)dmw.xls   9/22/2008 Dusty
    All components- nutrients.xls     Farrah


Fatemi, Farrah R,  2007. Aboveground biomass and nutrients in developing northern hardwood stands in New Hampshire, United States. MS Thesis.   State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry,  100 pages. PDF

LTER Annual Reports:  HBR_Annual_Report_2002.doc  2006 HBLTER Annual Report.pdf  2007 HBLTER Annual Report.pdf   2008 HBLTER Annual Report.pdf  2009 HBLTER Annual Report.pdf  LTER Annual Report 2010-yanai.docx

Hocker, H.W.  and D.J. Early. 1983. Biomass and leaf area equations for northern forest species, New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Pap. no. 102, 27 p. PDF

Kinerson, R.S. and I. Bartholomew.  1977.   Biomass estimation equations and nutrient composition of white pine, white birch, red maple, and red oak in New Hampshire, N.H. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Rep. no 62, 8 p. PDF


JSPS (Pilar, Adam,, Zak, Stephanie)

Data Description Data Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Data for JSPS JSPS Conc Data CVs ONLY.xlsx
JSPS Flux Data CVs ONLY.xlsx
  3/6/2013 Adam Wild
graphs consolidated flux and cvs conc   12/13/12  
Stream gauge 2005 Coweeta Inspection of Stream Gage.xlsx   1/24/2012 Zak Krug
    HB Annual Fluxes 1997_2007_11022011.JPG   Bill
    CV  across WS 4-june-2012.JPG
CV  across years 4-june-2012.JPG
consolidated flux (conc.) 4-june-2012.JPG
6/4/2012 Pilar


Sugar Maple Health

(Forest Tent Caterpillar; Nicole, Dusty, Nick)

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
  NAMP plots.xls     2/29/08 Dustin Wood
  NAMP soil results NY + NH.xls     2/20/2008 Ruth
  treedata_dmw_NAMP.xls       Dusty
Historical NAMP data-MA namp88-06.xls       Nicole
Historical data-NH 1989-2000 Copy of Nh00.xls
Nh00.xls (12 wk1 files)
5/4/2008 Nicole
Regeneration data NY and NH which contains:
    5/4/2008 Nicole
NH NAMP DATA 2007 07 NH NAMP Data DBHCorrected.xls
NAMP soil results NY + NH_NWmethods.xls
    5/4/2008 Nicole
FIA FIA Sugar Maple-v2.xls
Protocol Collection and storage of samples until dried and shipped to us.   NAMP_Soil_Sampling_Methods_2008.doc   Sandy Wilmot
Protocol Site selection, plot establishment, tree measurements   08manual.doc    
Fragmentation data (Dusty) AllFragData-dmw-12-3-08.xls     12/3/2008 Dusty 
Regeneration (Nick) 2007 VT NAMP Regeneration Data.xls 2/16/10
2008_Regeneration_NY_NEP.xls 3/3/10 AllNAMPCombined.JNB2/1/11 NEPPROCMULTREG.SAS4/21/10

VT_NAMP_Compare.xls  12/19/2009

  Nick Pitel
Tree Data (Nick) 2008_treedata_nep_NAMP.xls


 6/2/2009 5/12/09 1/30/11 1/30/11  Nick Pitel
Soil data (Nick) Pitel_Thesis_cations.xlsx
Soil depths 8-25-14 GW_revised by NP.xlsx
    4/16/10 8/25/14  Nick Pitel
Figures     Frag.tif


3/9/10 3/11/10 3/9/10  Nick Dusty Nick

Wood, D.M. 2008. Evaluating the susceptibility of sugar maple stands to defoliation by forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria Hübner) and the vulnerability to decline. M.S. Thesis. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. 77p. 

Pitel, N.E. 2010. An assessment of sugar maple condition following defoliation by forest tent caterpillar: investigating soil chemistry. M.S. Thesis. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. 72p. Capstone PPTX


(Sleepers River, Hubbard Brook, Cone Pond, Byung Bae Park)

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
 Nutrient Budget SR-HB-CP Nutrient Budget.xls        
 Tissue Nutrient Concentrations Tissue Chem-5-1-08.xls     5/1/08 Ruth
  JB-HB-B foliage-2009.xls
HB JB B 2008 Foliage 4_27_10cb.xls
    9/29/09 Bill for Bali
SR-HB-CP Ca Gradient 3sheds-roots-soil chem-4Oct.xls        
Root Data Nutrients with NRH.xls     5/14/08 BB
      root 7/16/2008 BB
Which samples are which? Sample Id and biomass of SR RH.xls     5/2004 BB
FIGURES HB-SR-CP Sigma Plot   SR-HB-CP updated Figure3 graph.jpg 12/12/2008 1/13/2011 Dusty Bill
Figures     Turnoveronly.JNB
5/9/2008 5/9/2008 6/30/2008 BB
Stand inventory          
Sleepers River biomass inventory SR_Biomass_Inventory_June2021.xlsx     June 2021 Jenna Zukswert
1991 - 2023 SR-HB-C
1991 Cone Pond data (cp1991.dat)
2003 Sleepers River Rich Hdwd (Rich03.dat)
2003 Sleepers Rivers poor hardwoods (poor.dat)
2003 Sleepers River conifer (conifer.dat)
Increment cores (timspfir.dat)
  SR_High_HW (SR PH).txt
5/14/2008 Tom Siccama
Tom Siccama's biomass calculations          
The program   tom's biomass (basica.exe; biow602.exe, ht96eqwb.dat, new.exe, new.txt, PV65eq.dat, correspondence.doc)   9/2/2008 Tom Siccama
Samples sent for reanalysis   Sleepers_cations_to_SYR.xls   6/10/2009 Jamie Shanley
Hubbard Brook biomass equations, raw data Whittaker.csv     1965 Bob Whittaker

Park, B.B. 2006. Fine root dynamics and tissue chemistry across a calcium gradient in temperate hardwood and softwood forest ecosystems.  Ph.D.Dissertation.  State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry,  257 pages. 

Model Forest

(New York City Watershed, Xing Wang, Chellie Norris)

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Frost Valley Yanai April 2000.xls Frost Valley Clearcut_USGS_Water Samples.xls     Doug Burns
Doug Burns -- lists the samples  we sent you for P analysis--- includes date, time, physical, and chemical data. If you are still motivated to run these, then go for it. We wanted to see whether P mobility increased as a result of harvesting. I assume that these samples represent a pre- and post-harvesting period, but we might have to go back to the Wang et al. paper to remind ourselves about the harvest dates. STAX P Samples.xls        
Ward Pound Ridge          
Ninham Mtn          
Block K resin Resin-KCl.Final.Homyak et al. 2008.xls   email description.pdf 8/22/2008 Pete Homyak

Homyak, Peter M., 2006 Nitrogen immobilization by woodchip application: Protecting water quality in a northern hardwood forest.  M.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 68 pages.


Assessing the Sensitivity of New York Forests to Cation Depletion from Acid Rain (Byung Bae Park, Carmen Nezat, Amber Knowlden)


Nutrient Uptake

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
K, P, Mg  ou_all.xls 3/7/2002 Melissa Lucash
Colorado K, P, Mg, Ca, N  Notebook1.jnb (6/18/08 )
Note:  Files are zipped together as "Colorado"
Figure 1.jnb
Figure 2.jnb
Figure 3.jnb
Figure 4.jnb



 Dusty Wood
Input and output data and sas code



     1/27/2009 Ruth 

Lucash, Melissa S. 2005.  Methods for measuring nutrient uptake rates of intact roots of seedlings and mature trees.  Ph.D. Dissertation, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 114 pages. 

McFarlane, Karis J. 2003. Measuring nutrient uptake by roots of sugar maple, red pine, and Norway spruce trees in situ.  M.S. thesis, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 73 pages.

Phillips, Richard P. 1999.  The effects of calcium chloride and aluminum chloride additions on rhizosphere soil and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) fine root chemistry.  MS Thesis. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 73 pages.  


(WERC, Adam, Andrew, Frank)

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:

inventories07.xls  sitetrees07.xls

SMHinventoriesFall2008.xls SMHsitetreesFall2008.xls

       9/21/2007 8/12/2008 10/28/2008
Preharvest data from stands excluded from Andrew's theseis HeartwoodStandInventory.xls        11/22/2010
Field-post harvest data Heartwood project Data sheet_april 11(Newark).xls
Heartwood project Data sheet_april 25(Ontario).xls
       4/11/2010 4/25/2010
Soil     Heartwood_Soil_Sample_analysis.xls    2/20/2008
     Soil Samples.doc  ICP results MasterFile.xls   4/5/10
      Heartwood Soil Data.xls   10/31/10
Log Yard HW_Data&Analysis_3-24-08.xls   Cumulative_Frequency_Diagram.xls
Analysis, prediction and correlation     ANALYSIS, prediction and, tree level correlations. sas)   4/23/2009
Figures and stats also includes word version of thesis   Andrew's SAS and sigmaplot, prediction and, tree level correlations. sas, figures.jnb, thesis[mastercopy]final.doc)   4/3/2009
Site coordinates with heart and log diameter 20120320_WERC Coordinates and Log diameter.xlsx       3/20/12

Mishler, Andrew K. 2009.  Size of discolored hearts in sugar maple..  MS Thesis, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 63 pages. 

Long-term Liming Study

Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
    Bottle correspondences 8- 2.xls
Sample Description for Bartlett Clearcut Soil Samples.doc
Sample Description for Paul's MS project reserve samples.doc
  9/21/2007 Paul Lilly

Lilly, Paul J.  2007. Cation exchange chemistry and the long-term effects of liming on acidic forest soils in the northeastern United States.  MS thesis, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 53 pages. 

FIA (Justin Holgerson)

Lilly, Paul J.  2007. Cation exchange chemistry and the long-term effects of liming on acidic forest soils in the northeastern United States.  MS thesis, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 53 pages. 


Data Description Data Samples (including where stored) Analysis/Other Date Last Updated by:
Yang's mercury data Mercury data for method paper_Yang_160208.xlsx

Tree tissue Hg across 4 states.xlsx

    2/12/2020 Yang Yang
Huntington Data 1985-1987 (Myron Mitchell) revised by Marianne Burke (2/23/89) and Russ Briggs (5/15/89) FD from Myron converted to 2003 doc     2/28/2012 Russ Briggs (1989)

Converted to Word and Excel 2003 by Jim Halligan 2/28/12

Accompanying documentation scanned to PDF

Levine's thesis data set Levine_pit and core data.xlsx     11/12/12 Carrie Rose Levine

Yanai R.D., Y. Yang, M. Montesdeoca, and C. Driscoll. The importance of mercury in leaves, bark and wood of eight tree species across four northeastern forests.  AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 14, 2016.

Yang Y., R.D. Yanai, F.R. Fatemi, C. R. Levine, P. J. Lilly, and R. D. Briggs. Sources of variability in tissue chemistry in northern hardwood species. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 12, 2016.

Levine, C.R. 2011. Assessing the suitability of rotary corers for sampling exchangeable cations in rocky soils. MS thesis, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, 66p.  

Bohn, Kimberly K. 2005.  Residual spatial structure and implications for sawtimber production in uneven-aged northern hardwoods after selection system silviculture or diameter limit cutting.  PhD Dissertation, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 200 pages.

Ray, David G. 1997.  Patterns of development in three Adirondack hardwood stands following herbicide treatment and shelterwood cutting.  MS thesis, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry,139 pages. 

Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:15 PM
To: Bill O'Neill O'Neill
Cc: Forest Ecology
Subject: Fwd: plot list

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Blue

Attachments: BEFTreeSamples_MattW-DaveM.xls; VegData2004-5BEFSumm_Walter-MallardSamp.xls; ATT162003.htm
This is the list of leaf samples Heather just received.
I wouldn't archive this list yet because there are more yet to come from Issac.  You can use the short list to go with the samples we just got from Matt, and the long list to identify the ones that come from Isaac.
This is going to be a big job if we grind, digest, and analyze all these!  Heather just got trained on ICP.  Maybe we can get it done this fall.  I have a conf call Monday to decide what we think we can do and where.  Quinn Thomas at Cornell also has a lot of samples and we have to compare labs and costs at ESF and Cornell.
x Ruth

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Matthew Walter" <>
Date: August 2, 2008 11:02:03 AM EDT
To: "Ruth Yanai" <>, " Melany" <>
Subject: Re: plot list
Hi Ruth,

Please see attachments for the tree list.  For planning/printing convenience, the 'BEFTreeSamples_MattW-DaveM' file has the 40 trees we sampled while the 'VegData2004-5BEFSumm_Walter-MallardSamp.xls' has all of the stand/plot data with our samples bolded in red w/larger font.  

Thinking over the way Dave and I really picked up our pace once we got through the learning curve of our first plot (C4-1), I would recommend starting any other "green" samplers you may get on board with a mature plot followed by the more difficult, younger stands.  This would enable the shooter(s) to get their shooting technique down while working on more open (yet higher/longer) shots, then refining their skills in the dense, thick stands with more obstructions and sample hang-up issues within the tighter canopy.  -Younger stands required more vertical shooting, which is hard as a shooter is finding their feet and getting used to shooting up - very different from shooting grouse/skeet!

I'm leaving for a wedding and won't be back at home office until Monday p.m.   Please send me an address for the samples and I'll send them out to you.  Thanks!

Matthew J. Walter
MS Candidate, Conservation Biology
Environmental Studies Department
Antioch University New England
Ruth Yanai <> on Friday, August 1, 2008 at 5:01 AM -0500 wrote:
Hi Matt,

If it's going to take you a while to send me a tree list, can you just
send me the plot list right away?  I know you got part way through C8
but I don't know what you told me about what plots you got.  C9 is
still unfinished?  Melany was right, this should have been finished
before starting C8; I didn't think it was important because I couldn't
imagine that you wouldn't be able to finish both!

Let me know what we've got and I'll make a plan.

Thank you for all your work!  I'm sorry you were frustrated by weather
and equipment.  Hopefully things will go more smoothly on your next


From: Ruth Yanai []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 9:06 AM
To: Forest Ecology
Subject: archive with litterfall, chronosequence

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Blue

Attachments:; ATT1601540.htm

Begin forwarded message:
From: Dustin Michael Wood <>
Date: February 24, 2009 8:00:34 AM EST
To: Ruth Yanai <>
Cc: Byung Bae Park <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: This mail was in my computer for several days!


I didn't use excel files to create the figures, so I'm sending along my Sigma Plot files in a zipped folder, including the file for the correct figure 3. I think figure numbers changed sometime after I created the sigma plot files, so please take a look at the other sigma plot files in this folder if the figure 3 file isn't correct. I don't have sigma plot installed on this computer, or else I would look myself. I hope this helps!


These files probably could be archived. I think Jim Halligan told me that my e-mail account with syr  is permanent, but who knows. My other e-mail address is I can only access this account from my office computer, but we can worry about that when my account goes down. I prefer the account anyway. My schedule is pretty full until Friday after 5:00.


Quoting Ruth Yanai <>:

I found BB's e-mail!  It came from a different e-mail address and was
alphabetized in Korean.  --Ruth
Dusty, should we be using a different e-mail address for you?
will cut you off at some point.

Begin forwarded message:
From: "박병배" <>
Date: February 19, 2009 8:04:36 PM EST
Subject: This mail was in my computer for several days!
 Hi Dusty,

I wanted to get the files for mass. I think figure number was not  correct!
If you have data files (or Sigma plot files), please send them for   
Figure 1 and Figure 3.
I am attaching the v28 for figure number.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dustin Michael Wood
Cc: Byung Bae Park
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: litterfall chem and masses

I've attached the litterfall figure 3, in hope that we are looking at the same one. I don't have an excel file for this figure, because  I believe I made the graph from several files, each one containing a  different year's data. I will attach the sigma plot file I used,  which does have everything in it, but of course you won't be able to  read the file unless you are on the lab computer. 
I can send  you  the excel files for each year of data, though I'm sure you already  have them, because I can remember you forwarding some of them to me.
I hope that helps! Sorry for the delay, as usual.

Dusty, is the excel file for figure 3 in the litterfall paper available in our document archive?  BB, do you know about this archive?  It should be a goal to bring the litterfall data up to  date (we documented an excel file in Dec 07, which doesn't have the  latest "other" species).
Mary was telling us that the "other" species need to be  partitioned to real species so we can give them concentrations.  We should just assign them in proportion to the measured species.  It's not a lot  of
How to assign concentrations when we have no data is a bigger  problem.
x Ruth

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Byung Bae Park" <>
Date: February 10, 2009 9:26:46 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Re: litterfall chem and m! asses

For Huntington paper, you'd better begin revising it if you have  time.
If you leave something for me, I can take them as soon as possible. I am under a few urgent reports everyday! It's not my time, which I can manage. Nowadays, I think national research institutes are not good for researchers. They have money, but no time! This is one of reason to
move to academic area!
 "Mary asked if you understood her correction for the mass for the missing summer 1994 (to be added to fall 1993).  Her spreadsheet  ("93 mass by line.xls") has 5.5% added to all sites.  This mass has to  be partitioned to species before we can use species concentrations  to get
the total flux.  She sent us a new version of this spreadsheet,  with a correction to o! ne of the labels (about dates)."
 In above para graph, I don't understand "This mass has to be partitioned to species before we can use species concentrations  to get the total flux.".
My understanding for this sentence is we need contents after changing mass. If so, please send excel file for figure 3 in version28. It's easy way! How about using weighted-concentrations for concentrations for others? If my understanding is not correct, please let me know.
BB (Byung Bae) Park, Ph.D.

Korea Forest Research Institute
Division of Forest Conservation
207, Cheongyangni 2-dong
Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-712
South Korea

Tel: +82 2 961 2645
Fax: +82 2 961 2649
Mobile: +82 10 3649 3389
Email: or